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Last active December 21, 2023 08:10
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Auto-generate mermaid class diagram powered by Sourcery
- FIXME_path_to_sources
- mermaid_class_diagram.stencil


  1. Install Sourcery
  2. Download source code from Gist
  3. Modify .sourcery.yml to specify the source code for analyzing (Sourcery can specify the analysis target by directory or target multiple directories)
  4. Execute sourcery command in the downloaded directory
  5. Display the file in the same directory with GitHub Issue or other mermaid-compatible tools


  • Type
    • Types are only classes and protocols
      • struct, enum, and typealias are out of scope
        • If it comes up in a relationship, it will be listed, and the disadvantage of noise seems to be greater
    • Nested generics are not supported by mermaid
      • I want to omit it, but it seems hard to write conditions in various places, so I decided to leave it as it is.
    • InnerType didn't seem to be supported by mermaid, so I replace from . to __.
  • Variables
    • Variables of closure type are omitted because the variable names do not display correctly and Mermaid does not seem to support them.
      • I would like to know if there is a specification that can be written 🙏
  • Methods
    • Method names are in selector format
  • Relationships
    • Implement the following
      • Inheritance
      • Realization
        • If there is an inheritor of the protocol, implementer also will be related to inheritor.
          • Because of Sourcery specifications... It may be difficult to handle with Stencil only...
      • Composition
      • Aggregation
        • Sourcery doesn't handle collection types well, and it parses them on a character basis, so it may be a bit noisy and buggy.
    • Association is out of scope
      • I was able to draw a association relationship by method argument, but the number of lines became too many, making it difficult to understand other relationships, so I scoped it out (commented out).
    • Dependency may be able to draw a relationship if it is an argument type such as Initializer, but it is not supported because there seem to be too many false positives.


  1. Sourceryをインストール
    • プロジェクトで使ってるとかがないなら、brewで入れちゃうのが楽です
  2. Gistからコード一式をダウンロード
  3. .sourcery.yml を修正して、解析対象のソースコードを指定
    • Sourceryなので、解析対象をディレクトリ単位で指定したり、複数を対象にしたりできます
  4. ダウンロードしたディレクトリで sourcery コマンド実行
  5. 同ディレクトリにできた を、GitHub Issueなどmermaid対応してるツールで表示する


  • 型(クラスとプロトコル)
    • 型はクラスとプロトコルを対象にする
      • struct、enum、typealiasはスコープアウト
        • リレーションシップで出てきたら記載されるし、ノイズになるデメリットの方が大きそう
    • ネストしたジェネリクスはMermaidが対応していない
      • オミットしてしまおうかとも思ったけど判定を色んなところに書くのが辛そうなのでいったんそのまま
    • InnerTypeはMermaidが対応してなさそうだったので、 . -> __ に変換した
  • 変数
    • closure型の変数は変数名が正しく表示できず、Mermaidが対応してなさそうなのでオミット
      • 記述できる仕様があれば知りたい🙏
  • メソッド
    • メソッド名はセレクタ形式
  • リレーションシップ
    • 以下を実装
      • Inheritance
      • Realization
        • 実装してるプロトコルの継承元がある場合、そちらにもリレーション張ってしまう
          • Sourceryの仕様...Stencilだけだとハンドリングが難しそう...
      • Composition
      • Aggregation
        • Sourceryがコレクション型のハンドリングがうまくできてなく、文字ベースで解析してるのでSwift標準ライブラリの型なども対象に入ってきて少しノイジーかもしれない
    • Associationは、メソッドの引数の型で関係引けたけど、線が多くなり過ぎて他のリレーションがわかりにくくなったのでスコープアウト(コメントアウト)
    • Dependencyは、Initializerとかの引数の型なら関係引けるかもしれないけど、誤陽性多そうなので未対応

  class PKHUDAnimating {

  class ContainerView {
    -Bool keyboardIsVisible
    -CGFloat keyboardHeight
    +FrameView frameView
    -Bool willHide
    -UIView backgroundView
  ContainerView *-- FrameView : composition

  class FrameView {
    -UIView _content
    +UIView content

  class HUD {

  class PKHUD {
    +UIView? viewToPresentOn
    -ContainerView container
    -Timer? hideTimer
    -[String: TimerAction] timerActions
    +TimeInterval graceTime
    +TimeInterval gracePeriod
    -Timer? graceTimer
    +Bool dimsBackground
    +Bool userInteractionOnUnderlyingViewsEnabled
    +Bool isVisible
    +UIView contentView
    +UIVisualEffect? effect
    +CGFloat leadingMargin
    +CGFloat trailingMargin
  PKHUD *-- ContainerView : composition
  PKHUD *-- PKHUD : composition
  PKHUD o--  TimerAction : aggregation

