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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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(defn word-span [idx word] ; function that will render the correct color based on the idx
(d/span #js {:style #js {:color "red"}} word))
(defn text-spans [text]
(let [tokens (map (partial apply str)
(partition-by #{\space \tab \newline} text))]
(loop [tokens tokens
idx 0
spans '()]
(empty? tokens) (reverse spans)
(re-matches #"\s" (first tokens))
(recur (rest tokens)
(conj spans (d/span nil (first tokens))))
:else (recur (rest tokens)
(inc idx)
(conj spans (word-span idx (first tokens))))))))
(defn analysis-view [data owner]
(render [this]
(apply d/div nil
(text-spans (get-in data [:text]))))))
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