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Last active December 3, 2022 14:49
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sverchok nodetree to svg basic
import os
import re
import bpy
import inspect
import textwrap
import sverchok
import numpy as np
from mathutils.geometry import interpolate_bezier as bezlerp
from sverchok.utils.sv_node_utils import recursive_framed_location_finder as absloc
from dataclasses import dataclass
# for prettyprint xml there is only one sane solution:
# from sverchok.utils.pip_utils import install_package
# install_package("lxml")
from lxml import etree as et
node_heights = {}
nt =['NodeTree']
nt_dict = {}
bbox = [[None, None], [None, None]]
class NodeProxy():
name: str
label: str
abs_location: tuple
width: float
color: tuple
inputs: dict
outputs: dict
def x(self): return self.abs_location[0]
def y(self): return self.abs_location[1]
def draw_buttons(self):
draw_func = str(inspect.getsource(nt.nodes[].draw_buttons))
if draw_func and len(draw_func.split("\n")) < 7:
return textwrap.dedent(draw_func)
class Layout():
""" small uilayout wrapper """
def __init__(self, ui_element, w, h, r=0, c=0, state="row"):
self.ui_element = ui_element
self.current_w = w
self.current_h = h
self.current_row = r
self.current_col = c
self.current_state = state
def sv_layout_props(self):
return self.ui_element, self.current_w, self.current_h, self.current_row, self.current_col
def row(self, *args, **kwargs):
layout = Layout(*self.sv_layout_props(), "row")
self.current_row += 1
return layout
def column(self, *args, **kwargs):
return Layout(*self.sv_layout_props(), "column")
def prop(self, *args, **kwargs):
# prin(args)
if self.current_state == "row":
xpos = node_heights[] + 5
bg = et.SubElement(self.ui_element, "rect", y=f"{xpos + (self.current_row * 15) - 11}", x="7", height=f"{14}", width=f"{node.width}", fill="#eee")
t = et.SubElement(self.ui_element, "text", y=f"{xpos + (self.current_row * 15) + 1}", x="7") #, **{"class": "socket name"})
t.text = f"{getattr(args[0], args[1])}"
self.current_row += 1
elif self.current_state == "column":
self.current_column += 1
def ops(self, *args, **kwargs):
return lambda: None
def find_children(node):
return [ for n in node.id_data.nodes if n.parent == node]
def absloc_int(n, loc):
loc = absloc(n, loc)
return int(loc[0]), int(loc[1])
def convert_rgb(a):
return f"rgb{tuple(int(i*255) for i in a)}"
def get_component(value, component, func):
return component if not value else func(value, component)
def as_ints(v):
return (int(v[0]), int(v[1]))
def clerp(A, B, num):
p1 = np.array(A[:3])
p2 = np.array(B[:3])
l1 = np.linspace(0,1,num)
return p1+(p2-p1)*l1[:,None]
class FrameBBox():
def __init__(self):
self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax = None, None, None, None
def add(self, loc, w, h):
x, y = loc
self.xmin = get_component(self.xmin, x, min)
self.xmax = get_component(self.xmax, x + w, max)
self.ymin = get_component(self.ymin, y, min)
self.ymax = get_component(self.ymax, y + h, max)
def get_box(self, padding=0):
x = self.xmin - padding
y = self.ymin - padding
width = (self.xmax - self.xmin) + (2 * padding)
height = (self.ymax - self.ymin) + (2 * padding)
return x, y, int(width), int(height)
def generate_bbox(x, y):
bbox[0][0] = get_component(bbox[0][0], x, min)
bbox[0][1] = get_component(bbox[0][1], x, max)
bbox[1][0] = get_component(bbox[1][0], y, min)
bbox[1][1] = get_component(bbox[1][1], y, max)
def gather_socket_data(sockets):
return { (s.index, s.color, s.bl_idname) for s in sockets if not (s.hide or not s.enabled)}
for n in nt.nodes:
if n.bl_idname in {'NodeReroute', 'NodeFrame'}:
outputs, inputs = {}, {}
if n.bl_idname == "NodeFrame":
color = n.color