  class PKHUDAnimation {

  class PKHUDAssets {

  class PKHUDErrorView {
    +PKHUDErrorView dashOneLayer
    +PKHUDErrorView dashTwoLayer
  PKHUDAnimating <|.. PKHUDErrorView : realization
  PKHUDSquareBaseView <|-- PKHUDErrorView : inheritance
  PKHUDErrorView *-- PKHUDErrorView : composition
  PKHUDErrorView *-- PKHUDErrorView : composition

  class PKHUDProgressView {
  PKHUDAnimating <|.. PKHUDProgressView : realization
  PKHUDSquareBaseView <|-- PKHUDProgressView : inheritance

  class PKHUDRotatingImageView {
  PKHUDAnimating <|.. PKHUDRotatingImageView : realization
  PKHUDSquareBaseView <|-- PKHUDRotatingImageView : inheritance

  class PKHUDSquareBaseView {
    +UIImageView imageView
    +UILabel titleLabel
    +UILabel subtitleLabel

  class PKHUDSuccessView {
    +CAShapeLayer checkmarkShapeLayer
  PKHUDAnimating <|.. PKHUDSuccessView : realization
  PKHUDSquareBaseView <|-- PKHUDSuccessView : inheritance

  class PKHUDSystemActivityIndicatorView {
    +UIActivityIndicatorView activityIndicatorView
  PKHUDAnimating <|.. PKHUDSystemActivityIndicatorView : realization
  PKHUDSquareBaseView <|-- PKHUDSystemActivityIndicatorView : inheritance

  class PKHUDTextView {
    +UILabel titleLabel
  PKHUDWideBaseView <|-- PKHUDTextView : inheritance

  class PKHUDWideBaseView {

  class WindowRootViewController {
    +UIInterfaceOrientationMask supportedInterfaceOrientations
    +UIStatusBarStyle preferredStatusBarStyle
    +Bool prefersStatusBarHidden
    +UIStatusBarAnimation preferredStatusBarUpdateAnimation
    +Bool shouldAutorotate


  class Action {

  class AnyStoreSubscriber {

  class Coding {
    +[String: AnyObject] dictionaryRepresentation
  Coding o--  AnyObject : aggregation

  class DispatchingStoreType {

  class StateType {

  class StoreSubscriber {
  AnyStoreSubscriber <|-- StoreSubscriber : inheritance

  class StoreType {
    +State state
    +DispatchFunction dispatchFunction
  DispatchingStoreType <|-- StoreType : inheritance

  class Assertions {

  class Store {
    +State state
    +DispatchFunction dispatchFunction
    -Reducer<State> reducer
    +Set<SubscriptionType> subscriptions
    -Synchronized<Bool> isDispatching
    -Bool subscriptionsAutomaticallySkipRepeats
    +[Middleware<State>] middleware
    +subscriptionBox(originalSubscription:transformedSubscription:subscriber:) SubscriptionBox
  DispatchingStoreType <|.. Store : realization
  StoreType <|.. Store : realization
  Store *-- Synchronized : composition
  Store o-- SubscriptionType : aggregation
  Store o-- Middleware~State~ : aggregation

  class Subscription {
    -_select(_:) Subscription
    +select(_:) Subscription
    +select(_:) Subscription
    +skipRepeats(_:) Subscription
    +skipRepeats() Subscription
    +skip(when:) Subscription
    +only(when:) Subscription

  class SubscriptionBox {
    -Subscription<State> originalSubscription
    +AnyStoreSubscriber? subscriber
    -ObjectIdentifier objectIdentifier
    +Int hashValue
  SubscriptionBox *-- Subscription : composition
  SubscriptionBox *-- AnyStoreSubscriber : composition


  class ControlEventType {
    +asControlEvent() ControlEvent
  ObservableType <|-- ControlEventType : inheritance

  class ControlPropertyType {
    +ControlProperty<String> orEmpty
    +asControlProperty() ControlProperty
  ObservableType <|-- ControlPropertyType : inheritance
  ControlPropertyType *-- ControlProperty : composition

  class DelegateProxyType {
  DelegateProxyType *-- DelegateProxyFactory : composition

