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Last active June 16, 2018 03:15
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PHP Application Template
// / Here are some starter functions and a solid format for developing a reliable PHP application.
$Salts = array('123', 'abc', '456', 'def');
$Verbose = TRUE;
function verifyDate() {
$Date = date("m-d-y");
$Time = date("F j, Y, g:i a");
$Minute = (int) date('i');
$LastMinute = $Minute - 1;
if ($LastMinute === 0) $LastMinute = 59;
return (array($Date, $Time, $Minute, $LastMinute)); }
function verifyInstallation() {
global $Date, $Time, $Salts;
$dirCheck = $indexCheck = $dirExists = $indexExists = $logCheck = $cacheCheck = TRUE;
$requiredDirs = array('Logs', 'Cache');
$InstallationIsVerified = FALSE;
if (!file_exists('index.html')) $indexCheck = FALSE;
foreach ($requiredDirs as $requiredDir) {
if (!is_dir($requiredDir)) $dirExists = mkdir($requiredDir, 0755);
if (!$dirExists) $dirCheck = FALSE;
if (!file_exists($requiredDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'index.html')) $indexExists = copy('index.html', $requiredDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'index.html');
if (!$indexExists) $indexCheck = FALSE; }
$logHash = substr(hash('sha256', $Salts[0].hash('sha256', $Date.$Salts[1].$Salts[2].$Salts[3])), 0, 7);
$LogFile = 'Logs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$Date.'_'.$logHash.'.log';
if (!file_exists($LogFile)) $logCheck = file_put_contents($LogFile, 'OP-Act: '.$Time.' Created a log file, "'.$LogFile.'".');
$CacheFile = 'Cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Cache.dat';
if (!file_exists($CacheFile)) $cacheCheck = file_put_contents($CacheFile, '<?php'.PHP_EOL);
$logCheck = file_put_contents($LogFile, 'OP-Act: '.$Time.' Created a cache file, "'.$CacheFile.'".');
if ($dirCheck && $indexCheck && $logCheck && $cacheCheck) $InstallationIsVerified = TRUE;
$dirCheck = $indexCheck = $logCheck = $cacheCheck = $requiredDirs = $requiredDir = $dirExists = $indexExists = $logHash = NULL;
unset($dirCheck, $indexCheck, $logCheck, $cacheCheck, $requiredDirs, $requiredDir, $dirExists, $indexExists, $logHash);
return (array($LogFile, $CacheFile, $InstallationIsVerified)); }
function sanitize($Variable, $Strict) {
if (!is_bool($Strict)) $Strict = TRUE;
if ($Strict === TRUE) $Variable = str_replace(str_split('|\\~#[](){};:$!#^&%@>*<"/\''), '', $Variable);
if ($Strict === FALSE) $Variable = str_replace(str_split('|\\~#[](){};$!#^&%@>*<"\''), '', $Variable);
return ($Variable); }
function dieGracefully($ErrorNumber, $ErrorMessage) {
global $LogFile, $Time;
if (!is_numeric($ErrorNumber)) $ErrorNumber = 0;
$ErrorOutput = 'ERROR!!! '.$ErrorNumber.', '.$Time.', '.$ErrorMessage.PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents($LogFile, $ErrorOutput, FILE_APPEND);
die($ErrorOutput); }
function logEntry($EntryText) {
global $LogFile, $Time;
$ErrorOutput = 'OP-Act: '.$Time.', '.$EntryText.PHP_EOL;
$LogWritten = file_put_contents($LogFile, $EntryText, FILE_APPEND);
return($LogWritten); }
list ($Date, $Time, $Minute, $LastMinute) = verifyDate();
list ($LogFile, $CacheFile, $InstallationIsVerified) = verifyInstallation();
if (!$InstallationIsVerified) dieGracefully(1, 'Could not verify installation!');
else if ($Verbose) logEntry('Verified installation.');
$string = 'This string is sanitized. /\\"\'!@#$%^&*()_+;:<>';
$StrictlySanitized = sanitize($string, TRUE);
$NotStrictlySanitized = sanitize($string, FALSE);
echo ('"Strict" mode is good for cleaning filenames: '.$StrictlySanitized.'<br>');
echo ('"Not Strict" mode is good for cleaning URL\'s: '.$NotStrictlySanitized.'<br>');
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