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Created July 28, 2017 15:17
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import { ServiceScope, ServiceKey } from "@microsoft/sp-core-library";
import { firstOrDefault } from "../helpers/CollectionHelper";
import { IFieldInfo, IListInfo, ITask } from "../models";
import { IConfigurationService, ConfigurationServiceKey } from "./ConfigurationService";
import pnp from "sp-pnp-js";
export const ChoiceFieldType = "Choice";
export interface IDataService {
* Get the statuses (the available choices) from the specified choice field
getStatuses(): Promise<string[]>;
* Get the available lists in the current web
getAvailableLists(refresh?: boolean): Promise<IListInfo[]>;
* Get the available choice fields for the specified list
getAvailableChoiceFields(): Promise<IFieldInfo[]>;
* Get the available choice fields from lists aleady loaded
getAvailableChoiceFieldsFromLoadedLists(): IFieldInfo[];
* Get all tasks
getAllTasks(): Promise<ITask[]>;
* Update the status to newStatus for the specified task
updateTaskStatus(taskId: number, newStatus: string): Promise<void>;
export default class SharePointDataService implements IDataService {
private config: IConfigurationService = null;
private cachedAvailableLists: IListInfo[] = null;
constructor(serviceScope: ServiceScope) {
serviceScope.whenFinished(() => {
// Configure the required dependencies
this.config = serviceScope.consume(ConfigurationServiceKey);
public getStatuses(): Promise<string[]> {
return pnp.sp.web.lists.getById(this.config.tasksListId).fields
.then((fieldInfo: IFieldInfo) => fieldInfo.Choices || []);
public getAvailableLists(refresh: boolean = false): Promise<IListInfo[]> {
if (!refresh && this.cachedAvailableLists)
return new Promise<IListInfo[]>(resolve => resolve(this.cachedAvailableLists));
return pnp.sp.web.lists
.select("Id", "Title", "Fields/Title", "Fields/InternalName", "Fields/TypeAsString")
.then(lists => {
this.cachedAvailableLists = lists;
return lists;
public getAvailableChoiceFields(): Promise<IFieldInfo[]> {
return this.getAvailableLists(false).then(lists => {
let list = firstOrDefault(lists, l => l.Id == this.config.tasksListId);
if (!list)
return [];
return list.Fields.filter(f => f.TypeAsString == ChoiceFieldType);
public getAvailableChoiceFieldsFromLoadedLists() {
if (!this.cachedAvailableLists)
return [];
let list = firstOrDefault(this.cachedAvailableLists, l => l.Id == this.config.tasksListId);
if (!list)
return [];
return list.Fields.filter(f => f.TypeAsString == ChoiceFieldType);
public updateTaskStatus(taskId: number, newStatus: string): Promise<any> {
// Set the value for the configured "status" field
let fieldsToUpdate = {};
fieldsToUpdate[this.config.statusFieldInternalName] = newStatus;
// Update the property on the list item
return pnp.sp.web.lists.getById(this.config.tasksListId).items.getById(taskId).update(fieldsToUpdate);
public getAllTasks(): Promise<ITask[]> {
return pnp.sp.web.lists.getById(this.config.tasksListId).items
.select("Id", "Title", this.config.statusFieldInternalName)
.then((results: ITask[]) => results && => ({
Id: t.Id,
Title: t.Title,
Status: t[this.config.statusFieldInternalName]
export const DataServiceKey = ServiceKey.create<IDataService>("kanban:data-service", SharePointDataService);
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