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Last active August 30, 2020 16:14
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var Confing;
(function (Confing) {
Confing.sourceFile = '打刻 2020-07-01T00_00_00Z to 2020-07-30T00_00_00Z';
Confing.targetFile = '稼働報告書-2020-07';
Confing.workStartLabel = '稼働開始';
})(Confing = Confing || (Confing = {}));
function onOpen(e) {
function onEdit(e) {
function createMenu() {
.addItem('チェック', 'checkWorkDays')
.addItem('集計', 'setWorkDays')
.addItem('日付変換', 'calculateDate')
function calculateDate() {
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
const response = ui.prompt('変換したい日付');
if (response.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK) {
var date = Moment.moment(response.getResponseText());
function checkWorkDays() {
const _ = Underscore.load();
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const source_sheet = ss.getSheetByName(Confing.sourceFile);
const values = source_sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
const invalidRecords = _.compact(, index, array) {
if (index+1 < array.length) {
if (element[4] == array[index+1][4]) {
return [index+1, 6];
_.each(invalidRecords, function(element, index) {
source_sheet.getRange(element[0], element[1]).setValue('打刻が次の行と重複しています').setBackground('#ffb6c1').setFontColor("red");
function setWorkDays() {
const _ = Underscore.load();
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const source_sheet = ss.getSheetByName(Confing.sourceFile);
const values = source_sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
const workDays =, index) {
var date = Moment.moment(element[0]);
return date.format("YYYY/MM/DD (ddd)");
// [Invalid date, 2020/07/01 (Wed), 2020/07/02 (Thu), ... , 2020/07/28 (Tue), 2020/07/30 (Thu)]
const uniqWorkDays = _.uniq(workDays);
// [[稼働日], [2020/07/01 (Wed)], [2020/07/02 (Thu)] , ... , [2020/07/28 (Tue)], [2020/07/30 (Thu)]]
const arrayedUniqWorkDays =, index) {
if (index==0) {
return ["稼働日"];
} else {
return [element];
// [[date, 稼働開始], [date, 稼働終了], ... ,[date, 稼働開始], [date, 稼働終了]]
const workTimes =, index) {
var date = Moment.moment(element[0]);
return [date, element[4]];
// [
// [2020/07/01 (Wed), 158.0, 07/01 09:10:00, 07/01 11:48:24],
// [2020/07/01 (Wed), 347.0, 07/01 12:48:09, 07/01 18:35:45],
// ... ,
// [2020/07/30 (Thu), 184.0, 07/30 09:37:32, 07/30 12:41:56],
// [2020/07/30 (Thu), 259.0, 07/30 13:49:29, 07/30 18:08:52]
// ]
const calcuratedWorkTimes = _.compact(, index, array) {
if (element[1] == Confing.workStartLabel) {
return [
element[0].format("YYYY/MM/DD (ddd)")
, array[index+1][0].diff(element[0], "minutes")
, element[0].format("MM/DD HH:mm:ss")
, array[index+1][0].format("MM/DD HH:mm:ss")
// [
// [稼働日, 開始・終了時刻, 稼働時間],
// [[2020/07/01 (Wed)], 07/01 09:10:00 ~ 07/01 11:48:24, 07/01 12:48:09 ~ 07/01 18:35:45, 8時間25分],
// [[2020/07/02 (Thu)], 07/02 08:59:48 ~ 07/02 12:05:48, 07/02 13:22:58 ~ 07/02 18:06:23, 7時間49分],
// ... ,
// [[2020/07/28 (Tue)], 07/28 09:02:00 ~ 07/28 12:13:29, 07/28 13:34:40 ~ 07/28 18:35:58, 8時間12分],
// [[2020/07/30 (Thu)], 07/30 09:37:32 ~ 07/30 12:41:56, 07/30 13:49:29 ~ 07/30 18:08:52, 7時間23分]
// ]
const arrayedUniqWorkDaysAndWorkTime =, index) {
if (index==0) {
return ['稼働日', '開始・終了時刻', '稼働時間'];
} else {
var thisDateWorkFromTo = calcuratedWorkTimes.filter(function(e, i) {
return (element[0] == e[0]);
}).map(function(e, i) {
return e[2] + " ~ " + e[3];
var thisDateWorkTime = calcuratedWorkTimes.filter(function(e, i) {
return (element[0] == e[0]);
}).map(function(e, i) {
return e[1];
return [element, thisDateWorkFromTo.join(', '), min_to_hour_min(_.reduce(thisDateWorkTime, function(memo, num){ return memo + num; }, 0))];
// [
// [稼働日, 開始・終了時刻, 稼働時間],
// [[2020/07/01 (Wed)], 07/01 09:10:00 ~ 07/01 11:48:24, 07/01 12:48:09 ~ 07/01 18:35:45, 8時間25分],
// [[2020/07/02 (Thu)], 07/02 08:59:48 ~ 07/02 12:05:48, 07/02 13:22:58 ~ 07/02 18:06:23, 7時間49分],
// ... ,
// [[2020/07/28 (Tue)], 07/28 09:02:00 ~ 07/28 12:13:29, 07/28 13:34:40 ~ 07/28 18:35:58, 8時間12分],
// [[2020/07/30 (Thu)], 07/30 09:37:32 ~ 07/30 12:41:56, 07/30 13:49:29 ~ 07/30 18:08:52, 7時間23分],
// [合計, , 121時間13分]
// ]
arrayedUniqWorkDaysAndWorkTime.push(['合計', '', min_to_hour_min(_.reduce(calcuratedWorkTimes, function(memo, e){ return memo + e[1]; }, 0))]);
const target_sheet = ss.getSheetByName(Confing.targetFile);
target_sheet.getRange(1, 1, arrayedUniqWorkDaysAndWorkTime.length, arrayedUniqWorkDaysAndWorkTime[0].length).setValues(arrayedUniqWorkDaysAndWorkTime);
function min_to_hour_min(mins) {
const h = mins / 60 | 0;
const m = mins % 60 | 0;
return h + "時間" + m + "分";
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