  class HasDataSource {
    +DataSource? dataSource

  class HasDelegate {
    +Delegate? delegate

  class HasPrefetchDataSource {
    +PrefetchDataSource? prefetchDataSource

  class KVOObservableProtocol {
    -AnyObject target
    -String keyPath
    -Bool retainTarget
    -KeyValueObservingOptions options
  KVOObservableProtocol *-- Bool : composition
  KVOObservableProtocol *-- KeyValueObservingOptions : composition

  class KVORepresentable {

  class MessageInterceptorSubject {
    -Bool isActive
    -IMP targetImplementation
  MessageInterceptorSubject *-- Bool : composition

  class RxCollectionViewDataSourceType {

  class RxPickerViewDataSourceType {

  class RxTableViewDataSourceType {

  class SectionedViewDataSourceType {

  class SharedSequenceConvertibleType {
    +asSharedSequence() SharedSequence
    +asDriver() SharedSequence
    +map(_:) SharedSequence
    +compactMap(_:) SharedSequence
    +filter(_:) SharedSequence
    +switchLatest() SharedSequence
    +flatMapLatest(_:) SharedSequence
    +flatMapFirst(_:) SharedSequence
    +`do`(onNext:afterNext:onCompleted:afterCompleted:onSubscribe:onSubscribed:onDispose:) SharedSequence
    +debug(_:trimOutput:file:line:function:) SharedSequence
    +distinctUntilChanged() SharedSequence
    +distinctUntilChanged(_:) SharedSequence
    +distinctUntilChanged(_:) SharedSequence
    +distinctUntilChanged(_:comparer:) SharedSequence
    +flatMap(_:) SharedSequence
    +merge() SharedSequence
    +merge(maxConcurrent:) SharedSequence
    +throttle(_:latest:) SharedSequence
    +debounce(_:) SharedSequence
    +scan(_:accumulator:) SharedSequence
    +withUnretained(_:resultSelector:) SharedSequence
    +withUnretained(_:) SharedSequence
    +withLatestFrom(_:resultSelector:) SharedSequence
    +withLatestFrom(_:) SharedSequence
    +skip(_:) SharedSequence
    +startWith(_:) SharedSequence
    +delay(_:) SharedSequence
    +asSignal() SharedSequence
  ObservableConvertibleType <|-- SharedSequenceConvertibleType : inheritance

  class SharingStrategyProtocol {

  class BarButtonItemTarget {
    +UIBarButtonItem? barButtonItem
    +Callback callback
  RxTarget <|-- BarButtonItemTarget : inheritance

  class CollectionViewDataSourceNotSet {
    +collectionView(_:numberOfItemsInSection:) Int

  class CollectionViewPrefetchDataSourceNotSet {

  class ControlTarget {
    +Selector selector
    +Control? control
    +UIControl.Event controlEvents
    +Callback? callback
  RxTarget <|-- ControlTarget : inheritance

  class DeallocObservable {
    +ReplaySubject<Void> subject

  class DeallocatingProxy {
    +IMP targetImplementation
    +Bool isActive
  MessageInterceptorSubject <|.. DeallocatingProxy : realization
  DeallocatingProxy *-- Bool : composition

  class DelegateProxy {
    -[Selector: MessageDispatcher] _sentMessageForSelector
    -[Selector: MessageDispatcher] _methodInvokedForSelector
    -ParentObject? _parentObject
    -hasObservers(selector:) Bool
    +responds(to:) Bool
  DelegateProxy o--  MessageDispatcher : aggregation
  DelegateProxy o--  MessageDispatcher : aggregation

  class DelegateProxyFactory {
    -Any.Type _delegateProxyType
    -UnsafeRawPointer _identifier
  DelegateProxyFactory o--  DelegateProxyFactory : aggregation

  class GestureTarget {
    +#selector selector
    +Recognizer? gestureRecognizer
    +Callback? callback
  RxTarget <|-- GestureTarget : inheritance

  class KVOObservable {
    +AnyObject target
    +AnyObject? strongTarget
    +String keyPath
    +KeyValueObservingOptions options
    +Bool retainTarget
  KVOObservableProtocol <|.. KVOObservable : realization
  ObservableType <|-- KVOObservable : inheritance
  KVOObservable *-- KeyValueObservingOptions : composition
  KVOObservable *-- Bool : composition

  class KVOObserver {
    +KVOObserver? retainSelf
  KVOObserver *-- KVOObserver : composition

