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Created August 20, 2015 20:53
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Abandoned dictionary diffing in swift
import Foundation
extension Dictionary {
static func keyDifference<Value: Equatable>(dictionary1 dic1: Dictionary<Key, Value>, dictionary2 dic2: Dictionary<Key, Value>, inout inserted: Set<Key>, inout deleted: Set<Key>, inout updated:Set<Key>, inout unchanged: Set<Key>) {
let keys1 = Set(dic1.keys.array)
let keys2 = Set(dic2.keys.array)
let allKeys = keys1.union(keys2)
inserted = []
deleted = []
updated = []
unchanged = []
for key in allKeys {
switch (dic1[key], dic2[key]) {
case (.None, .Some(let _)):
case (.Some(let _), .None):
case (.Some(let v1), .Some(let v2)):
if v1 == v2 {
} else {
assertionFailure("Key \"\(key)\" must exist in either one or another dictionary")
extension NSDictionary {
static func wml_keyDifferenceBetweenDictionary(dic1: NSDictionary, andDictionary dic2: NSDictionary, inserted: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSSet>, deleted: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSSet>, updated: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSSet>, unchanged: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSSet>) {
if let dic1 = dic1 as? [String: NSObject],
dic2 = dic2 as? [String: NSObject] {
var outInserted: Set<String> = [], outDeleted: Set<String> = [], outUpdated: Set<String> = [], outUnchanged: Set<String> = []
[String: NSObject].keyDifference(dictionary1: dic1, dictionary2: dic2, inserted: &outInserted, deleted: &outDeleted, updated: &outUpdated, unchanged: &outUnchanged)
} else {
assertionFailure("Can't process dictionaries: unexpected types")
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