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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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python version of smallest set of smallest rings using the figueras algorithm
(ns sssr.core
(def pentagon2 {\A #{\B \E}, \B #{\A \C}
\C #{\B \D}, \D #{\C \E}
\E #{\D \A} })
(def hexagon2 {\A #{\B \F}, \B #{\A \C}
\C #{\B \D}, \D #{\C \E}
\E #{\D \F}, \F #{\E \A} })
(def four_six2 {\A #{\B \H}, \B #{\A \C}
\C #{\B \D \H}, \D #{\C \E}
\E #{\D \F}, \F #{\E \G}
\G #{\H \F}, \H #{\A \C \G} })
(def three_five2 {\A #{\B \F}, \B #{\A \C \F}
\C #{\B \D}, \D #{\C \E}
\E #{\D \F}, \F #{\E \A \B} })
(def four_six_plus2 {\A #{\B \H \I}, \B #{\A \C}
\C #{\B \D \H}, \D #{\C \E}
\E #{\D \F}, \F #{\E \G}
\G #{\H \F}, \H #{\A \C \G}
\I #{\A \J}, \J #{\I} })
(defn dequeue!
; deque from http:\\\questions\8938330\clojure-swap-atom-dequeuing?rq=1
(loop []
(let [q @queue
value (peek q)
nq (pop q)]
(if (compare-and-set! queue q nq)
;try to put transformations in the form of a reducing function that works on a transient
; atoms are not seable so i was running to trouble with them transients are having trouble too
(defn prune [Molecule]
"take a Molecule graph and remore all atoms lacking 2 connections
singles are the atoms with fewere than two connections
atompairs are a vector of tuples corresponding to bonds of singles
remove connection will remove the connections to an atom and the atom using atompairs
the reduction will pass the Molecule through each pruning event. once there are no
singels detected, the Molecule is returned"
(let [singles (filter #(< (count (second %)) 2) Molecule)
atompairs (partition 2 (flatten
(for [[atm bond] singles]
(for [b bond] [atm b]))))
remove-connections (fn [mol keys12]
(let [[key1 key2] keys12
nobond (update-in mol [key2] disj key1)
noatom (dissoc nobond key1)]
noatom ))]
(if (empty? singles)
(let [pruned (reduce remove-connections Molecule atompairs)]
(prune pruned)))))
(defn getring
"breadth-first search for smallest ring modified BFS algorithm after Figueras
all mutable state is kept in atoms:
the atomqueue is used to kep track of which atom to evaluate
the paths is a map of sets that keep track of all the paths starting at the rootnode
the visited atom keeps track of atoms you've seen
the ring is set to nil and awaits discovery
Evaluation of smallest ring is assessed by merging your paths and making sure the intersection
is only one."
[Molecule rootnode]
(let [ init-paths (into {} (for [[k v] Molecule] [k #{}]))
paths (atom (update-in init-paths [rootnode] conj rootnode))
atomqueue (atom (conj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY rootnode))
visited (atom #{rootnode})
ring (atom nil) ]
(while (nil? @ring)
(let [atomcode (dequeue! atomqueue)
connectedatoms (->> (get Molecule atomcode)
(remove @visited))]
(doseq [atm connectedatoms]
;check for rings and return if a ring is found
(let [currentpath (get @paths atomcode)
nextpath (get @paths atm)
intersect (clojure.set/intersection currentpath nextpath)]
(and (> (count @paths) 1) (= 1 (count intersect)))
(reset! ring (clojure.set/union currentpath nextpath))
(= 0 (count nextpath))
(swap! paths update-in [atm] clojure.set/union currentpath)
(swap! paths update-in [atm] conj atm)
(swap! atomqueue conj atm)))))
(swap! visited conj atomcode)))
(defn getrings
"this funtion returns the smallest set of smallest rings of a Molecule graph
it uses the prune funciton to eliminate unconnected atoms and uses the getrings
funciton to find the smallest ring for each node
unlike the Figueras algorithim this does not break the chains after finding a node
therefore this will do more searches. A possible speed-up if needed soule be to implement
chain breaking although the speedup would probably only benefit large molecules."
