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Account Addresses:
Zach (Main Account): 0x6fc919051900e8431281b4bad53761a5f993afa1
Zach 2: 0xbe4ee5624b6eaba6016fa5375f91c81f6f6462fa
Zach 3: 0x89ed7b3b263c2e0569607ece223c06d95ffdd5d4
Login/Unlock Account
web3.personal.unlockAccount("yourAddress", "password")
Send Ether
web3.eth.sendTransaction({from:"fromAddress", to:"toAddress", value: web3.toWei('integer', 'ether')})
View Transaction
Get Ether Balance of Contract:
TestCongress Address:
[TestCongress JSON Interface:] (
TestCongress Ether Balance
TestCongress Functions:
ChangeOfRules: function(), //Event Listener
MembershipChanged: function(), //Event Listener
ProposalAdded: function(), //Event Listener
ProposalTallied: function(), //Event Listener
Voted: function(), //Event Listener
addMember: function(), //OwnerOnly (can be done in wallet - will postpone for now)
allEvents: function(), //Provides a log of all Events (like an event aggregator)
changeVotingRules: function(), //OwnerOnly (can be done in wallet - will postpone for now)
checkProposalCode: function(), //Doesn't seem to be used anywhere
debatingPeriodInMinutes: function(), //self explanatory, returns single integer
* executeProposal: function(), //self explanatory, takes (uint proposalNumber, bytes transactionBytecode)
majorityMargin: function(), //self explanatory, returns single integer
* memberId: function(), //revisit
* members: function(), //revisit
minimumQuorum: function(), //self explanatory, returns single integer
* newProposal: function(), //revisit
numProposals: function(), //returns integer representing the # of proposals ever made
owner: function(), //returns the address of the contract owner
* proposals: function(), //revisit
receiveApproval: function(), //Doesn't seem to be used anywhere
receivedEther: function(), //Doesn't seem to be used anywhere
receivedTokens: function(), //Doesn't seem to be used anywhere
removeMember: function(), //OwnerOnly (can be done in wallet - will postpone for now)
transferOwnership: function(), //OwnerOnly (can be done in wallet - will postpone for now)
vote: function(), //revisit
TestCongress Events:
event ProposalAdded(uint proposalID, address recipient, uint amount, string description);
event Voted(uint proposalID, bool position, address voter, string justification);
event ProposalTallied(uint proposalID, int result, uint quorum, bool active);
event MembershipChanged(address member, bool isMember);
event ChangeOfRules(uint minimumQuorum, uint debatingPeriodInMinutes, int majorityMargin);
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