Last active
November 4, 2022 05:00
Save yne/4d10640be129bfa0022db21715998576 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
wget -O- | bash
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#!/bin/bash | |
set -x | |
until sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y upgrade ; do sleep 10; done | |
crontab -l | grep -q .wall || (echo '0 * * * * ID=$(curl -sL | shuf -n 1);for t in jpg png; do curl -sfL$ID.$t -o "$HOME/.wall"; done') | crontab - | |
# MS-EDGE | |
REPO_EDGE='' | |
LAST_EDGE=$(wget -qO- "$REPO_EDGE" | grep -o '[.a-z_0-9-]*.deb' | tail -n1) | |
wget -O /tmp/edge_amd64 "$REPO_EDGE/$LAST_EDGE" | |
# VSCode (will add itself to apt.list) | |
wget -O /tmp/code_amd64.deb '' | |
until sudo apt -y install /tmp/*_amd64.deb git vim curl htop tig tmux sshfs mpv inotify-tools exfat-fuse exfat-utils pulseaudio-module-bluetooth ; do sleep 10; done | |
until sudo apt -y autoremove ; do sleep 10; done | |
pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover | |
# setup git | |
git config --global yne | |
git config --global | |
git config --global init.defaultBranch master | |
# setup git PS1 | |
cat << 'EOF' >> "$HOME/.bash_aliases" | |
PS1='\[\e]2;\u@\h:\w$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")\a\]\$ ' | |
alias tiga='tig --all' | |
alias apt='sudo apt' | |
EOF | |
# Code is the new Document | |
mkdir "$HOME/Code" | |
cat << 'EOF' >> "$HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs" | |
EOF | |
cat << 'EOF' >> "$HOME/.config/autostart/NaturalScroll.desktop" | |
[Desktop Entry] | |
Type=Application | |
Name=synclient | |
Exec=synclient HorizScrollDelta=-45 VertScrollDelta=-45 HorizHysteresis=0 VertHysteresis=0 TapButton3=2 | |
OnlyShowIn=XFCE; | |
EOF | |
exit | |
cat << 'EOF' >> "$HOME/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc" | |
[Configuration] | |
ColorPalette=rgb(4,3,3);rgb(204,0,0);rgb(78,154,6);rgb(196,160,0);rgb(52,101,164);rgb(117,80,123);rgb(6,152,154);rgb(211,215,207);rgb(148,148,148);rgb(239,41,41);rgb(138,226,52);rgb(252,233,79);rgb(115,159,207);rgb(173,127,168);rgb(52,226,226);rgb(238,238,236) | |
FontName=Liberation Mono 10 | |
MiscAlwaysShowTabs=FALSE | |
MiscCursorBlinks=TRUE | |
MiscMenubarDefault=FALSE | |
MiscMouseAutohide=TRUE | |
MiscToolbarDefault=FALSE | |
MiscTabCloseButtons=FALSE | |
MiscUseShiftArrowsToScroll=TRUE | |
ScrollingUnlimited=TRUE | |
FontAllowBold=FALSE | |
BackgroundDarkness=0,760000 | |
ColorBackground=#444344434443 | |
ColorCursor=#0000aaa90000 | |
ShortcutsNoHelpkey=TRUE | |
ShortcutsNoMenukey=TRUE | |
EOF | |
#hide "config" menu from whisher (reload needed) | |
mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/share/desktop-directories" | |
cat << 'EOF' >> "$HOME/.local/share/desktop-directories/" | |
[Desktop Entry] | |
Version=1.0 | |
Type=Directory | |
Name=Settings | |
Comment=Desktop and system settings applications | |
Icon=preferences-desktop | |
NoDisplay=true | |
Categories=X-XFCE;X-Xfce-Toplevel; | |
StartupNotify=false | |
Terminal=false | |
EOF | |
CFG="$HOME/.config/xfce4/panel/whiskermenu-1.rc" | |
sed -i 's/\(button-icon=\)[-[:alnum:]]*/\1application-menu-symbolic/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(launcher-show-tooltip=\)[[:alnum:]]*/\1false/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(item-icon-size=\)[[:alnum:]]*/\10/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(hover-switch-category=\)[[:alnum:]]*/\1true/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(category-show-name=\)[[:alnum:]]*/\1false/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(load-hierarchy=\)[[:alnum:]]*/\1false/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(position-commands-alternate=\)[[:alnum:]]*/\1true/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(show-command-settings=\)[[:alnum:]]*/\1false/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(show-command-lockscreen=\)[[:alnum:]]*/\1false/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(menu-width=\)[[:alnum:]]*/\1220/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(menu-height=\)[[:alnum:]]*/\1400/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(menu-opacity=\)[[:alnum:]]*/\190/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(recent-items-max=\)[[:alnum:]]*/\10/' "$CFG" | |
