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Last active December 14, 2018 04:10
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@require: stdja
@require: list
@require: math
@require: option
% ref.
type exp =
| Var of string * int
| Abs of exp * exp
| App of exp * exp
let vareq x y =
match (x, y) with
| (Var(s, i), Var(t, j)) -> string-same s t && i == j
| _ -> false
let-rec allvar
| ((Var _) as v) = [v]
| (Abs(x, e)) = x :: (allvar e)
| (App(x, y)) = List.append (allvar x) (allvar y)
let-rec find eq x l =
match l with
| [] -> None
| e :: r -> if eq x e then Some(e) else find eq x r
let dedup eq l =
List.fold-left (fun a e -> (
match find eq e a with
| None -> e :: a
| Some _ -> a
)) [] l
let-mutable sym-counter <- -1
let-mutable sym-used <- []
let-rec gensym () =
let () = sym-counter <- !sym-counter + 1 in
let c = string-unexplode [!sym-counter mod 26 + 97] in
let p = !sym-counter / 26 in
let v = Var(c, p) in
match find vareq v !sym-used with
| None -> v
| Some _ -> gensym ()
let-rec subst e2 x e1 =
match e1 with
| Var(_) -> if vareq x e1 then e2 else e1
| Abs(y, e) ->
let y2 = gensym () in
Abs(y2, subst e2 x (subst y2 y e))
| App(e, f) ->
App(subst e2 x e, subst e2 x f)
let-rec step e =
match e with
| Var(x) -> None
| Abs(x, e0) -> (
match step e0 with
| None -> None
| Some(e) -> Some(Abs(x, e))
| App(e1, e2) -> (
match e1 with
| Abs(x, e0) -> Some(subst e2 x e0)
| _ -> (
match step e1 with
| Some(e) -> Some(App(e, e2))
| None -> (
match step e2 with
| Some(e) -> Some(App(e1, e))
| None -> None
let reduct-all e lim =
let-rec r e a i =
if i > lim then
List.reverse (e :: a)
match step e with
| None -> List.reverse (e :: a)
| Some(f) -> r f (e :: a) (i + 1)
r e [] 0
let-rec repeat-string
| s 0 = ` `
| s n = s ^ (repeat-string s (n - 1))
let-rec exp2math
| (Var(x, i)) =
let p = math-char MathOrd (repeat-string `′` i) in
| (Abs(x, e)) =
let mx = exp2math x in
let me = exp2math e in
${\lambda #mx . #me}
| (App(x, y)) =
let mx = exp2math x in
let px = match x with
| Var _ -> mx
| App(_, Var _) -> mx
| _ -> ${\(#mx\)}
let my = exp2math y in
let py = match y with
| Var _ -> my
| _ -> ${\(#my\)}
math-concat px py
let-block ctx +lambdacalc lm lexp =
let () = sym-counter <- -1 in
let () = sym-used <- (dedup vareq (allvar lexp)) in
let (f::r) = reduct-all lexp 100 |> exp2math in
let ml = [lm; ${= #f}] :: ( (fun m -> [${}; ${\to #m}]) r) in
read-block ctx '<+align(ml);>
let var s = Var(s, 0)
let abs v e = Abs(v, e)
let app e1 e2 = App(e1, e2)
let cnum n =
let f = var `f` in
let x = var `x` in
let-rec r
| 0 a = a
| i a = r (i - 1) (app f a)
abs f (abs x (r n x))
% pred = λn.λf.λx.n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u)
let pred =
let f = var `f` in
let g = var `g` in
let h = var `h` in
let n = var `n` in
let u = var `u` in
let x = var `x` in
abs n (abs f (abs x (app (app (app n (abs g (abs h (app h (app g f))))) (abs u x)) (abs u u))))
document (|
title = {\SATySFi;でλ計算};
author = {youz};
show-title = false;
show-toc = false;
|) '<
+lambdacalc(${3^2})(app (cnum 2) (cnum 3));
+lambdacalc(${\text!({pred})\ 3})(app pred (cnum 3));
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