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Created May 8, 2017 20:39
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Variable type discover in C99 way without _generic with just a simple macro
//Includes for the types and the I/O of main function
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// The type discovery macro
#define typename(x) (__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), long int)) ? "long int" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), char *)) ? "pointer to char" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), char)) ? "char" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), _Bool)) ? "_Bool" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), short int)) ? "short int" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), int)) ? "int" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), long int)) ? "long int" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), long long int)) ? "long long int" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), float)) ? "float" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), long double)) ? "long double" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), void *)) ? "pointer to void" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), unsigned char)) ? "unsigned char" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), signed char)) ? "signed char" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), unsigned short int)) ? "unsigned short int" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), unsigned int)) ? "unsigned int" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), unsigned long int)) ? "unsigned long int" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), unsigned long long int)) ? "unsigned long long int" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), double)) ? "double" : \
(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(x), int *)) ? "pointer to int" : "other"
// The test main function
int main(){
size_t s; ptrdiff_t p; intmax_t i; int ai[3] = {0}; // Types to test (the custom types is reducted to the base
// Result
return printf("%20s is '%s'\n%20s is '%s'\n%20s is '%s'\n%20s is '%s'\n%20s is '%s'\n%20s is '%s'\n%20s is '%s'\n%20s is '%s'\n",
"size_t", typename(s), "ptrdiff_t", typename(p),
"intmax_t", typename(i), "character constant", typename('0'),
"0x7FFFFFFF", typename(0x7FFFFFFF), "0xFFFFFFFF", typename(0xFFFFFFFF),
"0x7FFFFFFFU", typename(0x7FFFFFFFU), "array of int", typename(ai));
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