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Created September 23, 2024 04:45
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Store: key & value map with TTL
import { Store } from "";
// init store with options.
// you have to prepare the repository
// and GITHUB_TOKEN if you want to save
// to Github repository
const store = new Store({
owner: "fastrodev",
repo: "fastro",
branch: "store",
path: "modules/store/store.json",
token: Deno.env.get("GITHUB_TOKEN"),
// sync with github repository
// set key and value
store.set("key1", "hello");
// set key and value with 4000ms TTL
store.check("key2").set("key2", "hello2", 4000);
// Check, set, and save it to the repository.
// Please note that committing takes some time.
// It takes around 3 seconds to save to GitHub.
await store.check("key3").set("key3", "hello3").commit();
// get the value from the in-memory map
const r1 = await store.get("key1");
console.log(r1); // hello
const r2 = await store.get("key2");
console.log(r2); // hello2
// wait 5000ms to make sure the key is already expired
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
const r3 = await store.get("key2");
console.log(r3); // undefined
const r4 = await store.get("key3");
console.log(r4); // hello3
// clear the map
// delete the map
// delete the map and the github file
await store.destroy();
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