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yuitowest / gist:0ca4b73f91f64ac475a8389f9dc0fa38
Last active July 11, 2018 02:23
React で使う便利な component
## Alert
## Modal
## Toolkit
yuitowest / index.ios.js
Created March 28, 2017 08:43
React Native with Flumpt
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import {withFlux, dispatchable} from 'flumpt'
yuitowest / vimrc
Created June 17, 2016 02:31
memolist.vim settings
let g:memolist_path = "~/Dropbox/vim/memolist"
let g:memolist_template_dir_path = "~/.vim/template/memolist"
let g:memolist_memo_suffix = "md"
let g:memolist_memo_date = "%Y-%m-%d"
let g:memolist_prompt_tags = 1
let g:memolist_qfixgrep = 1
let g:memolist_filename_prefix_none = 1
let g:memolist_unite = 1
let g:memolist_unite_source = "file_rec"
let g:memolist_unite_option = "-auto-preview -start-insert"
yuitowest /
Created May 5, 2015 16:01
Vim で Erlang してみた
yuitowest / README
Created October 14, 2014 05:36
git-flow-completion.zsh 読み込んでも補完が効かない場合
~/.zsh/site-functions/_git を作成
$FPATH に~/.zsh/site-functions を追加する
$ export FPATH=~/.zsh/site-functions:$FPATH

Build 'vmware' errored

packer build で下記のようなエラーがでた

Build 'vmware' errored: Couldn't find VMware tools for 'linux'! VMware often downloads these
tools on-demand. However, to do this, you need to create a fake VM
yuitowest / remap.vim
Created October 9, 2013 05:21
新人研修用 vim キーマップ
noremap <Up> :<C-u>echohl WarningMsg \| echo "Don't use Up key!!! Press [k]" \| echohl None<CR>
noremap! <Up> <ESC>:<C-u>echohl WarningMsg \| echo "Don't use Up key!!! Press [ESC][k]" \| echohl None<CR>
noremap <Down> :<C-u>echohl WarningMsg \| echo "Don't use Down key!!! Press [j]" \| echohl None<CR>
noremap! <Down> <ESC>:<C-u>echohl WarningMsg \| echo "Don't use Down key!!! Press [ESC][j]" \| echohl None<CR>
noremap <Left> :<C-u>echohl WarningMsg \| echo "Don't use Left key!!! Press [l]" \| echohl None<CR>
noremap! <Left> <ESC>:<C-u>echohl WarningMsg \| echo "Don't use Left key!!! Press [ESC][l]" \| echohl None<CR>
noremap <Right> :<C-u>echohl WarningMsg \| echo "Don't use Right key!!! Press [h]" \| echohl None<CR>
noremap! <Right> <ESC>:<C-u>echohl WarningMsg \| echo "Don't use Right key!!! Press [ESC][h]" \| echohl None<CR>
noremap <BS> :<C-u>echohl WarningMsg \| echo "Don't use BackSpace key!!! Press [ctrl-h]" \| echohl None<CR>
noremap! <BS> <ESC>:<C-u>echohl WarningMsg \| echo "Don't use BackSpace key!
yuitowest /
Last active December 15, 2015 21:59
Vmware Fusion用のVagrant BOXファイルの作成のやりかたメモ
yuitowest /
Last active December 15, 2015 20:19
Vagrantが1.1でVMware Fusion向けプラグインを公開したので試した。


$ vagrant -v
Vagrant version 1.1.5