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Created March 9, 2019 13:06
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ECDSA by Golang
package main
import (
mrand "math/rand"
var (
ZERO = big.NewInt(0)
ONE = big.NewInt(1)
TWO = big.NewInt(2)
THREE = big.NewInt(3)
O = Point{ZERO, ONE, true}
type Point struct {
x *big.Int
y *big.Int
isUnit bool
type EllipticCurve struct {
A *big.Int
B *big.Int
modulus *big.Int
func (p Point) Xy() (*big.Int, *big.Int){
return p.x, p.y
func make_divlist(n *big.Int) []int {
div := []int{}
for ; n.Cmp(ONE) != 0; {
t := 0
if r := new(big.Int).Mod(n, TWO); r.Cmp(ONE) == 0 {
n.Sub(n, ONE)
div = append(div, 0)
for ;; {
if r := new(big.Int).Mod(n, TWO); r.Cmp(ONE) == 0 {
n.Div(n, TWO)
t = t + 1
div = append(div, t)
return div
func Str2Int(str string, base int) *big.Int {
n, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(str, base)
if !ok {
return n
func bool2int(b bool) int {
if b {
return 1
} else {
return 0
func Point2Str(p Point) string {
str := fmt.Sprintf("(%d, %d; %d)", p.x, p.y, bool2int(!p.isUnit))
return str
func add(a, b, modulus *big.Int) *big.Int {
r := new(big.Int).Add(a, b)
r.Mod(r, modulus)
return r
func mul(a, b, modulus *big.Int) *big.Int {
r := new(big.Int).Mul(a, b)
r.Mod(r, modulus)
return r
func sub(a, b, modulus *big.Int) *big.Int {
r := new(big.Int).Sub(a, b)
r.Mod(r, modulus)
return r
func expMod(a, b, modulus *big.Int) *big.Int {
r := new(big.Int).Exp(a, b, modulus)
return r
func invmod(a, n *big.Int) *big.Int {
r := new(big.Int).ModInverse(a, n)
return r
func (ec EllipticCurve) PrintCurve() {
fmt.Printf("[+] EC: y^2 = x^3 + %dx + %d OVER Zmod(%d)\n",
ec.A, ec.B, ec.modulus)
func (ec EllipticCurve) IsExist(P Point) bool {
l := expMod(P.y, TWO, ec.modulus)
r1 := expMod(P.x, THREE, ec.modulus)
r2 := mul(ec.A, P.x, ec.modulus)
r := add(add(r1, r2, ec.modulus), ec.B, ec.modulus)
return l.Cmp(r) == 0
func cmpPoint(P, Q Point) bool {
return (P.x.Cmp(Q.x) == 0) && (P.y.Cmp(Q.y) == 0)
func (ec EllipticCurve) PointAdd(P, Q Point) Point {
if cmpPoint(P, Q) {
return ec.PointDoubling(P)
if P.x.Cmp(Q.x) == 0 {
return O
if P.isUnit {
return Q
if Q.isUnit {
return P
lmd := mul(sub(Q.y, P.y, ec.modulus),
invmod(sub(Q.x, P.x, ec.modulus), ec.modulus), ec.modulus)
x3 := sub(sub(expMod(lmd, TWO, ec.modulus), P.x, ec.modulus), Q.x, ec.modulus)
y3 := sub(mul(lmd, sub(P.x, x3, ec.modulus), ec.modulus), P.y, ec.modulus)
return Point{x3, y3, false}
func (ec EllipticCurve) PointDoubling(P Point) Point {
if P.y.Cmp(ZERO) == 0 {
return O
lmd := mul(add(mul(
THREE, expMod(P.x, TWO, ec.modulus), ec.modulus),
ec.A, ec.modulus),
invmod(mul(TWO, P.y, ec.modulus), ec.modulus), ec.modulus)
x3 := sub(sub(expMod(lmd, TWO, ec.modulus), P.x, ec.modulus), P.x, ec.modulus)
y3 := sub(mul(lmd, sub(P.x, x3, ec.modulus), ec.modulus), P.y, ec.modulus)
return Point{x3, y3, false}
func (ec EllipticCurve) Point_xP(x *big.Int, p Point) Point {
base_p := Point{p.x, p.y, p.isUnit}
n := new(big.Int).SetBytes(x.Bytes()) // Not to change 'x' (address) value
div := make_divlist(n)
for idx := len(div)-1; idx >= 0; idx-- {
if div[idx] == 0 {
p = ec.PointAdd(p, base_p)
} else {
for i := 0; i < div[idx]; i++ {
p = ec.PointDoubling(p)
return p
func (ec EllipticCurve) VerifySignature(r, s, e, n *big.Int, G, Q Point) bool {
w := invmod(s, n)
u1 := mul(e, w, n)
u2 := mul(r, w, n)
V := ec.PointAdd(ec.Point_xP(u1, G), ec.Point_xP(u2, Q))
//fmt.Println("[+] (x2, y2):", Point2Str(V))
return V.x.Cmp(r) == 0
func (ec EllipticCurve) Sign(e, d, n *big.Int, G Point) (*big.Int, *big.Int) {
k, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, n)
R := ec.Point_xP(k, G)
fmt.Println("[+] (x1, y1) = [k]G:", Point2Str(R))
r, _ := R.Xy()
s := mul(invmod(k, n), add(e, mul(r, d, n), n), n)
fmt.Printf("[+] Signature (r, s): (%d, %d)\n", r, s)
return r, s
func main() {
seed, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(math.MaxInt64))
a := Str2Int("1461501637330902918203684832716283019653785059324", 10)
b := Str2Int("163235791306168110546604919403271579530548345413", 10)
p := Str2Int("1461501637330902918203684832716283019653785059327", 10)
n := Str2Int("1461501637330902918203687197606826779884643492439", 10)
EC := EllipticCurve{a, b, p}
fmt.Printf("[+] Order n: %d\n", n)
gx := Str2Int("598833001378563909320556562387727035658124457364", 10)
gy := Str2Int("456273172676936625440583883939668862699127599796", 10)
G := Point{gx, gy, false}
fmt.Println("[+] Base Point G:", Point2Str(G))
e := big.NewInt(114514)
d, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, n)
Q := EC.Point_xP(d, G)
fmt.Println("[+] Q:", Point2Str(Q))
// Signature
r, s := EC.Sign(e, d, n, G)
// Verify
result := EC.VerifySignature(r, s, e, n, G, Q)
fmt.Println("[+] Result of Validation:", result)
/* Result
[+] EC: y^2 = x^3 + 1461501637330902918203684832716283019653785059324x + 163235791306168110546604919403271579530548345413 OVER Zmod(1461501637330902918203684832716283019653785059327)
[+] Order n: 1461501637330902918203687197606826779884643492439
[+] Base Point G: (598833001378563909320556562387727035658124457364, 456273172676936625440583883939668862699127599796; 1)
[+] Q: (1318554549494287053262111889551717941864435764704, 774913702255831683088947980115102387079046540064; 1)
[+] (x1, y1) = [k]G: (14720556083127095776185015913013094871320904184, 1309589383310116814904719221984241551042131580757; 1)
[+] Signature (r, s): (14720556083127095776185015913013094871320904184, 659541053434319655488085229293369617127403102972)
[+] Result of Validation: true
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