# find from links the one that ends in this reroute, it can be only one.
#color = [l for l in nt.links if l.to_node == n][0][0].from_linknode,
color = [1.0, 0.91764, 0]
inputs = gather_socket_data(n.inputs)
outputs = gather_socket_data(n.outputs)
color = n.color
x, y = absloc_int(n, n.location[:])
# disregard blender's Frame data, it seems useless.
if not n.bl_idname == "NodeFrame":
generate_bbox(x, y)
nt_dict[] = NodeProxy(, n.label, (x, y), n.width, color, inputs, outputs)
bw = abs(bbox[0][1] - bbox[0][0])
bh = abs(bbox[1][1] - bbox[1][0])
for n, k in nt_dict.items():
k.abs_location = k.x - bbox[0][0], bh - (k.y - bbox[1][0])
doc = et.Element('svg', width=str(bw*2), height=str(bh*2), version='1.1', xmlns='')
sockets = sverchok.core.sockets
css_stylesheet = f"""
svg {{ background-color: #555; }}
circle.socket {{ stroke: none; }}
text.socket {{ fill: #fff; stroke: none;}}
text.multiline {{
font-size: 12px;
font-family: monospace;
fill: #7ef;
bassclass = sockets.SvSocketCommon
for element in sockets.classes:
if inspect.isclass(element) and issubclass(element, bassclass):
colorline = convert_rgb(element.color[:3])
astr = f".{element.bl_idname} {{ fill: {colorline}; }}\n"
css_stylesheet += astr
css_stylesheet += "\n"
style_sheet = et.SubElement(doc, "style")
style_sheet.text = css_stylesheet
tree = et.SubElement(doc, "g", transform=f"translate({30}, {30})", id="tree")
fdoc = et.SubElement(tree, "g", id="frames", style="stroke-width: 1.0;")
gdoc = et.SubElement(tree, "g", id="node_ui")
xdoc = et.SubElement(tree, "g", id="origin", style="stroke-width: 1.0;")
ldoc = et.SubElement(tree, "g", id="link_noodles", fill="transparent", style="stroke-width: 3.0;")
origin = et.SubElement(xdoc, "path", d=f"M-20,0 L20,0 M0,-20 L0,20", stroke="#333")
# Step 1: draw Nodes, Names and Sockets
def add_class(d, class_name): return {"class": f"{d['class']} {class_name}"}
for k, v in nt_dict.items():
node = nt.nodes.get(
bl_idname = node.bl_idname
if bl_idname == "NodeFrame": continue
g = et.SubElement(gdoc, "g", transform=f"translate{v.abs_location}", id=f"NODE:{}")
if bl_idname == "NodeReroute":
m = et.SubElement(g, "circle", r="10", cx=str(v.width/2), fill=convert_rgb(v.color[:3]))
node_height = (max(len(v.inputs), len(v.outputs)) * 15)
node_heights[] = node_height
m = et.SubElement(g, "rect", width=str(v.width), y="-9", height=f"{node_height+3}", fill=convert_rgb(v.color[:3]))
t = et.SubElement(g, "text", fill="#333", y="-12", x="7", **{"font-size":"11"})
t.text =
if v.draw_buttons:
draw_func = et.SubElement(g, "g", transform=f"translate({-8*4}, 40)") #, style="fill-opacity: 0;")
ui_element = et.SubElement(g, "g", transform=f"translate({0}, 0)") #, style="fill-opacity: 0;")
t2 = et.SubElement(draw_func, "text", x="0", y=f"{node_height+6}", **{"class": "multiline draw_buttons"})
for line in v.draw_buttons.split("\n"):
if not line.strip():
indents = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(' '))
char_width = 8
line_x = f"{(indents * char_width)}"
et.SubElement(t2, "tspan", dy="15", x=line_x).text = line
layout = Layout(ui_element, 400, 20)
node.draw_buttons(bpy.context, layout)
except Exception as err:
sog = et.SubElement(g, "g", width="400", height="200", style="font-size: 10; font-weight: normal;")
for idx, (socket_name, socket) in enumerate(v.inputs.items()):
et.SubElement(sog, "circle", r="5", cy=f"{idx*15}", id=f"{idx}", **{"class": f"socket input {socket[2]}"})
t = et.SubElement(sog, "text", y=f"{(idx*15)+3}", x="7", **{"class": "socket name"})
t.text = socket_name
for idx, (socket_name, socket) in enumerate(v.outputs.items()):
et.SubElement(sog, "circle", r="5", cx=str(v.width), cy=f"{idx*15}", id=f"{idx}", **{"class": f"socket output {socket[2]}"})