(let [mol (prune Molecule)
getrings1 (fn [rings x]
(let [ring (getring Molecule x)]
(clojure.set/union rings #{ring})))]
(reduce getrings1 #{} (keys mol))))
(prune four_six_plus2)
(getring (prune hexagon2) \A)
(getrings four_six2)
(getrings four_six_plus2)
from collections import deque
pentagon = [{"key":"A", "connections":["B","E"]},
{"key":"B", "connections": ["A", "C"]},
{"key":"C", "connections": ["B", "D"]},
{"key":"D", "connections": ["C", "E"]},
{"key":"E", "connections": ["D", "A"]}]
hexagon = [{"key":"A","connections":["B", "E"]},
{"key":"B","connections":["A", "C"]},
{"key":"C","connections":["B", "D"]},
{"key":"D","connections":["C", "E"]},
{"key":"E","connections":["D", "A"]}]
four_six = [
{"key":"A","connections":["B", "H"]},
{"key":"B","connections":["A", "C"]},
{"key":"C","connections":["B", "D", "H"]},
{"key":"D","connections":["C", "E"]},
{"key":"E","connections":["D", "F"]},
{"key":"F","connections":["E", "G"]},
{"key":"G","connections":["F", "H"]},
{"key":"H","connections":["A", "C", "G"]}
three_five = [
{"key":"A","connections":["B", "F"]},
{"key":"B","connections":["A", "C", "F"]},
{"key":"C","connections":["B", "D"]},
{"key":"D","connections":["C", "E"]},
{"key":"E","connections":["D", "F"]},
{"key":"F","connections":["E", "A", "B"]}
four_six_plus = [
{"key":"A","connections":["B", "H", "I"]},
{"key":"B","connections":["A", "C"]},
{"key":"C","connections":["B", "D", "H"]},
{"key":"D","connections":["C", "E"]},
{"key":"E","connections":["D", "F"]},
{"key":"F","connections":["E", "G"]},
{"key":"G","connections":["F", "H"]},
{"key":"H","connections":["A", "C", "G"]},
def getring(Molecule, rootnode):
# connections is just the table of connections in the molecule
connections = { mol['key']: mol['connections'] for mol in Molecule}
# ring members must be a member of the ring
assert len(connections[rootnode])>1
# paths is a dictionary of paths starting form the start node. It is initialized
# to zero and will be used to updated as each member of the queue is analyzed
paths = {mol['key']: set() for mol in Molecule}
# atomqueue will keep track of atoms that have been visited and need to be processed
atomqueue = deque()
# visited is the atom keys that have been seen already
visited = set()
#when a ring is found, return the ring
ring = None
# initialize the root node
while not ring:
print "atomqueue: {}".format(atomqueue)
print "visited: {}".format(visited)
print "paths: {}".format(paths)
atomcode = atomqueue.popleft()
#print "atomcode: {}".format(atomcode)
connectedatoms = [a for a in connections[atomcode] if a not in visited]
#print "atoms connected: {}".format(connectedatoms)
for atom in connectedatoms:
print "atom: {}".format(atom)
#check for rings and return if a ring is found
currentpath = paths[atomcode]
nextpath = paths[atom]
intersect = currentpath.intersection(nextpath)
#print "current path: {}".format(currentpath)
#print "next path: {}".format(currentpath)
if len(nextpath) > 0 and len(intersect) == 1:
return currentpath.union(nextpath)
# update path only if the target path is empty
# to avoid incorporating longer paths
if len(nextpath) == 0:
paths[atom] = currentpath.copy()
#add atoms to queue
#update visited
raise Error("Problem Here. You should never get here!")
def getrings(Molecule):
find atoms that are connected by only a single bond,
eliminate them and the connections to them by other atoms until
there are only atoms that have at least two connections
then find the rings on them
# copy the Molecule for local editing
tempmol = list(Molecule)
print tempmol
# find the atoms that are initially less than 2 bond connections
singles_index = [i for i,a in enumerate(tempmol) if len(a['connections']) < 2]
# eliminate all atoms that are not part of a ring
while len(singles_index) > 0:
for idx in singles_index:
key = tempmol[idx]['key']
connections = tempmol[idx]['connections']
# remove connections
for con in connections:
#print "index: {}\nkey:{}\nconnection:{}".format(idx,key,con)
index = [i for i,x in enumerate(tempmol) if x['key'] == con][0]
# remove atom
print tempmol
# reset singles index
singles_index = [i for i,a in enumerate(tempmol) if len(a['connections']) < 2]
print len(singles_index)
# calculate ring on the trimmed molceule
rings = set()
for atom in tempmol:
if len(atom['connections']) > 1:
ring = frozenset(getring(Molecule, atom["key"]))
print atom, ring
if ring not in rings:
return rings
#getring(pentagon, 'B') #expect six
#getring(hexagon, 'B') # expect five
#getring(four_six, 'A') #expect four yes
#getring(four_six, 'B') #expect four yes
#getring(four_six, 'C') #expect four yes
#getring(four_six, 'D') #expect six yes
#getring(four_six, 'E') #expect six yes
#getring(four_six, 'F') #expect six yes
#getring(four_six, 'G') #expect siz yes
#getring(four_six, 'H') #expect four yes
#getring(four_six_plus, 'I') #expect assertion for length
#getrings(four_six) # correctly gets rings
#getrings(three_five) # incorrect for C,E,F
#getrings(four_six_plus) # should trim atoms and correctly get rings
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