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Created July 13, 2012 19:37
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reST simple table formatter
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Time-stamp: <2012-07-13 21:35:19 ycopin>
# Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
Table examples
A simple table example:
>>> rows = [["Calvin","boy",6],
... ["Hobbes","tiger", None],
... ["Slimy girls"],
... ["Susie","girl",6]]
>>> fmt = ['%6s', '%5s', '%2d']
>>> hdr=["Name", "Type", "Age"]
>>> print rst_table(rows, fmt, header=hdr)
====== ===== ===
Name Type Age
====== ===== ===
Calvin boy 6
Hobbes tiger -
Slimy girls
Susie girl 6
====== ===== ===
A more complex table, with multiple header lines, multi-columns, and
clean syntax (i.e. ready for conversion but not optimized for plain
ASCII output):
>>> rows = [["Calvin","boy",6],
... ["Hobbes","tiger", None],
... [["","Good match"]],
... ["Susie","girl",6]]
>>> fmt = ['%6s', '%5s', '%3d']
>>> hdr=[["Name", "Type", "Age"],[["","Guessed"]]]
>>> tbl = Table(rows, fmt, header=hdr)
>>> tbl.construct(ascii=False)
>>> print tbl
====== ===== ===
Name Type Age
.. Guessed
====== ==========
Calvin boy 6
Hobbes tiger \-
.. Good match
------ ----------
Susie girl 6
====== ===== ===
__author__ = "Yannick Copin <>"
__version__ = "Fri Jul 13 21:30:52 2012"
import numpy as N
import matplotlib.pyplot as P
import re
class Table(object):
def __init__(self, rows, fmt, header=None):
"""See :func:`rst_table`."""
self.rows = rows # Data rows
self.fmt = fmt # Format
self.ncols = len(self.fmt)
self.nrows = len(self.rows)
if header is not None:
if all(isinstance(cell, basestring) for cell in header):
# Simple header: [ "h1", "h2", ... ]
self.header = [header]
# Multi-row header [ ["h1","h2",...], [...]]
self.header = header
self.header = []
self.totwidth = sum(self.widths) + 2*(len(self.widths)-1) # Total width
self.construct() # Construct self.lines
def __str__(self):
return '\n'.join(self.lines)
def set_widths(self):
"""Compute column :attr:`widths` from :attr:`format`,
increased to hold :attr:`header` labels in any."""
self.widths = [ int('\d+',f).group()) for f in self.fmt ]
if len(self.header)==1 and len(self.header[0])==self.ncols:
# For plain simple header, increase width to header width
self.widths = [ max(w,len(str(c)))
for w,c in zip(self.widths,self.header[0]) ]
def separator(self, c='=', widths=None):
"""Compute separator string, made up of characters *c*."""
return ' '.join( c*w for w in (widths
if widths is not None
else self.widths) )
def construct(self, ascii=True):
"""Construct the table, i.e. list of :attr:`lines`.
:param ascii: optimized for plain ASCII output.
noneChar = "-" if ascii else "\-"
sep = self.separator('=') # Build main separator
# Build table line by line
self.lines = [sep] # 1st separator
for row in self.header: # Header lines
if len(row)==1:
self.lines.extend(self.multicols(row[0], ascii=ascii))
lastRowIsMultiCol = True
' '.join( '%*s' % (w,str(c))
for w,c in zip(self.widths,row) ))
lastRowIsMultiCol = False
if self.header: # Add header separator
if lastRowIsMultiCol:
self.lines[-1] = self.lines[-1].replace('-','=')
for row in self.rows: # Body lines
if len(row)==1: # Multi-column lines
self.lines.extend(self.multicols(row[0], ascii=ascii))
# Embed formatted value in string of known length
cells = [ '%*s' % (w,f % c if c is not None else noneChar)
for w,f,c in zip(self.widths,self.fmt,row) ]
self.lines.append(' '.join(cells))
self.lines.append(sep) # Last separator
def multicols(self, cells, ascii=True):
"""Generate complex multi-column lines to be inserted in
:param cells: list of strings, of length <= ncols.
:param ascii: optimized for plain ASCII output.
If a cell (an element of *cells*) is the empty string, it is
merged to the previous cell.
emptyCell = '' if ascii else '..'
if isinstance(cells, basestring): # Cells is actually a single string
cells = [cells]
assert 0<len(cells)<=self.ncols, \
"Multicol cells incompatible with format."
if len(cells) < self.ncols:
mc = [] # Merged cell content
mw = [] # Merged cell width
for cell,width in zip(cells,self.widths):
if cell!='': # New (merged) cell
elif mc: # Merge with previous cell
mw[-1] += width + 2 # Increasing total width
else: # Create the 1st (merged) cell
mc.append(emptyCell) # 1st cell has to be non-empty
lines = [' '.join( '%-*s' % (w,str(c)) for w,c in zip(mw,mc) ),
self.separator('-', widths=mw)]
if any( len(c)>w for c,w in zip(mc,mw) ):
import warnings
Table is not wide enough to accomodate requested multicols:
%s""" % '\n'.join(lines))
return lines
def insert_rows(self, rows, i=1):
"""Insert list of *rows* starting line *i*. The default i=1
insert the rows right after the 1st line."""
if i<0: # Allow for negative index
i = len(self.lines) + i
for row in rows[::-1]: # Insert in reverted order to keep index constant
self.lines.insert(i, row)
def rst_table(rows, fmt, header=None):
"""reST simple table formatter.
Each row of list rows (of length *nrows*) is a list of cell
values, to be formatted by *fmt*, a list of formats (of length
*ncols*). Header can be set to a list of column *header*.
:param rows: input rows
:type rows: list of *nrows* lists of 1 or *ncols* elements
:param fmt: input format
:type fmt: list of *ncols* format strings
:param header: column header
:type header: list of *ncols* header strings
:return: formatted reST table string
.. Note:: Input format strings have to include an explicit size,
e.g. '%2d'.
A row with a single cell is considered as a full-table row (if
cell is a string), or a multi-column syntax (if cell is a list).
.. Note:: This function is just a wrapper to
`str(Table(rows, fmt, header=header))`
>>> rows = [["Calvin","boy",6],
... ["Hobbes","tiger", None],
... ["Slimy girls"],
... ["Susie","girl",6]]
>>> fmt = ['%6s', '%5s', '%2d']
>>> hdr=["Name", "Type", "Age"]
>>> print rst_table(rows, fmt, header=hdr)
====== ===== ===
Name Type Age
====== ===== ===
Calvin boy 6
Hobbes tiger -
Slimy girl
Susie girl 6
====== ===== ===
return str(Table(rows, fmt, header=header))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "\nSimple table:\n"
rows = [["Calvin","boy",6],
["Hobbes","tiger", None],
["Slimy girls"],
fmt = ['%6s', '%5s', '%2d']
hdr=["Name", "Type", "Age"]
print rst_table(rows, fmt, header=hdr)
print "\nMore complex table:\n"
rows = [["Calvin","boy",6],
["Hobbes","tiger", None],
[["","Good match"]],
fmt = ['%6s', '%5s', '%3d']
hdr=[["Name", "Type", "Age"],[["","Guessed"]]]
tbl = Table(rows, fmt, header=hdr)
print tbl
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