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Last active January 21, 2022 08:09
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Push Notify Me</string>
<string>Location Nofications</string>
<string>Location Push</string>
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class LocationHelper : MonoBehaviour
public delegate void Vec2(Vector2 v);
public static Vec2 LocationFound;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
public static Vector2 latlng;
public void PollLatLng()
IEnumerator StartLoc()
// First, check if user has location service enabled
/* if (!Input.location.isEnabledByUser)
yield break;*/
// Start service before querying location
// Wait until service initializes
int maxWait = 20;
while (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Initializing && maxWait > 0)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
// Service didn't initialize in 20 seconds
if (maxWait < 1)
print("Timed out");
yield break;
// Connection has failed
if (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Failed)
print("Unable to determine device location");
yield break;
latlng = new Vector2(Input.location.lastData.longitude, Input.location.lastData.latitude);
// Access granted and location value could be retrieved
print("Location: " + Input.location.lastData.latitude + " " + Input.location.lastData.longitude + " " + Input.location.lastData.altitude + " " + Input.location.lastData.horizontalAccuracy + " " + Input.location.lastData.timestamp);
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Notifications.iOS;
using System;
public class PushHelper : MonoBehaviour
static string deviceToken;
public delegate void VOID();
public delegate void VOIDstring(string s);
public static VOID PermissionGranted;
public static VOID PermissionDenied;
public enum TriggerTypes
void Start ()
iOSNotificationCenter.OnRemoteNotificationReceived += remoteNotification =>
// When a remote notification is received, modify its contents and show it after 1 second.
var timeTrigger = new iOSNotificationTimeIntervalTrigger()
TimeInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1),
Repeats = false
iOSNotification notification = new iOSNotification()
Title = "Remote: " + remoteNotification.Title,
Body = "Remote: " + remoteNotification.Body,
Subtitle = "Remote: " + remoteNotification.Subtitle,
ShowInForeground = true,
ForegroundPresentationOption = PresentationOption.Sound | PresentationOption.Alert,
CategoryIdentifier = remoteNotification.CategoryIdentifier,
ThreadIdentifier = remoteNotification.ThreadIdentifier,
Trigger = timeTrigger,
public static string GetLastNotification()
var notification = iOSNotificationCenter.GetLastRespondedNotification();
if (notification != null)
var msg = "Last Received Notification: " + notification.Identifier;
msg += "\n - Notification received: ";
msg += "\n - .Title: " + notification.Title;
msg += "\n - .Badge: " + notification.Badge;
msg += "\n - .Body: " + notification.Body;
msg += "\n - .CategoryIdentifier: " + notification.CategoryIdentifier;
msg += "\n - .Subtitle: " + notification.Subtitle;
msg += "\n - .Data: " + notification.Data;
return notification.Identifier;
return null;
IEnumerator RequestAuthorization()
var authorizationOption = AuthorizationOption.Alert | AuthorizationOption.Badge;
using (var req = new AuthorizationRequest(authorizationOption, true))
while (!req.IsFinished)
yield return null;
string res = "\n RequestAuthorization:";
res += "\n finished: " + req.IsFinished;
res += "\n granted : " + req.Granted;
res += "\n error: " + req.Error;
res += "\n deviceToken: " + req.DeviceToken;
while(!req.IsFinished)yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
if (req.Granted)
deviceToken = req.DeviceToken;
public void CancelNotification( string identifier)
var notification = new iOSNotification()
Identifier = identifier
public void RemoveNotification( string identifier)
var notification = new iOSNotification()
Identifier = identifier
public void CreateTimeTrigger(int days, int minutes, int seconds,bool repeats, string title,string subtitle,string body,string identifier=null,string thredidentifier=null,string categoryidentifier=null,string data=null,bool showinforeground=false)
var timeTrigger = new iOSNotificationTimeIntervalTrigger()
TimeInterval = new TimeSpan(days, minutes, seconds),
Repeats = repeats
var notification = new iOSNotification()
// You can specify a custom identifier which can be used to manage the notification later.
// If you don't provide one, a unique string will be generated automatically.
Identifier = identifier,
Title = title,
Body = body,
Subtitle = subtitle,
ShowInForeground = showinforeground,
ForegroundPresentationOption = (PresentationOption.Alert | PresentationOption.Sound),
CategoryIdentifier = categoryidentifier,
ThreadIdentifier = thredidentifier,
Data = data,
Trigger = timeTrigger,
public void CreateCalendarTrigger(int year,int month,int day,int hour, int min, int sec, bool repeats, string title, string subtitle, string body, string identifier = null, string thredidentifier = null, string categoryidentifier=null,string data=null, bool showinforeground = false)
var calendarTrigger = new iOSNotificationCalendarTrigger()
Year = year,
Month = month,
Day = day,
Hour = hour,
Minute = min,
Second = sec,
Repeats = repeats
var notification = new iOSNotification()
// You can specify a custom identifier which can be used to manage the notification later.
// If you don't provide one, a unique string will be generated automatically.
Identifier = identifier,
Title = title,
Body = body,
Subtitle = subtitle,
ShowInForeground = showinforeground,
ForegroundPresentationOption = (PresentationOption.Alert | PresentationOption.Sound),
CategoryIdentifier = categoryidentifier,
ThreadIdentifier = thredidentifier,
Data = data,
Trigger = calendarTrigger,
public void CreateLocationTrigger(float lat, float lng, float radius, bool notifyonentry, bool notifyonexit, string title, string subtitle, string body, string identifier = null, string thredidentifier = null, string categoryidentifier=null,string data=null, bool showinforeground = false)
var locationTrigger = new iOSNotificationLocationTrigger()
Center = new Vector2(lat, lng),
Radius = radius,
NotifyOnEntry = notifyonentry,
NotifyOnExit = notifyonexit
var notification = new iOSNotification()
// You can specify a custom identifier which can be used to manage the notification later.
// If you don't provide one, a unique string will be generated automatically.
Identifier = identifier,
Title = title,
Body = body,
Subtitle = subtitle,
ShowInForeground = showinforeground,
ForegroundPresentationOption = (PresentationOption.Alert | PresentationOption.Sound),
CategoryIdentifier = categoryidentifier,
ThreadIdentifier = thredidentifier,
Data = data,
Trigger = locationTrigger
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Notifications.iOS;
using UnityEngine;
public class TestPush : MonoBehaviour
private void Awake()
PushHelper.PermissionGranted += OnRequestGranted;
PushHelper.PermissionDenied += OnRequestDenied;
private void Start()
LocationHelper.LocationFound += ActuallySendPushNotificationLoc;
public GameObject goUI_Granted;
public GameObject goUI_Denied;
public PushHelper ph;
void OnRequestGranted()
void OnRequestDenied()
public LocationHelper lh;
public void SendPushNotificationNow()
ph.CreateTimeTrigger(0, 0, 1, false, "Notify Now", "in 1 second", "Push sent at " + System.DateTime.Now + " "+LocationHelper.latlng.ToString("F4"), "pushnow", "now", "apptest", "testdata", true);
public void SendPushNotificationHere()
void ActuallySendPushNotificationLoc(Vector2 latlng)
print("Actually Send Push "+latlng);
ph.CreateLocationTrigger(latlng.y, latlng.x, 250, true, true, "Notify Loc", "Arrived", latlng.ToString("F4"),"here","location","location",null,true);
public void SendPushEveryMin()
ph.CreateTimeTrigger(0, 1, 0, true, "Repeat Every Minute", "Repeating...", "Ta da!","repeatingmin");
public void CancelPushEveryMin()
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