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zengargoyle / nopaste
Last active July 24, 2017 22:21
force precomp
# 02:36 < nine> zengargoyle: this seems to do the trick:
for $*REPO.repo-chain.grep(CompUnit::Repository::Installable) -> $repo {
for $repo.installed -> $dist {
for $dist.meta<provides>.keys -> $module {
next if $module eq "Zef::CLI";
zengargoyle / nopaste
Created July 23, 2017 21:18
zen@zim:~/p6/p6-Time-Spec-at$ zef install 6pm --deps-only
===> Searching for: 6pm
===> Searching for missing dependencies: JSON::Class, Test::META
===> Searching for missing dependencies: META6
===> Testing: JSON::Class:ver('0.0.8'):auth('github:jonathanstowe')
# Failed test 'Can load "JSON::Class" ok'
# at t/010-use.t line 7
# ===SORRY!===
# Could not find JSON::Marshal:ver<0.0.7..*> at line 77 in:
zengargoyle / log
Created July 23, 2017 20:32
6pm install failure
===> Searching for: 6pm
[Plugin - cached] Checking: Zef::Repository::LocalCache
[Plugin - cached] (OK) Plugin loaded successful
[Plugin - cached] (OK) Plugin is now usable: Zef::Repository::LocalCache
[Plugin - cpan] Checking: Zef::Repository::Ecosystems
[Plugin - cpan] (OK) Plugin loaded successful
[Plugin - cpan] (OK) Plugin is now usable: Zef::Repository::Ecosystems
[Plugin - p6c] Checking: Zef::Repository::Ecosystems
[Plugin - p6c] (OK) Plugin loaded successful
[Plugin - p6c] (OK) Plugin is now usable: Zef::Repository::Ecosystems
zengargoyle / nopaste
Created June 26, 2017 12:38
Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2
in method date at /home/zen/p6/p6-Time-Spec-at/.precomp/70ABE82C4CB781657E9DEB2E5991EFB653A4FEA9.1497783372.81074/C7/C791F3C0160F645D834E1CA2D3FDA6113A61526E line 1
in regex date at /home/zen/p6/p6-Time-Spec-at/lib/Time/Spec/at/Grammar.pm6 (Time::Spec::at::Grammar) line 82
in regex spec_base at /home/zen/p6/p6-Time-Spec-at/lib/Time/Spec/at/Grammar.pm6 (Time::Spec::at::Grammar) line 60
in regex timespec at /home/zen/p6/p6-Time-Spec-at/lib/Time/Spec/at/Grammar.pm6 (Time::Spec::at::Grammar) line 56
in regex TOP at /home/zen/p6/p6-Time-Spec-at/lib/Time/Spec/at/Grammar.pm6 (Time::Spec::at::Grammar) line 7
in block <unit> at t/04-action.t line 51
zen@gaz:~$ ./fc-search-codepoint 「
grammar A {
rule TOP { ^ ';' <angles> <dig> <title> <angles> <url> $ }
token angles { '<<>>' }
token dig { 'DiG' }
token title { \S+ }
token url { \S+ }
}'; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu <<>>').say;
zengargoyle / filter-test.p6
Last active May 30, 2017 01:35
* ~~ /<$match> vs -> $x { $x ~~ /<$match>/ }
my @files = <foo bar baz>;
my @match-eq = <foo bar baz>.map( -> $s { * eq $s } ); # OK
my @match-rx = <foo ^ba>.map( -> $r { * ~~ /<$r>/ } ); # NOT OK
my @match-rx-pointy = <foo ^ba>.map( -> $r { -> $x { $x ~~ /<$r>/ } } ); # OK
sub match-it (@files, @matchers) {
return gather for @files -> $f {
take $f if @matchers.grep({ $_($f) });
zen@zim:~$ rakudobrew build moar-blead
... <snip build> ...
cp -- /opt/rakudobrew/moar-blead-nom/install/bin/perl6-m /opt/rakudobrew/moar-blead-nom/install/bin/perl6
chmod -- 755 /opt/rakudobrew/moar-blead-nom/install/bin/perl6
Rakudo has been built and installed.
Updating zef as well
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
===> Testing: zef:auth('github:ugexe')
t/00-load.t ........... ok
zengargoyle / README.txt
Last active July 23, 2016 17:58
metafilter youtube video snarfer
Metafilter youtube link snarfer
Perl - :)
Mojolicious - - Your distro probably has a package
for this (in Debian it's libmojolicious-perl), otherwise it's easy to