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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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saving text editor theme to dict
import json
import bpy
from mathutils import Color, Vector
current_theme = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes.items()[0][0]
texed = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes[current_theme].text_editor
theme_options = {
'syntax_builtin', # import, return, for, in..
'syntax_special', # def, class..
'syntax_symbols', # = ()[] . , > < == etc.
theme_dict = {}
for opt in theme_options:
if '.' in opt:
# assume only one dot.
prime, subprime = opt.split('.')
val = getattr(getattr(texed, prime), subprime)
val = getattr(texed, opt)
# cant round a colour, convert to vector first.
regular_vec = Vector(val[:])
# rounds the value after 7th decimal
theme_dict[opt] = regular_vec.to_tuple(7)
m = json.dumps(theme_dict, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
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