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Created July 13, 2011 07:16
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* 謎言語ウキャス
* こんにちわ → ᓦᐓᔦᐓᓾᐓᓴᐓᔢᐓ
* 吾輩は猫である。名前はまだ無い。 → ᗟᐡᓢᐹᔂᐓᑙᐮᓺᐓᓕᐓᔞᐓ。ᖮᐡ᙭ᐠᔂᐓᔑᐓᓳᐓᓎᐭᓗᐓ。
* 謎言語ウキャスは、@yuroyoroがScalaでテキトーに10分くらいで実装しました。
* → ᗅᐷᒷᐷᕕᐷᔹᐓᕀᐓᕶᐓᕌᐓᔂᐓ、@yuroyoroᓟᐓScalaᓺᐓᕙᐓᕀᐓᕛᐓᖏᐓᓾᐓ10ᘦᐠᓢᐓᔜᐓᓗᐓᓺᐓᗃᐤᗻᐶᓪᐓᔑᐓᓪᐓᓲᐓ。
object UCAS extends App{
import java.text.Normalizer
import java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
def toUcasChar(c:Char) = {
def g(n:Int):Char = (n + 5120).toChar
def worker(xs:Seq[Char], n:Int):Seq[Char] = if( n < 639 ) xs :+ g(n) else worker( xs :+ g(n % 639), n / 639)
if( isHKC(c) ) worker(Seq.empty[Char], c.toInt) else Seq(c)
def fromUcasChar(a:Char, b:Char) = {
(( (b.toInt - 5120) * 639 ) + a.toInt - 5120 ).toChar
def isHKC(c:Char) = UnicodeBlock.of(c) match {
case UnicodeBlock.HIRAGANA | UnicodeBlock.KATAKANA | UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS => true
case _ => false
def isUcas(c:Char) = UnicodeBlock.of(c) == UnicodeBlock.UNIFIED_CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL_SYLLABICS
def encode(s:String) = {
Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFKC).map{ toUcasChar }.flatten.mkString
def decode(s:String) = {
def worker( xs:List[Char], res:List[Char]):List[Char] = xs match {
case a::b::t if isUcas(a) && isUcas(b) => worker( t, res :+ fromUcasChar(a, b))
case h::t => worker(t, res :+ h)
case _ => res
worker( s.toList, List.empty[Char] ).mkString
def rand(n:Int = 140) = { ((1 to n).map{_ => (util.Random.nextInt(639) + 5120).toChar})
args.headOption.foreach{ cmd => cmd match {
case "rand" =>
val n ={ _.toInt}.getOrElse(140)
rand(n).foreach{b => java.lang.System.out.write(b)}
case "decode" =>
args.tail.foreach{ s => println(decode(s)) }
case "encode" =>
args.tail.foreach{ s => println(encode(s)) }
case _ =>
println("""usage: scala UCAS (rand|decode|encode) <strings...>""")
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