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Created October 17, 2024 15:55
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PHP + GD, create a magic eye image
// Merge Image to Pattern to create Autostereogram
// AKA Magic Eye Maker
// Ensure GD library is enabled in your PHP installation
// + ChatGPT authoring
// your directory with an image sequence - name files however you want, just make them sequential
$directory_name = "Depths/Depth-8-512";
$directory = preg_grep("/^([^.])/", scandir($directory_name));
// if your process times out, you can slice up your array into smaller chunks to process
// $directory = array_slice($directory, 462);
function makeMagicEye($directory_name, $source)
// Load the depth map and pattern images
$depthMap = imagecreatefrompng($directory_name . "/" . $source); // Load depth map
// what pattern PNG do you want to use. Keep it smallish (500x500 max) so it can tile
$pattern_filename = "name-of-tile.png";
$pattern = imagecreatefrompng($pattern_filename); // Load pattern
// Get dimensions of the depth map and pattern images
$depthWidth = imagesx($depthMap);
$depthHeight = imagesy($depthMap);
$patternWidth = imagesx($pattern);
$patternHeight = imagesy($pattern);
// Create an output image with the same size as the depth map
$outputImage = imagecreatetruecolor($depthWidth, $depthHeight);
// Loop through every pixel of the depth map
for ($y = 0; $y < $depthHeight; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x < $depthWidth; $x++) {
// Get the color value from the depth map
$depthColor = imagecolorat($depthMap, $x, $y);
// Extract red, green, and blue components (should be equal if grayscale)
$r = ($depthColor >> 16) & 0xff;
$g = ($depthColor >> 8) & 0xff;
$b = $depthColor & 0xff;
// Calculate the grayscale value accurately (could use averaging or other formulas)
$gray = (int) (($r + $g + $b) / 3); // Average the RGB values to get grayscale
// Calculate the horizontal shift (depth) based on the grayscale value
// We can use the grayscale value more precisely to map the depth
$shift = (int) (($gray / 255.0) * 30); // Depth mapping factor (20 can be adjusted)
// Wrap the pattern image horizontally using modulo
$patternX = ($x + $shift) % $patternWidth;
$patternY = $y % $patternHeight;
// Get the color from the pattern
$patternColor = imagecolorat($pattern, $patternX, $patternY);
// Set the corresponding pixel in the output image
imagesetpixel($outputImage, $x, $y, $patternColor);
// Output the final autostereogram image
header("Content-Type: image/png");
if (!is_dir($directory_name . "/output")) {
mkdir($directory_name . "/output");
// $im = imagecreatefrompng(
// $directory_name . "/output/" . $source,
// $outputImage
// );
imagepng($outputImage, $directory_name . "/output/" . $source);
// Clean up memory
foreach ($directory as $file) {
if (!is_dir($directory_name . "/" . $file)) {
makeMagicEye($directory_name, $file);
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