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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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DownloadEssay(filename, today, israndom, templatepath, filepath, url)
URLDownloadToFile, %url%, mobile
FileRead, html, *P65001 mobile ;*P65001:utf-8编码 *P936 gb2312编码
RegExMatch(html, "(?<=<title>)(.*)(?=</title>)", _htmltitle)
RegExMatch(html, "(?<=div\sclass=""container"">)(.*)(?=<div class=""nav"")",_essay)
StringReplace, _essay, _essay, %A_Tab%, , A
StringReplace, _essay, _essay, `r, , A
StringReplace, _essay, _essay, `n, , A
FileDelete, mobile
FileRead, template, *P65001 %templatepath%\book.tplt
Nowtime = %today% %A_Hour%:%A_Min%
StringReplace, template, template, #title#, %_htmltitle%, A
if israndom ;随机文章处理
StringReplace, template, template, #thesign#, 随机文章%filename%, A
StringReplace, template, template, #content#, %_essay%, A
StringReplace, template, template, #thetime#, %NowTime%, A
FileAppend, %template%, temp, UTF-8
FileMove, temp, %filepath%\%filename%.html, 1
StringReplace, template, template, #thesign#, %today%, A
StringReplace, template, template, #content#, %_essay%, A
StringReplace, template, template, #thetime#, %NowTime%, A
FileAppend, %template%, temp, UTF-8
FileMove, temp, %filepath%\%filename%.html, 1
MsgBox, 4, 是否打开下载文件, 今日文章下载完毕,是否打开该文章`r`n点击是打开,否取消
IfMsgBox Yes
Run, %filepath%\%filename%.html
else return
#Include DownloadEssay.ahk
ifNotExist DownloadPath
FileCreateDir , %DownloadPath%
FileCopyDir, %TemplatePath%\css, %DownloadPath%\css
ifNotExist RandomEssayPath
FileCreateDir , %RandomEssayPath%
FileCopyDir, %TemplatePath%\css, %RandomEssayPath%\css
Gui, Add, Button, x40 y40 w150 h20 gDownRandom, 采集随机文章20篇
Gui, Add, Button, x220 y40 w100 h20 gDownToday, 采集今日文章
Gui, Add, Text, x40 y100 w300 h45, 注意:采集随机文章可能会采集到相同重复的内容`r`n联系作者:QQ:837454876 AHK交流群号:12732288
; Generated using SmartGUI Creator for SciTE
Gui, Show, w350 h150, 每日一文采集器
aDay := A_YYYY A_MM A_DD
ToDay = %A_YYYY%-%A_MM%-%A_DD%
IfExist, %DownloadPath%\%aDay%.html
TrayTip, 每日一文, %aDay%文章已存在, 5, 1
MsgBox, 4, 是否重新下载, 每日一文 %aDay% 文章已存在`r`n是否重新下载,点击是重新下载,否取消下载
IfMsgBox Yes
DownloadEssay(aDay, ToDay, 0, TemplatePath, DownloadPath, IndexURL)
else return
else DownloadEssay(aDay, ToDay, 0, TemplatePath, DownloadPath, IndexURL)
TrayTip, 请耐心等待, 正在采集随机文章, 10, 1
loop , 20
RandomFileName := A_Now
ToDay = %A_YYYY%-%A_MM%-%A_DD%
DownloadEssay(RandomFileName, ToDay, 1, TemplatePath, RandomEssayPath, RandomURL)
Sleep, 1500
MsgBox, 20篇随机文章下载完毕,打开%RandomEssayPath%即可看到
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