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Created October 24, 2012 09:45
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-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-record(state, {lsock, socket, addr}).
start_link(LSock) ->
gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [LSock], []).
init([Socket]) ->
inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}, {packet, 2}, binary]),
{ok, #state{lsock = Socket}, 0}.
handle_call(Msg, _From, State) ->
{reply, {ok, Msg}, State}.
handle_cast(stop, State) ->
{stop, normal, State}.
handle_info({tcp, Socket, Data}, State) ->
inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
io:format("~p got message ~p\n", [self(), Data]),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, <<"Echo back : ", Data/binary>>),
{noreply, State};
handle_info({tcp_closed, Socket}, #state{addr=Addr} = StateData) ->
error_logger:info_msg("~p Client ~p disconnected.\n", [self(), Addr]),
{stop, normal, StateData};
handle_info(timeout, #state{lsock = LSock} = State) ->
{ok, ClientSocket} = gen_tcp:accept(LSock),
{ok, {IP, _Port}} = inet:peername(ClientSocket),
{noreply, State#state{socket=ClientSocket, addr=IP}};
handle_info(_Info, StateData) ->
{noreply, StateData}.
terminate(_Reason, #state{socket=Socket}) ->
(catch gen_tcp:close(Socket)),
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
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