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Created July 25, 2012 19:28
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Site wide strings for localization
; Note: any line starting with ; is a comment!
; This file contains Roadkill site-wide localization strings.
Navigation_LoggedInAs=Logged in as
Navigation_MainPage=Main Page
Navigation_All pages=All pages
Navigation_NewPage=New page
Navigation_SiteSettings=Site settings
Navigation_ViewHistory=View History
Login_ForgottenPassword=Forgotten your password?
NoMainPage_Title=You have no mainpage set
NoMainPage_Label=To set a main page, create a page and assign the tag 'homepage' to it.
Search_PlaceHolder=Enter text to search
Search_Results=Search results for '{0}'
Search_NoResults=Your search '{0}' did not match any pages
Page_AllTags=All Tags
Page_AllPages=All Pages
Page_AddEditPage=Add/edit page
CreatePage_AdminOnly=This page can only be edited by administrators.
CreatePage_RequiredField=This field is required.
CreatePage_ChooseFile=Choose a file
CreatePage_UploadFile=Upload a file
CreatePage_NewDirectory=New directory
CreatePage_Link.PlaceHolder=enter url or page name|Link text
; Site settings config
SiteSettings_Configuration_SiteName=Site name
SiteSettings_Configuration_SiteUrl=Site url
SiteSettings_Configuration_ConnectionStrings=Connection strings
SiteSettings_Configuration_DatabaseType=Database type
SiteSettings_Configuration_DatabaseConnectionString=Database connection string
SiteSettings_Configuration_UseWindowsAuth=Use Windows Authentication
SiteSettings_Configuration_AllowUserSignups=Allow user signups
SiteSettings_Configuration_EnableRecaptcha=Enable recaptcha
SiteSettings_Configuration_RecaptchaPrivateKey=Recaptcha private key
SiteSettings_Configuration_RecaptchaPublicKey=Recaptcha public key
SiteSettings_Configuration_AD_Connection=Authentication/LDAP connection string:
SiteSettings_Configuration_AD_Username=LDAP username:
SiteSettings_Configuration_AD_Password=LDAP password:
SiteSettings_Configuration_EditorRole=Editor role/security group name
SiteSettings_Configuration_AdminRole=Admin role/security group name
SiteSettings_Configuration_MarkupType=Markup type
SiteSettings_Configuration_Attachments=Attachments folder
SiteSettings_Configuration_Extensions=Allowed extensions
SiteSettings_Configuration_CachePageText=Cache page text
; TODO: help labels for configuration
SiteSettings_Configuration_SiteName_Help=The name of the site, which is used in certain themes.
SiteSettings_Configuration_SiteUrl_Help=The url of the site, which is used in signup and reset password emails. Do not include the trailing slash.
SiteSettings_Configuration_ConnectionStrings_Help=Changes your database type - you will need to recreate the schema in the tools for this to work correctly.
SiteSettings_Configuration_DatabaseType_Help=Changes your database type - you will need to recreate the schema in the tools for this to work correctly.
SiteSettings_Configuration_DatabaseConnectionString_Help=The database connection string.
SiteSettings_Configuration_UseWindowsAuth_Help=<b>WARNING</b> changing this may lock you out of the site. Make a backup of your web.config first before saving.<br/><br/> Sets whether to use Windows Authentication and Active Directory for authentication.
SiteSettings_Configuration_AllowUserSignups_Help=Check this option if you want to allow people to signup as a new users.
SiteSettings_Configuration_EnableRecaptcha_Help=Enable Recaptcha support - a free anti-spam bot service. You will need to signup and copy your public and private key into the fields below.
SiteSettings_Configuration_RecaptchaPrivateKey_Help=The private key for Recaptcha, which is provided when you signup with recaptcha.
SiteSettings_Configuration_RecaptchaPublicKey_Help=The public key for Recaptcha, which is provided when you signup with recaptcha.