  class MessageDispatcher {
    -PublishSubject<[Any]> dispatcher
    -Observable<[Any]> result
    -Selector selector
    +Bool hasObservers
  MessageDispatcher *-- Bool : composition
  MessageDispatcher o-- PublishSubject~Any~ : aggregation
  MessageDispatcher o-- Observable~Any~ : aggregation

  class MessageSentProxy {
    +PublishSubject<[Any]> messageSent
    +PublishSubject<[Any]> methodInvoked
    +IMP targetImplementation
    +Bool isActive
  MessageInterceptorSubject <|.. MessageSentProxy : realization
  MessageSentProxy *-- Bool : composition
  MessageSentProxy o-- PublishSubject~Any~ : aggregation
  MessageSentProxy o-- PublishSubject~Any~ : aggregation

  class PickerViewDataSourceNotSet {
    +numberOfComponents(in:) Int
    +pickerView(_:numberOfRowsInComponent:) Int

  class RxAttributedStringPickerViewAdapter {
    -AttributedTitleForRow attributedTitleForRow

  class RxCollectionViewDataSourcePrefetchingProxy {
    +UICollectionView? collectionView
    -PublishSubject<[IndexPath]>? _prefetchItemsPublishSubject
    +PublishSubject<[IndexPath]> prefetchItemsPublishSubject
    -UICollectionViewDataSourcePrefetching? _requiredMethodsPrefetchDataSource
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxCollectionViewDataSourcePrefetchingProxy : realization
  RxCollectionViewDataSourcePrefetchingProxy *-- UICollectionView : composition
  RxCollectionViewDataSourcePrefetchingProxy o-- PublishSubject~IndexPath~ : aggregation
  RxCollectionViewDataSourcePrefetchingProxy o-- PublishSubject~IndexPath~ : aggregation

  class RxCollectionViewDataSourceProxy {
    +UICollectionView? collectionView
    -UICollectionViewDataSource? _requiredMethodsDataSource
    +collectionView(_:numberOfItemsInSection:) Int
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxCollectionViewDataSourceProxy : realization
  RxCollectionViewDataSourceProxy *-- UICollectionView : composition

  class RxCollectionViewDelegateProxy {
    +UICollectionView? collectionView
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxCollectionViewDelegateProxy : realization
  RxScrollViewDelegateProxy <|-- RxCollectionViewDelegateProxy : inheritance
  RxCollectionViewDelegateProxy *-- UICollectionView : composition

  class RxCollectionViewReactiveArrayDataSource {
    +[Element]? itemModels
    +CellFactory cellFactory
    +_collectionView(_:numberOfItemsInSection:) Int
  SectionedViewDataSourceType <|.. RxCollectionViewReactiveArrayDataSource : realization
  _RxCollectionViewReactiveArrayDataSource <|-- RxCollectionViewReactiveArrayDataSource : inheritance
  RxCollectionViewReactiveArrayDataSource o-- Element : aggregation

  class RxCollectionViewReactiveArrayDataSourceSequenceWrapper {
  RxCollectionViewDataSourceType <|.. RxCollectionViewReactiveArrayDataSourceSequenceWrapper : realization

  class RxNavigationControllerDelegateProxy {
    +UINavigationController? navigationController
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxNavigationControllerDelegateProxy : realization
  RxNavigationControllerDelegateProxy *-- UINavigationController : composition

  class RxPickerViewAdapter {
    -ViewForRow viewForRow

  class RxPickerViewArrayDataSource {
    -[T] items
    +numberOfComponents(in:) Int
    +pickerView(_:numberOfRowsInComponent:) Int
  SectionedViewDataSourceType <|.. RxPickerViewArrayDataSource : realization
  RxPickerViewArrayDataSource o-- T : aggregation

  class RxPickerViewDataSourceProxy {
    +UIPickerView? pickerView
    -UIPickerViewDataSource? _requiredMethodsDataSource
    +numberOfComponents(in:) Int
    +pickerView(_:numberOfRowsInComponent:) Int
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxPickerViewDataSourceProxy : realization
  RxPickerViewDataSourceProxy *-- UIPickerView : composition

  class RxPickerViewDelegateProxy {
    +UIPickerView? pickerView
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxPickerViewDelegateProxy : realization
  RxPickerViewDelegateProxy *-- UIPickerView : composition

  class RxPickerViewSequenceDataSource {
  RxPickerViewDataSourceType <|.. RxPickerViewSequenceDataSource : realization