cat << 'EOF' >> "$CFG" | |
[action5] | |
name=Calculate | |
pattern=^=(.*) | |
command=bash -c "notify-send -i accessories-calculator-symbolic $((\\1))" | |
regex=true | |
EOF | |
#^=(.*) bash -c "notify-send $((\1))" | |
clockid=$(xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -l | grep digital-format | sed 's/[^0-9]//g') | |
xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -p / -rR | |
xfparams=" | |
xsettings/Gtk/FontName=Liberation Sans 10 | |
xsettings/Net/ThemeName=Numix | |
xsettings/Xft/Antialias=1 | |
xsettings/Xft/Hinting=1 | |
xsettings/Xft/HintStyle=hintfull | |
thunar/last-view=ThunarDetailsView | |
thunar/last-statusbar-visible=false | |
thunar/last-side-pane=void | |
thunar/last-location-bar=void | |
thunar/last-menubar-visible=false | |
thunar/misc-full-path-in-title=true | |
xfce4-panel/plugins/plugin-$clockid/digital-format=%H:%M | |
xfce4-panel/plugins/plugin-$clockid/tooltip-format=%A %d %B %Y (%V) | |
xfwm4/general/theme=Numix | |
xfwm4/general/title_alignment=left | |
xfwm4/general/title_font=Liberation Sans 9 | |
xfwm4/general/titleless_maximize=true | |
xfwm4/general/easy_click=Super | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/commands/custom/override=true | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/commands/custom/<Super>e=exo-open --launch FileManager | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/commands/custom/Print=xfce4-screenshooter -r | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/commands/custom/<Primary>Print=xfce4-screenshooter -r -c | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/commands/custom/<Super>p=xfce4-display-settings --minimal | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/commands/custom/<Primary><Alt>t=exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/commands/custom/<Primary><alt>Return=exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/commands/custom/<Super>Page_Up=wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,above | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/commands/custom/œ=xfce4-popup-whiskermenu | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/xfwm4/custom/override=true | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/xfwm4/custom/<Alt>Tab=cycle_windows_key | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/xfwm4/custom/<Alt><Shift>Tab=cycle_reverse_windows_key | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/xfwm4/custom/<Super>Up=maximize_window_key | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/xfwm4/custom/<Super>d=show_desktop_key | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/xfwm4/custom/<Super>Down=hide_window_key | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/xfwm4/custom/<Super>Left=tile_left_key | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/xfwm4/custom/<Super>Right=tile_right_key | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/xfwm4/custom/<Shift><Super>ISO_Left_Tab=prev_workspace_key | |
xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/xfwm4/custom/<Alt><Shift>Tab=cycle_reverse_windows_key | |
xfce4-panel/panels/panel-0/background-alpha=+100 | |
xfce4-panel/panels/panel-0/size=+26 | |
xfce4-panel/panels/panel-0/background-style=+1 | |
xfce4-desktop/backdrop/screen0/monitor1/workspace0/last-image=$HOME/.wall | |
xfce4-desktop/backdrop/screen0/monitor1/workspace1/last-image=$HOME/.wall | |
" | |
IFS=$'\n'; for x in $xfparams ; do | |
c=${x%%/*};ps=${x#*/};p=/${ps%=*};s=${ps#*=} | |
t=string ; [[ "$s" =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] && t=int ; [[ "$s" =~ ^\+[0-9]+$ ]] && t=uint ; [ "$s" == "true" -o "$s" == "false" ] && t=bool | |
xfconf-query -t $t -c $c -p $p -s "${s#+*}" --create &>/dev/null | |
xfconf-query -t $t -c $c -p $p -s "${s#+*}" | |
done | |
unset IFS; | |
################################## | |
######### WINE ########### | |
################################## | |
# NPP | | | |
NPP_MAJOR=$(curl -s -L "$NPP_REPOS?C=M;O=D" | sed -E 's/.*?href="(.*?)\/".*/\1/' | sed -n 10p) | |
NPP_MINOR=$(curl -s -L "$NPP_REPOS/$NPP_MAJOR?C=M;O=D" | sed -E 's/.*?href="(.*?)\/".*/\1/' | sed -n 10p) | |
curl -sL $NPP_REPOS/$NPP_MAJOR/$NPP_MINOR/npp.$NPP_MINOR.Installer.exe -o npp.exe | |
wine npp /S | |
# PSP + time trial remove | |
curl -sfL -o psp7.exe | |
curl -sfL -o psp7.exe | |