SiteSettings_Configuration_AD_Connection=The LDAP connection string for the Active Directory connection.This should be in the format LDAP:// (it should be uppercase LDAP).
SiteSettings_Configuration_AD_Username=The username to authenticate against the Active Directory with. Leave blank if the app pool is running under a user with this permission.
SiteSettings_Configuration_AD_Password=The password to use for authentication.
SiteSettings_Configuration_EditorRole_Help=This is the name of the editor role - people who can edit and create pages.
SiteSettings_Configuration_AdminRole_Help=<b>WARNING</b> changing this may lock you out of the site. Make a backup of your web.config first before saving. <br/><br/>This is the name of the admin role. Admins have the same rights as editors, but also have access to configuration settings and tools for the site.
SiteSettings_Configuration_MarkupType_Help=This is the markup format that is used. Roadkill currently supports the following values: Creole, Markdown, Mediawiki.
SiteSettings_Configuration_Theme_Help=This is the theme that the site uses. This should match a folder name in the Themes directory.
SiteSettings_Configuration_Attachments_Help=This is the directory where all files are uploaded to. This setting should start with ~/ to indicate the site root folder.
SiteSettings_Configuration_Extensions_Help=These are the file extensions that can be uploaded, comma separated.
SiteSettings_Configuration_Caching_Help=Enable NHibernate caching. Roadkill uses NHibernate caching along with ASP.NET's output caching. It's recommended that you enable caching to increase the responsiveness of the site. Database caching is not currently supported for for web gardens or web farms.
SiteSettings_Configuration_CachePageText_Help=Cache text content. Unchecking this will mean each page's textual content is loaded from the database each time.
; Site Settings users
SiteSettings_NewAdmin=New admin user
SiteSettings_NewEditor=New editor user
SiteSettings_PasswordConfirm_Title=Password (confirm)
SiteSettings_AddAdminDialog_Title=Add admin
SiteSettings_AddEditorDialog_Title=Add editor
SiteSettings_AddUserDialog_Help=For existing users, leave the password fields blank to change just the username.
SiteSettings_AddUserDialog_Error=Unable to save the user details
; Used for missing fields, e.g. "The username field is required"
SiteSettings_AddUserDialog_RequiredField=is required
; Site Settings tools
SiteSettings_Tools_ClearDatabase=Clear the database
SiteSettings_Tools_ClearDatabase.Label=Clears all pages and text from the database. This does not remove any users.
SiteSettings_Tools_RebuildSearch=Rebuild search index
SiteSettings_Tools_RebuildSearch.Label=Forces a re-build of the page search index, useful if the search begins to get out of sync for any reason.
SiteSettings_Tools_ExportXml=Export to XML
SiteSettings_Tools_ExportXml.Label=Exports all page text content and all history as a single XML file.
SiteSettings_Tools_ExportContent=Export all content as a zip
SiteSettings_Tools_ExportContent.Label=Exports all pages, including text content as a series of ".wiki" files. Only the current content and tags are included, no history is provided. This zip file does not include the attachments folder.
SiteSettings_Tools_ExportAttachments=Export attachments as a zip
SiteSettings_Tools_ExportAttachments.Label=Exports all the contents of attachments folder and subfolders as a zip file.
SiteSettings_Tools_ScrewTurnImport=Import from screwturn
SiteSettings_Tools_ScrewTurnImport.Label=Imports all content from a Screwturn 2 database. You will need to set the markuptype to MediaWiki in the settings/web.config file for the format to be compatible. As screwturn uses as variation on the mediawiki syntax, some content will not render perfectly. This includes some images and links.
SiteSettings_Tools_ScrewTurnImport.Connection=Screwturn connection string:
SiteSettings_Tools_RenameTag=Rename a tag
SiteSettings_Tools_RenameTag.Label=This will rename a tag, and update all pages that reference the tag to use the new tagname. The tagname is case sensitive.
SiteSettings_Tools_RenameTag.Existing=Existing tag
SiteSettings_Tools_RenameTag.New=New tag name
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