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Last active July 13, 2020 19:41
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// this is another mmap based topfew solution.
// context:
// other than the static hashmap, it doesn't use dynamic memory.
// rather than dynamically allocating strings for the hash keys,
// it just keeps pointers to the mmap'd data.
// it reparses the fields whenever it wants to compare two hash entries.
// compile like this: gcc -O2 topfew.c
// the following should be cmdline arguments
// but for the demo's simplicity let's just hardcode them:
// size of the hashtable in powers of two.
// the code doesn't support resizing, make sure the input fits.
enum { hashpower = 25 };
// input parameters and limits.
const char filename[] = "access_log";
char fieldspec[] = "1,3,5";
enum { topcnt = 10 };
const char separator = ' ';
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef NDEBUG
#error "don't define NDEBUG, we need the assert."
#define check assert
// the hashtable is a open addressed, linearly probed.
struct hashbucket {
// the full hash value of this entry to speed up comparisons.
uint64_t hash;
// offset into where the first field starts.
// start from here to this to get the full key.
int64_t offset;
// number of times this key occured.
// if this counter is 0, then this bucket is empty.
int64_t cnt;
enum { hashmask = (1ll << hashpower) - 1 };
// all global data lives here.
struct {
// an array of 2^hashpower buckets.
struct hashbucket *buckets;
int64_t bucketsused;
// a bitmask of the fields we need.
// e.g. 1,3,5 -> 2^0 + 2^2 + 2^4 = 1 + 4 + 16 = 21.
int64_t fieldmask;
// same as fieldmask but with the trailing zeroes removed.
// use this mask when you start from[hashbucket.offset].
int64_t fieldmask1;
// pointer to the input file's mmap'd data.
const char *data;
// size of the input file.
int64_t datasize;
} g;
int main(void) {
// initialize the hash table.
check(0 < hashpower && hashpower < 60);
g.buckets = calloc(1ll << hashpower, sizeof(g.buckets[0]));
check(g.buckets != NULL);
// parse fieldspec into g.fieldmask.
char *token = strtok(fieldspec, ",");
do {
int field = -1;
check(sscanf(token, "%d", &field) == 1);
check(0 < field && field < 63);
g.fieldmask |= 1 << (field - 1);
} while ((token = strtok(NULL, ",")) != NULL);
g.fieldmask1 = g.fieldmask;
while ((g.fieldmask1 & 1) == 0) g.fieldmask1 >>= 1;
// mmap the input file.
int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
check(fd != -1 && "couldn't open input file");
g.datasize = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
check(g.datasize > 0 && "input must be a non-empty, seekable file"); = mmap(NULL, g.datasize, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED | MAP_POPULATE, fd, 0);
check( != NULL);
// now go through the data and put the keys into the hash table.
// the body of this main loop is basically a state machine.
// calculate the hash value as read through the data,
// don't create separate strings from the keys.
// the hash function is based on djb2 with a little bit altered constant:
// h = (h * 129) ^ c.
const uint64_t inith = 5381;
// the running hash value.
uint64_t h = inith;
// the current field[i] is at.
int field = 0;
// the offset where the current line's key started.
int64_t offset = (g.fieldmask & 1) == 1 ? 0 : -1;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < g.datasize; i++) {
if ([i] == separator) {
if (((1ll << field) & g.fieldmask) != 0 && offset == -1) offset = i + 1;
if ([i] != '\n') {
if (field > 63) continue;
if (((1ll << field) & g.fieldmask) == 0) continue;
h = (h * 129) ^ (uint8_t)[i];
// we reached the end of the line.
// we add or update the current key in the hash table.
check([i] == '\n');
// ignore the line if it didn't contain enough fields.
if ((g.fieldmask >> (field + 1)) != 0) {
h = inith;
field = 0;
offset = (g.fieldmask & 1) == 1 ? i + 1 : -1;
check(offset != -1);
uint64_t bucketidx = (h - 1) & hashmask;
// find the first bucket that is either empty or is the same key.
while (true) {
bucketidx = (bucketidx + 1) & hashmask;
if (g.buckets[bucketidx].cnt == 0) break;
if (g.buckets[bucketidx].hash != h) continue;
// now we need to do a full a key comparison.
// this involves reparsing the fields of the lines.
int64_t a = g.buckets[bucketidx].offset;
int64_t b = offset;
int f = 0;
bool equal = true;
while (equal && (g.fieldmask1 >> f) != 0) {
bool aspace =[a] == separator ||[a] == '\n';
bool bspace =[b] == separator ||[b] == '\n';
if (aspace || bspace) {
if (!aspace || !bspace) {
equal = false;
if (((g.fieldmask1 >> f) & 1) == 0) {
// this is unimportant field.
// skip until the next separator.
while ([a] != separator &&[a] != '\n') a++;
while ([b] != separator &&[b] != '\n') b++;
equal = ([a++] ==[b++]);
if (equal) break;
if (g.buckets[bucketidx].cnt == 0) {
if (g.bucketsused++ > hashmask / 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "table too small, increase the hashpower parameter!");
g.buckets[bucketidx].hash = h;
g.buckets[bucketidx].offset = offset;
h = inith;
field = 0;
offset = (g.fieldmask & 1) == 1 ? i + 1 : -1;
// go through the buckets and find the topcnt most frequent buckets.
struct {
int64_t cnt;
int64_t offset;
} top[topcnt] = {};
int lastidx = topcnt - 1;
for (int64_t i = 0; i <= hashmask; i++) {
int64_t cnt = g.buckets[i].cnt;
if (cnt <= top[lastidx].cnt) continue;
int insertpos = 0;
while (top[insertpos].cnt > cnt) insertpos++;
check(insertpos < topcnt);
if (insertpos + 1 < topcnt) {
int sz = (topcnt - insertpos - 1) * sizeof(top[0]);
memmove(top + insertpos + 1, top + insertpos, sz);
top[insertpos].cnt = cnt;
top[insertpos].offset = g.buckets[i].offset;
// and now just print the result.
for (int i = 0; i < topcnt; i++) {
if (top[i].cnt == 0) continue;
printf("%lld", (long long)top[i].cnt);
int64_t o = top[i].offset;
int f = 0;
bool hadspace = false;
for (o = top[i].offset; (g.fieldmask1 >> f) != 0; o++) {
if ([o] == separator ||[o] == '\n') {
hadspace = false;
if (((g.fieldmask1 >> f) & 1) == 0) continue;
if (!hadspace) {
hadspace = true;
return 0;
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