  class RxScrollViewDelegateProxy {
    +UIScrollView? scrollView
    -BehaviorSubject<CGPoint>? _contentOffsetBehaviorSubject
    +BehaviorSubject<CGPoint> contentOffsetBehaviorSubject
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxScrollViewDelegateProxy : realization
  RxScrollViewDelegateProxy *-- UIScrollView : composition

  class RxSearchBarDelegateProxy {
    +UISearchBar? searchBar
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxSearchBarDelegateProxy : realization
  RxSearchBarDelegateProxy *-- UISearchBar : composition

  class RxSearchControllerDelegateProxy {
    +UISearchController? searchController
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxSearchControllerDelegateProxy : realization
  RxSearchControllerDelegateProxy *-- UISearchController : composition

  class RxStringPickerViewAdapter {
    -TitleForRow titleForRow

  class RxTabBarControllerDelegateProxy {
    +UITabBarController? tabBar
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxTabBarControllerDelegateProxy : realization
  RxTabBarControllerDelegateProxy *-- UITabBarController : composition

  class RxTabBarDelegateProxy {
    +UITabBar? tabBar
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxTabBarDelegateProxy : realization
  RxTabBarDelegateProxy *-- UITabBar : composition

  class RxTableViewDataSourcePrefetchingProxy {
    +UITableView? tableView
    -PublishSubject<[IndexPath]>? _prefetchRowsPublishSubject
    +PublishSubject<[IndexPath]> prefetchRowsPublishSubject
    -UITableViewDataSourcePrefetching? _requiredMethodsPrefetchDataSource
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxTableViewDataSourcePrefetchingProxy : realization
  RxTableViewDataSourcePrefetchingProxy *-- UITableView : composition
  RxTableViewDataSourcePrefetchingProxy o-- PublishSubject~IndexPath~ : aggregation
  RxTableViewDataSourcePrefetchingProxy o-- PublishSubject~IndexPath~ : aggregation

  class RxTableViewDataSourceProxy {
    +UITableView? tableView
    -UITableViewDataSource? _requiredMethodsDataSource
    +tableView(_:numberOfRowsInSection:) Int
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxTableViewDataSourceProxy : realization
  RxTableViewDataSourceProxy *-- UITableView : composition

  class RxTableViewDelegateProxy {
    +UITableView? tableView
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxTableViewDelegateProxy : realization
  RxScrollViewDelegateProxy <|-- RxTableViewDelegateProxy : inheritance
  RxTableViewDelegateProxy *-- UITableView : composition

  class RxTableViewReactiveArrayDataSource {
    +[Element]? itemModels
    +CellFactory cellFactory
    +_tableView(_:numberOfRowsInSection:) Int
  SectionedViewDataSourceType <|.. RxTableViewReactiveArrayDataSource : realization
  _RxTableViewReactiveArrayDataSource <|-- RxTableViewReactiveArrayDataSource : inheritance
  RxTableViewReactiveArrayDataSource o-- Element : aggregation

  class RxTableViewReactiveArrayDataSourceSequenceWrapper {
  RxTableViewDataSourceType <|.. RxTableViewReactiveArrayDataSourceSequenceWrapper : realization

  class RxTarget {
    -RxTarget? retainSelf
  RxTarget *-- RxTarget : composition

  class RxTextFieldDelegateProxy {
    +NSTextField? textField
    -PublishSubject<String?> textSubject
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxTextFieldDelegateProxy : realization

  class RxTextStorageDelegateProxy {
    +NSTextStorage? textStorage
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxTextStorageDelegateProxy : realization
  RxTextStorageDelegateProxy *-- NSTextStorage : composition

  class RxTextViewDelegateProxy {
    +UITextView? textView
    +NSTextView? textView
    -PublishSubject<String> textSubject
    +textView(_:shouldChangeTextIn:replacementText:) Bool
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxTextViewDelegateProxy : realization
  RxScrollViewDelegateProxy <|-- RxTextViewDelegateProxy : inheritance

  class RxWKNavigationDelegateProxy {
    +WKWebView? webView
  DelegateProxyType <|.. RxWKNavigationDelegateProxy : realization

  class TableViewDataSourceNotSet {
    +tableView(_:numberOfRowsInSection:) Int

  class TableViewPrefetchDataSourceNotSet {

  class _RxCollectionViewReactiveArrayDataSource {
    +numberOfSections(in:) Int
    +_collectionView(_:numberOfItemsInSection:) Int
    +collectionView(_:numberOfItemsInSection:) Int

