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add_filter( 'woocommerce_billing_fields', 'custom_woocommerce_billing_fields' );
function custom_woocommerce_billing_fields( $fields ) {
// Over-ride a single label
$fields['billing_first_name']['label'] = 'Your label';
// Over-ride a single required value
$fields['billing_first_name']['required'] = false;
* Add the field to the checkout
add_action('woocommerce_after_order_notes', 'my_custom_checkout_field');
function my_custom_checkout_field( $checkout ) {
echo '<div id="my_custom_checkout_field"><h3>'.__('My Field').'</h3>';
yourdesigncoza / ubuntu-ssmtp-install
Created April 19, 2013 14:44
I ( Michael ) needed a basic mail transfer to perform basic SERVER mail functions ::: After searching it seems using sSMTP is the best bet ::: sSMTP a simple alternative to Sendmail ::: What is sSMTP ? It's an extremely simple MTA ( mail Transfer Application ), effective and simple way of getting mail off a system to your mail hub. NOTE ! it is …
# I ( Michael ) needed a basic mail transfer to perform basic server mail functions ::: After searching it seems using sSMTP is the best bet ::: sSMTP a simple alternative to Sendmail :::
# What is sSMTP ?
# It's an extremely simple MTA ( mail Transfer Application ), effective and simple way of getting mail off a system to your mail hub.
# NOTE ! it is all it does it does not receive mail, expand aliases or manage a queue.
# IMPORTANT : add your own data or parameters, I make use of double segments [[ your variable ]]. eg. ssh root@[[ ]] should be replaced with ssh root@888.88.88.88 where "888.88.88.88" is your value, variable etc. I have a habit of using ":::" to indicate line ending and end of paragraph, crazy I know but be warned its just how I write ::: All notes are for my own use & should you use any it's at your own risk, it's NOT a Tutorial :::
# I'm new to server side setup so if I've erred or you know of a better way PLS. contribute :::
yourdesigncoza / fail2ban-ubuntu-wordpress-ssh-non-default-port
Created April 25, 2013 13:04
Fail2ban is an intrusion prevention framework written in the Python programming language. I've added additional security for unauthorised WP login attempts and SSH security to non default port
# Fail2ban is an intrusion prevention framework written in the Python programming language. I've added additional security for unauthorised WP login attempts and SSH security to non default port
# IMPORTANT : add your own data or parameters, I make use of double segments [[ your variable ]]. eg. ssh root@[[ ]] should be replaced with ssh root@888.88.88.88 where "888.88.88.88" is your value, variable etc. I have a habit of using ":::" to indicate line ending and end of paragraph, crazy I know but be warned its just how I write ::: All notes are for my own use & should you use any it's at your own risk, it's NOT a Tutorial :::
# References
yourdesigncoza / secure-ssh-with-new-port
Created April 25, 2013 13:18
It's best not to use the default port : 22 for ssh, create a new one and sleep better as most DDOS attacks are on port : 22
# Make server more secure by changing default ssh port
# No matter what you do keep your port number safe ... else ...
# IMPORTANT : add your own data or parameters, I make use of double segments [[ your variable ]]. eg. ssh root@[[ ]] should be replaced with ssh root@888.88.88.88 where "888.88.88.88" is your value, variable etc. I have a habit of using ":::" to indicate line ending and end of paragraph, crazy I know but be warned its just how I write ::: All notes are for my own use & should you use any it's at your own risk, it's NOT a Tutorial :::
# Open the configuration file
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# Find the following sections and change the information where applicable:
Port [[ 1234 ]]
yourdesigncoza / vstp-very-secure-deamon
Created April 25, 2013 15:27
vsftpd stand for "very secure" and the program was built to have strongest protection against possible FTP vulnerabilities.
# vsftpd - Very Secure Deamon
# IMPORTANT : add your own data or parameters, I make use of double segments [[ your variable ]]. eg. ssh root@[[ ]] should be replaced with ssh root@888.88.88.88 where "888.88.88.88" is your value, variable etc. I have a habit of using ":::" to indicate line ending and end of paragraph, crazy I know but be warned its just how I write ::: All notes are for my own use & should you use any it's at your own risk, it's NOT a Tutorial :::
# Resource
yourdesigncoza / mysql-commands
Created April 29, 2013 09:26
mySQL simple commands
# Basic Terminal Commands mySQL
# IMPORTANT : add your own data or parameters, I make use of double segments [[ your variable ]]. eg. ssh root@[[ ]] should be replaced with ssh root@888.88.88.88 where "888.88.88.88" is your value, variable etc. I have a habit of using ":::" to indicate line ending and end of paragraph, crazy I know but be warned its just how I write ::: All notes are for my own use & should you use any it's at your own risk, it's NOT a Tutorial :::
# Resources
# Login to your terminal
# Show all DB's
yourdesigncoza / FQDN-fully-qualified-domain-name
Last active December 16, 2015 21:09
A fully qualified domain name (FQDN), sometimes also referred as an absolute domain name
# A fully qualified domain name (FQDN), sometimes also referred as an absolute domain name
# IMPORTANT : add your own data or parameters, I make use of double segments [[ your variable ]]. eg. ssh root@[[ ]] should be replaced with ssh root@888.88.88.88 where "888.88.88.88" is your value, variable etc. I have a habit of using ":::" to indicate line ending and end of paragraph, crazy I know but be warned its just how I write ::: All notes are for my own use & should you use any it's at your own risk, it's NOT a Tutorial :::
# resources :
# Edit The Hosts file
sudo nano /etc/hosts
yourdesigncoza / rsync-bu-wordpress
Created May 2, 2013 21:06
RSYNC is a software application for Unix systems which synchronizes files and directories from one location to another
# RSYNC is a software application for Unix systems which synchronizes files and directories from one location to another :::
# IMPORTANT : add your own data or parameters, I make use of double segments [[ your variable ]]. eg. ssh root@[[ ]] should be replaced with ssh root@888.88.88.88 where "888.88.88.88" is your value, variable etc. I have a habit of using ":::" to indicate line ending and end of paragraph, crazy I know but be warned its just how I write ::: All notes are for my own use & should you use any it's at your own risk, it's NOT a Tutorial :::
# Backing up files can be simple like my example below, or a bit more complicated backing up with RSYNC to another server etc. I did not need anything "complicated" but if you require exteral sync, below are several links to get you going :::
# resources
yourdesigncoza / daily-database-backup-with-cron
Created May 3, 2013 15:40
It's essential to periodically BU your DB, having this done while your sitting at the beach is a bonus, fortunately it's relatively simple even for server newbie like myself.
# It's essential to periodically BU your DB, having this done while your sitting at the beach is a bonus, fortunately it's relatively simple even for server newbie like myself
# I also wanted to keep a BU for at least 6 days, so I went about setting up a cron to BU my "Time Stamped" DB, on the eight day I start removing date -7 day's , leaving me with a couple of days DB stock :::
# IMPORTANT : add your own data or parameters, I make use of double segments [[ your variable ]]. eg. ssh root@[[ ]] should be replaced with ssh root@888.88.88.88 where "888.88.88.88" is your value, variable etc. I have a habit of using ":::" to indicate line ending and end of paragraph, crazy I know but be warned its just how I write ::: All notes are for my own use & should you use any it's at your own risk, it's NOT a Tutorial :::
# Resources
# BIG THANKS TO @chrishough >>