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class Attributes
date year, month, day
time hour, minute, second, microsecond, tzinfo
datetime year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, tzinfo
mode read write create truncate cursor position
r * start
w * * * start
a * * end
r+ * * start
w+ * * * * start
a+ * * * end
x * start
method/keyword parameters uses
open() filename and open mode (optional) create a file object by opening/creating the file in the specified read/write mode
with - use it together with open(); closes the file after the suite completes
read() size (optional) read the file up to the size specified if set
readline() size (optional) read a single line with a size limit if set
readlines() size (optional) create a list of the read lines with an optional size hint
for loop - iterate the lines of the file
write() the string write the string to the file that is opened with a certain writeable mode
writelines() the list of strings write the list of strings to the file that is opened with a certain writeable mode
close() - close the opened file
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 10 should actually have 6 columns, instead of 5. in line 9.
Number, Experiment, Array_Time, Set_Time, t_value, p_value
1, "Initialization Without Elements", 7.540121674537659, 7.916748523712158, -3.457562191664637, 0.003846372791488026
2,"Initialization With Elements", 8.958488702774048, 24.988874793052673, -49.77387985600688, 3.71485625191658e-17
3,"Iterate Elements", 337.66061067581177, 44.00688409805298, 21.476253166244224, 4.086700260362606e-12
4,"Count Elements", 8.78673791885376, 8.702144026756287, 0.5112195802639851, 0.6171643091164576
5,"Check If Empty", 9.673908352851868, 9.035870432853699, 3.3699231118055515, 0.004578823247822731
6,"Check If Element Exists (When True)", 44.153839349746704, 9.419366717338562, 17.398721378711933, 7.04543940804122e-11
7,"Check If Element Exists (When False)", 357.1058511734009, 9.227603673934937, 44.28782375256025, 1.8869990362188217e-16
8,"Find Element Index (When Found)", 38.447365164756775, 9.576007723808289, 38.59760754000621, 1.2750267004908994e-15
9,"Find Element Index (When nil)", 276.5122652053833, 9.49104130268097, 75.
var comparisonRecords = [(String, Int, Double, Double)]()
let trials = 10
func compareOperations(name: String, repeats: Int, arrayOperation: ()->(), setOperation: ()->()) {
for trial in 1...trials {
let arrayStartTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
for _ in 1...repeats {
let arrayTimeInterval = (CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - arrayStartTime)*1000
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind
with open('array_set.txt', 'r') as file:
data_text =
splitted = data_text.strip('[(').strip(')]').strip(')]\n').split('), (')
data_list = []
for record in splitted:
compareOperations(name: "Initialization Without Elements", repeats: 10000, arrayOperation: {
let _ : [Int] = []
}) {
let _ : Set<Int> = []
compareOperations(name: "Initialization With Elements", repeats: 10000, arrayOperation: {
let _ : [Int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
}) {
let _ : Set<Int> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
Element Type Element Number count == 0 isEmpty
Int 0 92.98 78.63
Int 1 76.66 79.90
Int 10 76.92 78.67
Int 100 76.04 77.78
Int 1000 74.46 78.05
Int 10000 78.50 79.11
Int 100000 75.58 78.18
Int 1000000 75.15 77.57
Int 10000000 76.12 79.11
import UIKit
var records = [(String, Double, Double)]()
func compareOperations(name: String, repeats: Int, operations: [()->()]) {
var record = (name, 0.0, 0.0)
for (index, opertion) in operations.enumerated() {
let startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
for _ in 1...repeats {