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Last active January 29, 2022 05:11
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import * as React from "react";
import { ActionButton } from "office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Button";
import { Pivot, PivotItem, IPivotItemProps } from "office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Pivot";
import styles from "./Wizard.module.scss";
export interface IWizardStepProps<TStep extends number> extends IPivotItemProps {
step: TStep;
caption: string;
export class WizardStep<TStep extends number> extends React.Component<IWizardStepProps<TStep>, {}> {
export interface IWizardStepValidationResult {
isValidStep: boolean;
errorMessage?: string;
export interface IWizardProps<TStep extends number> {
defaultCurrentStep?: TStep;
onValidateStep?: (currentStep: TStep) => IWizardStepValidationResult | Promise<IWizardStepValidationResult>;
onCompleted?: () => void;
onCancel?: () => void;
nextButtonLabel?: string;
previousButtonLabel?: string;
cancelButtonLabel?: string;
finishButtonLabel?: string;
validatingMessage?: string;
mainCaption?: string;
export interface IWizardState<TStep extends number> {
currentStep: TStep;
completedSteps: TStep;
errorMessage: string;
isValidatingStep: boolean;
const DEFAULT_VALIDATING_MESSAGE = "Validating step...";
export abstract class BaseWizard<TStep extends number> extends React.Component<IWizardProps<TStep>, IWizardState<TStep>> {
constructor(props: IWizardProps<TStep>) {
this.state = {
currentStep: props.defaultCurrentStep || this.firstStep,
completedSteps: null,
errorMessage: null,
isValidatingStep: false
private renderSteps() {
const stepChildren = React.Children.toArray(this.props.children)
.filter((reactChild: React.ReactElement) => reactChild.type == WizardStep && reactChild.props.step);
if (stepChildren.length == 0) {
throw new Error("The specified wizard steps are not valid");
return stepChildren
.map((reactChild: React.ReactElement) => {
return <PivotItem key={`WizardStep__${reactChild.props.step}`}
headerButtonProps={{}} >
private get firstStep(): TStep {
const stepValues = React.Children.toArray(this.props.children)
.filter((c: React.ReactElement) => c.props.step as number > 0)
.map((c: React.ReactElement) => c.props.step as number);
if (stepValues.length < 1) {
throw new Error("The specified step values are invalid. First step value must be higher than 0");
return Math.min(...stepValues) as TStep;
private get lastStep(): TStep {
const stepValues = React.Children.toArray(this.props.children)
.filter((c: React.ReactElement) => c.props.step as number > 0)
.map((c: React.ReactElement) => c.props.step as number);
if (stepValues.length < 1) {
throw new Error("The specified step values are invalid. First step value must be higher than 0");
return Math.max(...stepValues) as TStep;
private _validateWithCallback = (validationCallback: (validationResult: IWizardStepValidationResult) => void) => {
if (!validationCallback) {
const validationResult = this._validateStep(this.state.currentStep);
if (typeof (validationResult as Promise<IWizardStepValidationResult>).then === "function") {
isValidatingStep: true,
errorMessage: null
const promiseResult = validationResult as Promise<IWizardStepValidationResult>;
promiseResult.then(result => {
}).catch(error => {
if (error as string) {
isValidStep: false,
errorMessage: error
else {
const directResult = validationResult as IWizardStepValidationResult;
if (!directResult) {
throw new Error("The validation result has unexpected format.");
private _goToStep = (step: TStep, completedSteps?: TStep, skipValidation: boolean = false) => {
if (!skipValidation) {
this._validateWithCallback(result => {
if (result.isValidStep) {
currentStep: step,
errorMessage: null,
isValidatingStep: false
} else {
errorMessage: result.errorMessage,
isValidatingStep: false
} else {
this.setState({ currentStep: step, completedSteps });
private _validateStep = (step: TStep) => {
if (this.props.onValidateStep) {
return this.props.onValidateStep(step);
return {
isValidStep: true,
errorMessage: null
private get hasNextStep(): boolean {
return this.state.currentStep < this.lastStep;
private get hasPreviousStep(): boolean {
return this.state.currentStep > this.firstStep;
private _goToNextStep = () => {
let completedWizardSteps = (this.state.completedSteps | this.state.currentStep) as TStep;
const nextStep = ((this.state.currentStep as number) << 1) as TStep;
console.log("Current step: ", this.state.currentStep, " next step: ", nextStep);
this._goToStep(nextStep, completedWizardSteps);
private _goToPreviousStep = () => {
const previousStep = ((this.state.currentStep as number) >> 1) as TStep;
console.log("Current step: ", this.state.currentStep, " previous step: ", previousStep);
this._goToStep(previousStep, null, true);
private _cancel = () => {
if (this.props.onCancel) {
private _finish = () => {
this._validateWithCallback((result) => {
if (result.isValidStep) {
if (this.props.onCompleted) {
} else {
errorMessage: result.errorMessage,
isValidatingStep: false
private get cancelButton(): JSX.Element {
return <ActionButton iconProps={{ iconName: "Cancel" }} text={this.props.cancelButtonLabel || DEFAULT_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL} onClick={this._cancel} />;
private get previousButton(): JSX.Element {
if (this.hasPreviousStep) {
return <ActionButton iconProps={{ iconName: "ChevronLeft" }} text={this.props.previousButtonLabel || DEFAULT_PREVIOUS_BUTTON_LABEL} onClick={this._goToPreviousStep} />;
return null;
private get nextButton(): JSX.Element {
if (this.hasNextStep) {
return <ActionButton iconProps={{ iconName: "ChevronRight" }} text={this.props.nextButtonLabel || DEFAULT_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL} onClick={this._goToNextStep} />;
return null;
private get finishButton(): JSX.Element {
if (!this.hasNextStep) {
return <ActionButton iconProps={{ iconName: "Save" }} text={this.props.finishButtonLabel || DEFAULT_FINISH_BUTTON_LABEL} onClick={this._finish} />;
return null;
public render(): React.ReactElement<IWizardProps<TStep>> {
return <div className={styles.wizardComponent}>
{this.props.mainCaption && <h1>{this.props.mainCaption}</h1>}
<Pivot selectedKey={this.state.currentStep.toString()}>
{this.state.isValidatingStep && <div>{this.props.validatingMessage || DEFAULT_VALIDATING_MESSAGE}</div>}
{this.state.errorMessage && <div className={styles.error}>{this.state.errorMessage}</div>}
<div className={styles.row}>
<div className={`${styles.halfColumn} ${styles.lefted}`}>
<div className={`${styles.halfColumn} ${styles.righted}`}>
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