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Created October 12, 2019 14:08
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const MarkdownArray = [
// `<Comment />`.
{ syntax: /^\/\/(.*)(?:$|\n)/,
parser: (key, [children]) => <Comment key={key} children={parseText(children)} /> },
// `<Header />`.
{ syntax: /^(#{1,6})( .*)(?:$|\n)/,
parser: (key, [open, children]) => <Header key={key} open={open} children={parseText(children)} /> },
// `<CodeBlock />`.
// { syntax: /^```(.*)((?:\n?(?:.*\n)*?)?)```(?:$|\n)/,
{ syntax: /^```(.*)(\n(?:.*\n)*?)```(?:$|\n)/,
parser: (key, [metadata, children]) => <CodeBlock key={key} metadata={metadata} children={children} /> },
// `<Blockquote />`.
{ syntax: /^((?:>(?: .*)?\n)*>(?: .*)?)(?:$|\n)/,
parser: (key, [children]) => <Blockquote key={key} children={children.split("\n").map(each => parseText(each.slice(1)))} /> },
// `<List />`.
{ syntax: /^((?:\t*[*+\-•] .*\n)*\t*[*+\-•] .*)(?:$|\n)/,
parser: (key, [children]) => <List key={key} children={parseList(children)} /> },
// `<List isNumbered />`.
{ syntax: /^((?:\t*\d+[.)] .*\n)*\t*\d+[.)] .*)(?:$|\n)/,
parser: (key, [children]) => <List key={key} isNumbered children={parseList(children)} /> },
// `<Break />`.
{ syntax: /^(\*\*\*|---)(?:$|\n)/,
parser: (key, [open]) => <Break key={key} open={open} /> },
// `<Paragraph />`.
{ syntax: /^(.*)(?:$|\n)/,
parser: (key, [children]) => <Paragraph key={key} children={parseText(children)} /> }
function parse(data) {
const Components = []
let end = 0 // Use `let`.
while (end <= data.length) { // Use the `<=` operator. ??
// Parse components:
const slice = data.slice(end)
for (const { syntax, parser } of MarkdownArray) {
const groups = slice.match(syntax)
if (groups) {
const key = Components.length
Components.push(parser(key, groups.slice(1)))
end += groups[0].length
if (groups[0].slice(-1) !== "\n") {
// // React components are frozen so we can’t mutate them.
// const [each, index] = [Components[Components.length - 1], Components.length - 1]
// Components[index] = <each.type key={index} {...each.props} />
return Components
const MarkdownArray = [
// `<Escape />`.
{ syntax: /^\\(.)/,
parser: (key, [children]) => <Escape key={key} children={children} /> },
// `<CommentSnippet />`.
{ syntax: /^\/\*(|.*?[^\\])\*\//,
parser: (key, [children]) => <CommentSnippet key={key} children={children} /> },
// `<Italics />`.
{ syntax: /^_(|.*?[^\\])_/,
parser: (key, [children]) => <Italics key={key} children={parseText(children)} /> },
// `<Bold />`.
{ syntax: /^\*\*(|.*?[^\\])\*\*/,
parser: (key, [children]) => <Bold key={key} children={parseText(children)} /> },
// `<Code />`.
{ syntax: /^`(|.*?[^\\])`/,
parser: (key, [children]) => <Code key={key} children={children} /> },
// `<Link />`.
{ syntax: /^\[(|.*?[^\\])\]\((|.*?[^\\])\)/,
parser: (key, [children, href]) => <Link key={key} href={href} children={parseText(children)} /> }
function parseText(data) {
// Guard breaks:
if (!data) {
return ""
const Components = []
let end = 0 // Use `let`.
while (end < data.length) { // Use the `<` operator. ??
// Parse components:
const slice = data.slice(end)
let matched = false // Use `let`.
for (const { syntax, parser } of MarkdownArray) {
const groups = slice.match(syntax)
if (groups) {
const key = Components.length
Components.push(parser(key, groups.slice(1)))
end += groups[0].length
matched = true
// Parse text:
if (!matched) {
if (!Components.length || typeof Components[Components.length - 1] !== "string") {
} else {
Components[Components.length - 1] += data[end]
return Components
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