wine psp7 /V/passive | |
PSP_PATH=$(find ~/.wine -name psp.exe | grep -v /users/) | |
for off in 1decde-90 1decdf-e9 32d784-90 32d785-90 32d786-90 32d787-90 32d788-90 32d789-90 32d7a5-90 32d7a6-90 32d7a7-90 32d7a8-90 32d7a9-90 32d7aa-90 32d7bc-90 32d7bd-e9 56bdac-30 ; do eval "printf '\x${off#*-}' | dd of='$PSP_PATH' bs=1 count=1 conv=notrunc seek=$((0x${off%-*})) 2>/dev/null" ; done; | |
# Goldwave 5.18 + register E78KEBDCW/AUHVZCDSE | |
#curl -sfL -o goldwave.exe | |
#cat << 'EOF' >> "$HOME/.wine/system.reg" | |
#[Software\\GoldWave\\GoldWave\\Options] 1493570553 | |
#"License"="E78KEBDCWJT6KE6M5L" | |
#EOF | |
# Goldwave 5.68 + register GN8P95AX9/RTGE3BVJ5 | |
curl -sfL -o goldwave.exe | |
wine goldwave -s | |
wget | |
wine NetFx20SP2_x86 /q | |
# ISO2PNG for imgur upload | |
# wget | |
# wget | |
# split -a3 -d -b1MB --additional-suffix=.iso office2010.iso office2010. | |
# for i in office2010.*.iso ; do cp png-transparent.png $i.png ; python <<< "from punk import Punk; Punk().encode(\"$i.png\", file(\"$i\").read())" ; done | |
# | |
# setup cleanup | |
rm -f *.exe | |
# Wine ricing | |
cat << 'EOF' >> "$HOME/.wine/user.reg" | |
[Control Panel\\Colors] 1492729683 | |
"ActiveTitle"="68 68 68" | |
"AppWorkSpace"="68 68 68" | |
"Background"="68 68 68" | |
"ButtonDkShadow"="16 16 16" | |
"ButtonFace"="68 68 68" | |
"ButtonHilight"="128 128 128" | |
"ButtonLight"="96 96 96" | |
"ButtonShadow"="32 32 32" | |
"ButtonText"="196 196 196" | |
"GradientActiveTitle"="68 68 68" | |
"GradientInactiveTitle"="68 68 68" | |
"GrayText"="32 32 32" | |
"Hilight"="200 73 73" | |
"HilightText"="255 255 255" | |
"InactiveTitle"="68 68 68" | |
"InactiveTitleText"="128 128 128" | |
"InfoText"="255 255 255" | |
"InfoWindow"="0 0 0" | |
"Menu"="68 68 68" | |
"MenuBar"="68 68 68" | |
"MenuHilight"="0 255 0" | |
"MenuText"="255 255 255" | |
"Scrollbar"="68 68 68" | |
"Window"="32 32 32" | |
"WindowText"="128 128 128" | |
[Software\\Wine\\DllOverrides] 1491146810 | |
"riched20"="native,builtin" | |
EOF | |
ME=$(whoami) | |
NPP_DIR="$HOME/.wine/drive_c/users/$ME/Application Data/Notepad++" | |
cat << 'EOF' >> "$NPP_DIR/config.xml" | |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?> | |
<NotepadPlus><FindHistory/><History/><GUIConfigs> | |
<GUIConfig name="StatusBar">hide</GUIConfig> | |
<GUIConfig name="ToolBar" visible="no"/> | |
<GUIConfig name="MenuBar">hide</GUIConfig> | |
<GUIConfig name="TabBar" dragAndDrop="yes" drawTopBar="yes" drawInactiveTab="yes" reduce="yes" closeButton="no" doubleClick2Close="yes" vertical="no" multiLine="no" hide="no" quitOnEmpty="no" /> | |
<GUIConfig name="ScintillaPrimaryView" lineNumberMargin="show" borderEdge="no" bookMarkMargin="hide" whiteSpaceShow="show" borderWidth="0" /> | |
<GUIConfig name="TabSetting" replaceBySpace="no" size="2" /> | |
<GUIConfig name="titleBar" short="no" /> | |
<GUIConfig name="stylerTheme" path="C:\users\${ME}\Application Data\Notepad++\themes\Monokai.xml" /> | |
<GUIConfig name="auto-completion" autoCAction="0" autoCIgnoreNumbers="no" funcParams="no"/> | |
</GUIConfigs></NotepadPlus> | |
EOF | |
CFG="$NPP_DIR/shortcuts.xml" | |
sed -i 's#<InternalCommands />#<InternalCommands>\ | |
<Shortcut id="48011" Ctrl="yes" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="80"/>\ | |
<Shortcut id="41010" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="0"/>\ | |
</InternalCommands>#' "$CFG" | |
CFG="$NPP_DIR/themes/Monokai.xml" | |
sed -i 's/272822/444444/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(fontName="\)[^"]*/\1Liberation Mono/' "$CFG" | |
sed -i 's/\(fontSize="\)[^"]*/\18/' "$CFG" | |
mv $HOME/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/*/*.desktop $HOME/.local/share/applications | |
chmod -w $HOME/.config/chromium/Default/History # disable chrome history storing | |
#{"manifest_version": 2, "name": "StripOpenSearch", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "Strip OpenSearch.", "content_scripts": [{"matches": ["<all_urls>"], "js": ["noOpenSearch.js"]}],"permissions": ["http://*/*","https://*/*"]} | |
#document.querySelectorAll('[type="application/opensearchdescription+xml"]').forEach(n=>n.remove()) | |
#xinput list | sed -ne 's/.*SYNA.*id=\([[:digit:]]\+\).*/\1/p' | |
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