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Last active March 20, 2024 12:20
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Bucket notifications are important building block in the object storage ecosystem. And persistent bucket notifications in particular, as they let the system overcome broker outages. However, since the persistent notifications are backed with a RADOS queue, they have a cost. Both in the extra load on the RADOS cluster, and with the inability to operate in environemnts where there is no RADOS backend. In this project, we would like to implement persistent bucket notifications in the RADOS Gateway using a Redis Queue. Combined with the "zipper" project we would be able to enjoy bucket notifications with backends like posix, dbstore, daos etc.

Note that on top of using RADOS for the notification queue, our code is depended with RADOS with its implementation of a distributed lock (to make sure that one and only one RGW serve a queue at a given point in time). as well as the fact that topic and notification configuration stored inside RADOS objets.

Evaluation Stage

Step 1 - Build Ceph and Test Bucket Notifications

First would be to have a linux based development environment, as a minimum you would need a 4 CPU machine, with 8G RAM and 50GB disk. Unless you already have a linux distro you like, I would recommend choosing from:

  • Fedora (38/39) - my favorite!
  • Ubuntu (22.04 LTS)
  • WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), though it would probably take much longer...
  • RHEL9/Centos9
  • Other Linux distros - try at your own risk :-)

Once you have that up and running, you should clone the Ceph repo from github ( If you don’t know what github and git are, this is the right time to close these gaps :-) And yes, you should have a github account, so you can later share your work on the project.

Install any missing system dependencies use:


Note that, the first build may take long time, so the following cmake parameter could be used to minimize the build time. With a fresh ceph clone use the following:


if the build directory already exists, you can rebuild the ninja files by using (from build):


then invoke the build process (using ninja) from within the build directory (created by Assuming the build was completed successfully, you can run the unit tests (see:

Now you are ready to run the ceph processes, as explained here: You probably would also like to check the developer guide ( and learn more on how to build Ceph and run it locally ( Ceph's bucket noptification documentation:

Run bucket notification tests for persistent notifications using an HTTP endpoint:

  • start the vtsart cluster:
$ MON=1 OSD=1 MDS=0 MGR=0 RGW=1 ../src/ -n -d
  • on a separate terminal start an HTTP endpoint:
$ wget
$ python 10900
  • install the awc cli tool
  • configure the tool according to the access and secret keys showing in the output of the command
  • set the region to default
  • create a persistent topic pointing to the above HTTP endpoint:
$ aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 sns create-topic --name=fishtopic \
  --attributes='{"push-endpoint": "http://localhost:10900", "persistent": "true"}'
  • create a bucket:
$ aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 s3 mb s3://fish
  • create a notification on that bucket, pointing to the above topic:
$ aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration  --bucket fish \
  --notification-configuration='{"TopicConfigurations": [{"Id": "notif1", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:default::fishtopic", "Events": []}]}'

Leaving the event list empty is equivalent to setting it to ["s3:ObjectCreated:*", "s3:ObjectRemoved:*"]

  • create a file, and upload it:
$ head -c 512 </dev/urandom > myfile
$ aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 s3 cp myfile s3://fish
  • on the HTTP terminal, see the JSON output of the notifications

Step 2 - Build Test Tools

using the boost Redis client:

  • write a standalone client that pushes to the Redis Queue (input could be stdin, or any other option)
  • write a standalone client that pull from the Redis Queue (output could be stdout, or any other option)

Note that currently Ceph as a Redis cpp client that we have as a submodule, but this will be changed soon in favor of boost Redis.

  • optional: using gtest write a unit test that excersite the above clients

Project Goals

  • create an abstraction layer that could be implemented using cls_2pc_queue or a REDIS client
  • use this abstraction layer in the bucket notification code and break its dependency with RADOS
  • implement using boost redis client (that soon will be incorporated as a submodule in the Ceph source tree)
  • add a config option to select the implementation used in runtime
  • add test and setup instructions when using RADOS backend

Stretch Goal

  • create an abstraction layer for cls lock
  • use this abstraction layer in the bucket notification code
  • implement using our cpp redis submodule. see: redis distributed lock
  • move outside of the driver/rados directory
  • test and setup instructions when using a non-RADOS backend (e.g. posix)
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Great!! Glad that you found it.

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@yuvalif I have completed the mandatory deliverables for the second tasks. The files can be found here on this repo:

I'll be moving on to the optional task now. Could you suggest what to do next after the second task is done ?

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@yuvalif I have shared my draft proposal with you. Could u suggest any changes to it (if necessary).

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