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Last active December 4, 2019 05:19
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A simple static file server written in Julia. Listens on localhost port 8000. Doesn't serve files outside current working directory (unless symlinked). Doesn't print directory listings.
Author: Yotam Gingold <yotam (strudel)>
License: Public Domain [CC0](
Description: A simple static file server written in Julia. Listens on localhost port 8000. Doesn't serve files outside current working directory (unless symlinked). Doesn't print directory listings. Runs on Julia 1.3.
using HTTP
using Base.Filesystem
splitpath( path::String ) -> Array{String}
Splits a path into an array of its path components. The inverse of `joinpath()`.
Calling `joinpath( splitpath( path )... )` should produce `path`
(possible with the trailing slash removed).
julia> splitpath("a/b/c")
("a", "b", "c")
julia> splitpath("/a/b/c")
("/", "a", "b", "c")
function splitpath( path::String )
result = String[]
while path != ""
path, last = splitdir( path )
## If path consists of only the path separator, which could happen
## when referring to the filesystem root, then last will be empty
## and path will be unchanged.
## If this is the case, swap them so that we push the root path
## marker and then the while loop will terminate.
if last == ""
path, last = last, path
push!( result, last )
reverse!( result )
return result
## Listen on localhost port 8000
HTTP.serve( "", 8000 ) do req::HTTP.Request
## If it's not a path inside the jail (current working directory), return a 403.
jail = realpath( pwd() )
# println( "Jail path: ", jail )
## Convert the request path to a real path (remove symlinks, remove . and ..)
## UPDATE: realpath() assumes that the input points to something that exists.
## We can't use it, since we don't know if the requested path exists.
## We'll use normpath() instead.
## Requests start with "/" referring to the server as the root.
@assert length( > 0 &&[1] == '/'
## Drop the leading "/".
request_path = normpath([2:end] )
## Convert it to a relative path.
relative_path = relpath( request_path, jail )
println( "Requested path: ", request_path )
## Return forbidden if the request is above the current working directory.
if length( relative_path ) > 0 && splitpath( relative_path )[1] == ".."
@show return HTTP.Response( 403 )
## Return not implemented if the request is for a directory.
## TODO: If it's a directory, return a file listing.
elseif isdir( relative_path )
## Is there an index.html?
index = joinpath( relative_path, "index.html" )
if isfile( index )
HTTP.Response( 200, body = read( index ) )
@show return HTTP.Response( 501 )
## Return the contents for a file.
elseif isfile( relative_path )
return HTTP.Response( 200, body = read( relative_path ) )
@show return HTTP.Response( 404 )
## If it's not a file, return a 404.
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