t = et.SubElement(sog, "text", y=f"{(idx*15)+3}", x=str(v.width-7), **{"text-anchor": "end", "class": "socket name"})
t.text = socket_name
# Step 2: draw nodeframes on lower layer, using node dimensions generated in step 1
for k, v in nt_dict.items():
node = nt.nodes.get(
if not node.bl_idname == "NodeFrame": continue
# calculate bounding frame
box = FrameBBox()
children = find_children(node)
if children:
for name in children:
child_node = nt_dict[name]
box.add(child_node.abs_location, child_node.width, node_heights[name])
_x, _y, _w, _h = box.get_box(padding=20)
_x, _y, _w, _h = v.x, v.y, node.width, node.height
params = dict(x=str(_x), y=str(_y-8), width=str(_w), height=str(_h)) | {"id":, "class": "FRAME"}
m = et.SubElement(fdoc, "rect", fill=convert_rgb(v.color[:3]), style="opacity: 0.3;", **params)
calculated_offsets = {}
def calculate_offset(node, socket, sockets=None):
if socket.bl_idname == "NodeReroute": return 0
if socket in calculated_offsets:
return calculated_offsets[socket]
vis_idx = 0
for idx, s in enumerate(sockets):
if s.hide or not s.enabled:
if s.is_linked and socket == s:
offset = vis_idx * 15
vis_idx += 1
return offset
socket_distance = 5
for link in nt.links:
n1, s1, n2, s2 = link.from_node, link.from_socket, link.to_node, link.to_socket
(x1, y1), (x2, y2) = nt_dict[].abs_location, nt_dict[].abs_location
# y1 and y2 should be offset depending on the visible socket indices. using info from s1 and s2
y1_offset = calculate_offset(n1, s1, n1.outputs)
y2_offset = calculate_offset(n2, s2, n2.inputs)
xdist = min((x2 - x1), 40)
ctrl_1 = int(x1 + n1.width + xdist), int(y1) + y1_offset
knot_1 = int(x1 + n1.width + socket_distance), int(y1) + y1_offset
knot_2 = int(x2) - socket_distance, int(y2) + y2_offset
ctrl_2 = int(x2) - xdist, int(y2) + y2_offset
dstroke = "#333"
dpath = re.sub("\(|\)", "", f"M{knot_1} C{ctrl_1} {ctrl_2} {knot_2}")
mode = "transition"
if (s1.bl_idname == s2.bl_idname) or (n2.bl_idname == "NodeReroute"):
dstroke = convert_rgb(s1.color[:3])
mode = "take from destination"
elif n1.bl_idname == "NodeReroute":
if n1.inputs[0].is_linked:
dstroke = convert_rgb(s2.color[:3])
mode = "take from destination"
if mode == "take from destination":
path = et.SubElement(ldoc, "path", d=dpath, stroke=dstroke)
# draw the bezier manually using 15 segments and transition their color
arc_verts = bezlerp(knot_1, ctrl_1, ctrl_2, knot_2, 15)
if not n1.inputs[0].is_linked:
start_color = [1.0, 0.91764, 0]
start_color = s1.color[:]
gradient = clerp(start_color, s2.color[:], len(arc_verts)-1)
bezier = et.SubElement(ldoc, "g", **{"class": "gradient_bezier"})
for idx in range(len(arc_verts)-1):
idx2 = idx+1
v1, v2 = arc_verts[idx], arc_verts[idx2]
v1, v2 = as_ints(v1), as_ints(v2)
dpath = re.sub("\(|\)", "", f"M{v1[:]} L{v2[:]}")
stroke_color = convert_rgb(gradient[idx])
et.SubElement(bezier, "path", d=dpath, stroke=stroke_color)
svg_filename = "wooooop"
svg_path = os.path.join(bpy.path.abspath('//'), svg_filename + '.svg')
with open(svg_path, 'w') as f:
f.write(f"<!--v 0.1 {bbox}-->\n")
f.write(et.tostring(doc, pretty_print=True).decode())
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zeffii commented Jul 23, 2022

i wonder does the attention span exist to write an interpretter for Node.draw_buttons function body.

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zeffii commented Jul 23, 2022

eyes getting tired of white..

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zeffii commented Jul 24, 2022

hmm... editors/interface/interface_layout.c

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nortikin commented Dec 3, 2022


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