  class _RxTableViewReactiveArrayDataSource {
    +numberOfSections(in:) Int
    +_tableView(_:numberOfRowsInSection:) Int
    +tableView(_:numberOfRowsInSection:) Int


  class CollectionSectionProtocol {

  class LoggerProtocol {

  class MaterialView {

  class MessagingBridgeDelegate {

  class MonsterDetailEventHandler {

  class MonsterDetailInteractorInput {

  class MonsterDetailInteractorOutput {

  class MonsterDetailRouterInput {

  class MonsterDetailUserInterface {

  class MonsterListEventHandler {

  class MonsterListInteractorInput {

  class MonsterListInteractorOutput {

  class MonsterListRouterInput {

  class MonsterListUserInterface {

  class MonsterSectionEventHandler {

  class MonstersRepository {

  class MonstersTempRepository {
    +monster(key:) MonsterEntity

  class SpotlightRepository {

  class BaseView {
    -CGFloat cornerRadius
  MaterialView <|.. BaseView : realization
  UIView <|-- BaseView : inheritance

  class FirebaseMessagingBridge {
    +MessagingBridgeDelegate? delegate
  FirebaseMessagingBridge *-- MessagingBridgeDelegate : composition

  class ImageCacheManager {
    +cacheImage(with:) UIImage
    +cacheGIFImage(with:) UIImage

  class ImagePopupViewController {
    +UIImage image
    -UIImageView imageView
  UIViewController <|-- ImagePopupViewController : inheritance
  ImagePopupViewController *-- UIImage : composition
  ImagePopupViewController *-- UIImageView : composition

  class InAppWebBrowserViewController {
    +URL url
    -UIProgressView progressView
    -NSKeyValueObservation? estimatedProgressObservation
    -WKWebView webView
  UIViewController <|-- InAppWebBrowserViewController : inheritance
  InAppWebBrowserViewController *-- URL : composition

  class Logger {
    -os.Logger logger
  LoggerProtocol <|.. Logger : realization
  Logger *-- Logger : composition

  class MonsterCollectionSection {
    -MonsterSectionEventHandler presenter
  CollectionSectionProtocol <|.. MonsterCollectionSection : realization
  MonsterCollectionSection *-- MonsterSectionEventHandler : composition

  class MonsterCollectionViewCell {
    -Bool masksToBounds
    -BaseView baseView
    -UIImageView iconImageView
    -UILabel nameLabel
  MonsterCollectionViewCell *-- BaseView : composition
  MonsterCollectionViewCell *-- UIImageView : composition

  class MonsterDetailInteractor {
    -MonsterDetailInteractorOutput presenter
  MonsterDetailInteractorInput <|.. MonsterDetailInteractor : realization
  MonsterDetailInteractor *-- MonsterDetailInteractorOutput : composition

  class MonsterDetailPresenter {
    -MonsterDetailUserInterface view
    -MonsterDetailInteractorInput interactor
    -MonsterDetailRouterInput router
  MonsterDetailEventHandler <|.. MonsterDetailPresenter : realization
  MonsterDetailInteractorOutput <|.. MonsterDetailPresenter : realization
  MonsterDetailPresenter *-- MonsterDetailUserInterface : composition
  MonsterDetailPresenter *-- MonsterDetailInteractorInput : composition
  MonsterDetailPresenter *-- MonsterDetailRouterInput : composition

  class MonsterDetailRouter {
    -MonsterDetailViewController viewController
  MonsterDetailRouterInput <|.. MonsterDetailRouter : realization
  MonsterDetailRouter *-- MonsterDetailViewController : composition

  class MonsterDetailViewController {
    -MonsterDetailEventHandler presenter
    -MonsterItem monster
    -UIImageView iconImageView
    -UIImageView dancingImageView
    -UILabel nameLabel
    -UILabel descriptionLabel
  MonsterDetailUserInterface <|.. MonsterDetailViewController : realization
  UIViewController <|-- MonsterDetailViewController : inheritance
  MonsterDetailViewController *-- MonsterDetailEventHandler : composition
  MonsterDetailViewController *-- MonsterItem : composition
  MonsterDetailViewController *-- UIImageView : composition
  MonsterDetailViewController *-- UIImageView : composition

