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yemster / adequate-template-engine.js
Last active January 28, 2021 21:17
Adequate template engine - Minimalist but entirely more than adequate Js templating engine
* Usage:
* engine = Adqt.TemplateEngine
* template = 'My name is <% %>'
* hash = { name: 'Yemi' }
* compiled = engine.compile(template) // => "var r=[]; r.push("My name is "); r.push( ); return r.join("");"
* engine.render(compiled, hash) // => My name is Yemi
* engine.render(compiled, { name: 'Mike' }) // => My name is Mike
yemster / installing-imagemagick-ec2
Last active November 3, 2020 19:19
Installing or updating ImageMagick on EC2 Linux AMI
# ******************
# *** FYI :: This turned out to be the missing link in the process *****
# Install the devel packages for png, jpg, tiff. these are dependencies of ImageMagick
# Time taken: ~ 3secs
# ******************
sudo yum -y install libpng-devel libjpeg-devel libtiff-devel
# ******************
# Download and Install Imagemagick
yemster / fb-open-graph.liquid
Last active August 24, 2020 16:02 — forked from chrisjhoughton/fb-open-graph.liquid
Facebook Open Graph meta tags for Shopify. Add this as a snippet called "fb-open-graph.liquid" in your theme, and then add `{% render 'fb-open-graph' %}` to your `theme.liquid` file.
{% if template contains 'product' %}
<meta property="og:type" content="product">
<meta property="og:title" content="{{ product.title | strip_html | escape }}">
<meta property="og:category" content="{{ product.type }}" />
{% for image in product.images limit:3 %}
<meta property="og:image" content="http:{{ image.src | product_img_url: 'master' }}">
<meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="https:{{ image.src | product_img_url: 'master' }}">
{% endfor %}
<meta property="og:price:amount" content="{{ product.price | money_without_currency | stip_html | escape | remove: ',' }}">
<meta property="og:price:currency" content="{{ shop.currency }}">
yemster /
Created August 19, 2019 10:34 — forked from nguyendangminh/
AWS EBS snapshotter
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Shameless copy from qwiklab
import boto.ec2, os, datetime
MAX_SNAPSHOTS = 2 # Number of snapshots to keep
# Connect to EC2 in this region
region = os.environ.get('EC2_REGION')
connection = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Google Fonts Preview</title>
#preview {
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
width: 80%;
yemster / random-string.js
Last active June 26, 2019 15:46
Random string generator in Javascript / nonce generator
Generate a random string of a given length.
length: *required* - length of string to generate
kind: *optional* - character set or sets to use for string generation (default: 'aA#')
Available options
'a' => for lowercase alphabets [a-z]
'A' => for uppercase alphabets [A-Z]
'#' => numbers [0-9]
'!' => special character as defined
yemster /
Created October 7, 2017 20:14 — forked from spaze/
Opera VPN behind the curtains is just a proxy, here's how it works

When setting up (that's immediately when user enables it in settings) Opera VPN sends few API requests to to obtain credentials and proxy IPs, see below, also see The Oprah Proxy.

The browser then talks to a proxy (when VPN location is set to Germany), it's IP address can only be resolved from within Opera when VPN is on, it's (or similar, see below). It's an HTTP/S proxy which requires auth.

When loading a page with Opera VPN enabled, the browser sends a lot of requests to with Proxy-Authorization request header.

The Proxy-Authorization header decoded: CC68FE24C34B5B2414FB1DC116342EADA7D5C46B:9B9BE3FAE674A33D1820315F4CC94372926C8210B6AEC0B662EC7CAD611D86A3 (that's sha1(device_id):device_password, where device_id and device_password come from the POST /v2/register_device API call, please note that this decoded header is from another Opera installation and thus contains

yemster / module-boilerplate.js
Created October 5, 2017 15:52
Snippet / boilerplate or starting new modules / library closures. --// Parked here until I find a better home for it
MyModule = MyModule || {}
MyModule.Foo = (function() {
// declare private methods
var _myPrivateMethod = function() {
console.log('\t >>>>> I am a private method call <<<<<<')
// expose public methods
return {
myPublicMethod: function(someArgs) {
yemster / svg-ico-sprite-mixin.scss
Created March 1, 2017 09:39
Automate SVG Sprite Background Image Variations with a SCSS Mixin
Automate SVG Sprite Background Image Variations with a SCSS Mixin
- see video:
• This utilises a sass mixing to generate the necessary code for the icons within the sprite
$ico-width-default: 3em;
$ico-width-small: 2em;
$icons: plug, star, umbrella;