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Forked from anonymous/
Created December 1, 2013 00:15
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[43,43,41-12,46, 42,45-12,47+12,47] @=> int note_array[];
for(0 => int i; i<note_array.cap(); i++){
note_array[i] => int mnote;
generate_osc("saw", mnote, 0.0, 0.14, [2, 130, 12, 120]);
120::ms => now;
4::second => now;
fun void s_generate_osc(
string osc_type,
int note,
float pan,
float vgain,
int adsr[])
SawOsc vocOsc;
// if (osc_type=="saw") {
// <<< "here" >>>;
// SawOsc vocOsc;}
// else if (osc_type=="sin") {
// SinOsc vocOsc;}
// else if (osc_type=="tri") {
// TriOsc vocOsc;}
// else if (osc_type=="sqr") {
// SqrOsc vocOsc;}
// else if (osc_type=="pls") {
// PulseOsc vocOsc;}
ADSR voiceEnv;
vocOsc => voiceEnv;
adsr[0] => int a;
adsr[1] => int d;
adsr[2] => int s;
adsr[3] => int r;
voiceEnv.set( a::ms, d::ms, 0.12, r::ms );
voiceEnv => Pan2 panObj => dac;
vgain => vocOsc.gain;
pan => panObj.pan;
note => Std.mtof => vocOsc.freq;
(a+d)::ms => now;
r*2::ms => now; // wait for tail to finish.
vocOsc =< panObj; // disconnect to clean up
panObj =< dac;
fun void generate_osc(
string osc_type,
int note,
float pan,
float vgain,
int adsr[])
spork ~ s_generate_osc(osc_type, note, pan, vgain, adsr);
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