  class MonsterListInteractor {
    -MonsterListInteractorOutput presenter
    -MonstersRepository monstersRepository
    -MonstersTempRepository monstersTempRepository
    -SpotlightRepository spotlightRepository
  MonsterListInteractorInput <|.. MonsterListInteractor : realization
  MonsterListInteractor *-- MonsterListInteractorOutput : composition
  MonsterListInteractor *-- MonstersRepository : composition
  MonsterListInteractor *-- MonstersTempRepository : composition
  MonsterListInteractor *-- SpotlightRepository : composition

  class MonsterListPresenter {
    -MonsterListUserInterface view
    -MonsterListInteractorInput interactor
    -MonsterListRouterInput router
    -[MonsterEntity] monsters
  MonsterListEventHandler <|.. MonsterListPresenter : realization
  MonsterListInteractorOutput <|.. MonsterListPresenter : realization
  MonsterSectionEventHandler <|.. MonsterListPresenter : realization
  MonsterListPresenter *-- MonsterListUserInterface : composition
  MonsterListPresenter *-- MonsterListInteractorInput : composition
  MonsterListPresenter *-- MonsterListRouterInput : composition
  MonsterListPresenter o-- MonsterEntity : aggregation

  class MonsterListRouter {
    -MonsterListViewController viewController
  MonsterListRouterInput <|.. MonsterListRouter : realization
  MonsterListRouter *-- MonsterListViewController : composition

  class MonsterListViewController {
    -MonsterListEventHandler presenter
    -[CollectionSectionProtocol] sections
    -UICollectionView monstersCollectionView
    -UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource<Section, Item> dataSource
    -UIBarButtonItem menuButton
    -UIActivityIndicatorView activityIndicatorView
  MonsterListUserInterface <|.. MonsterListViewController : realization
  UIViewController <|-- MonsterListViewController : inheritance
  MonsterListViewController *-- MonsterListEventHandler : composition
  MonsterListViewController *-- UICollectionView : composition
  MonsterListViewController o-- CollectionSectionProtocol : aggregation

  class MonstersFirestoreClient {
    -Firestore firestore
  MonstersRepository <|.. MonstersFirestoreClient : realization
  MonstersFirestoreClient *-- MonstersFirestoreClient : composition

  class SpotlightClient {
    -CSSearchableIndex searchableIndex
    -LoggerProtocol logger
  SpotlightRepository <|.. SpotlightClient : realization
  SpotlightClient *-- LoggerProtocol : composition

  class UserDefaultsClient {
    -UserDefaults userDefaults
    +monster(key:) MonsterEntity
  MonstersTempRepository <|.. UserDefaultsClient : realization
  UserDefaultsClient *-- UserDefaultsClient : composition

{# --- macro definitions --- #}
{# --- Variables --- #}
{% macro Variables type %}
{% for variable in type.variables where not variable.isStatic and not variable.typeName|contains:"(" %}
{% call Variable variable %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{# --- outputs --- #}
{% macro Variable variable %}
{% call VariableVisibility variable %}{% call VariableTypeName %} {{ }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro VariableVisibility target %}{% if target.readAccess == "private" %}-{% elif target.readAccess == "fileprivate" %}-{% else %}+{% endif %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro VariableTypeName typeName %}{% set tmp1 %}{% call PrefixFirst typeName "{" %}{% endset %}{{ tmp1|replace:"!","" }}{% endmacro %} {# work-around for variables with initializer in oneline #}
{# --- Methods --- #}
{% macro Methods type %}
{% for method in type.methods where not method.isInitializer and not method.isStatic and not method.isClass %}
{% call Method method %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{# --- outputs --- #}
{% macro Method method %}
{% call MethodVisibility method %}{% call MethodName method %} {{ }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro MethodVisibility target %}{% if target.accessLevel == "private" %}-{% elif target.accessLevel == "fileprivate" %}-{% else %}+{% endif %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro MethodName method %}{{ method.selectorName }}{% if method.parameters.count == 0 %}(){% endif %}{% endmacro %}
{# --- Relationships --- #}
{% macro ClassRelationships type %}
{% for basedTypeName, basedType in type.basedTypes %}
{% if basedType.kind == 'protocol' %}
{% call Realization %}
{% else %}
{% call Inheritance %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% call CompositionRelationships type %}
{% call AggregationRelationships type %}
{# {% call AssociationRelationships type %} #}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro ProtocolRelationships type %}
{% for basedTypeName, basedType in type.basedTypes %}
{% call Inheritance %}
{% endfor %}
{% call CompositionRelationships type %}
{% call AggregationRelationships type %}
{# {% call AssociationRelationships type %} #}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro CompositionRelationships type %}
{% for variable in type.variables %}
{% if %}
{% call Composition %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro AggregationRelationships type %}
{% for variable in type.variables %}
{# --- Closure --- #}
{% if variable.typeName|contains:"(" %}
{# nop #}
{# --- Dictionary --- #}
{% elif variable.typeName|contains:":" %}
{% set element %}{% call SugarDictionaryValueElement variable.typeName %}{% endset %}
{% set elementFormatted %}{% call FormatClassName element %}{% endset %}
{% call Aggregation elementFormatted %}
{% elif variable.typeName|contains:"Dictionary<" %}
{% set element %}{% call DictionaryValueElement variable.typeName %}{% endset %}
{% set elementFormatted %}{% call FormatClassName element %}{% endset %}
{% call Aggregation elementFormatted %}
{# --- Array --- #}
{% elif variable.typeName|contains:"[" %}
{% set element %}{% call SugarArrayElement variable.typeName %}{% endset %}
{% set elementFormatted %}{% call FormatClassName element %}{% endset %}
{% call Aggregation elementFormatted %}
{% elif variable.typeName|contains:"Array<" %}
{% set element %}{% call ArrayElement variable.typeName %}{% endset %}
{% set elementFormatted %}{% call FormatClassName element %}{% endset %}
{% call Aggregation elementFormatted %}
{# --- Set --- #}
{% elif variable.typeName|contains:"Set<" %}
{% set element %}{% call SetElement variable.typeName %}{% endset %}
{% set elementFormatted %}{% call FormatClassName element %}{% endset %}
{% call Aggregation elementFormatted %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro AssociationRelationships type %}
{% for method in type.methods %}
{% for parameter in method.parameters %}
{% if %}
{% call Association %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{# --- outputs --- #}
{% macro Inheritance basedType typeName %}
{% call FormatClassName basedType %} <|-- {% call FormatClassName typeName %} : inheritance
{% endmacro %}
{% macro Realization basedType typeName %}
{% call FormatClassName basedType %} <|.. {% call FormatClassName typeName %} : realization
{% endmacro %}
{% macro Composition subject target %}
{% call FormatClassName subject %} *-- {% call FormatClassName target %} : composition
{% endmacro %}
{% macro Aggregation subject target %}
{% call FormatClassName subject %} o-- {% call FormatClassName target %} : aggregation
{% endmacro %}
{% macro Association subject target %}
{% call FormatClassName subject %} --> {% call FormatClassName target %} : association
{% endmacro %}
{# --- Helpers --- #}
{% macro SugarDictionaryValueElement target %}{% for element in target|replace:"",""|split:":" %}{{ element|replace:"[",""|replace:"]",""|replace:"<","~"|replace:">","~" if forloop.last }}{% endfor %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro DictionaryValueElement target %}{% for element in target|replace:"Dictionary<",""|replace:">",""|split:"," %}{{ element if forloop.last }}{% endfor %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro SugarArrayElement target %}{{ target|replace:"[",""|replace:"]","" }}{% endmacro %}
{% macro ArrayElement target %}{{ target|replace:"Array",""|replace:"<",""|replace:">","" }}{% endmacro %}
{% macro SetElement target %}{{ target|replace:"Set<",""|replace:">","" }}{% endmacro %}
{% macro FormatClassName target %}{% set tmp1 %}{% call FormatOptional target %}{% endset %}{% set tmp2 %}{% call FormatGenerics tmp1 %}{% endset %}{% call FormatInnerType tmp2 %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro FormatOptional target %}{{ target|replace:"?",""|replace:"!","" }}{% endmacro %}
{% macro FormatGenerics target %}{{ target|replace:"<","~"|replace:">","~" }}{% endmacro %}
{% macro FormatInnerType target %}{{ target|replace:".","__" }}{% endmacro %}
{% macro PrefixFirst target separator %}{% for element in target|split:separator %}{{ element if forloop.first }}{% endfor %}{% endmacro %}
{# --- macro definitions end --- #}
{% for type in types.protocols %}
class {% call FormatClassName %} {
{% call Variables type %}
{% call Methods type %}
{% call ProtocolRelationships type %}
{% endfor %}
{% for type in types.classes %}
class {% call FormatClassName %} {
{% call Variables type %}
{% call Methods type %}
{% call ClassRelationships type %}
{% endfor %}
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