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Last active July 10, 2019 19:50
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using namespace std;
/* 1. Initializer list */
//Implemented by initilaizer list constructor
vector<int> v = {1, 4, 6, 10};
//All the relevant STL containers have been updated to accept the initializer list (e.g. map, list)
//Customized the initializer constructor for our own classes
//For example:
class OurStudents{
vector<int> m_studentID;
OurStudents(const initializer_list<int> & studentLists){
for(initializer_list<int>::iterator it = studentLists.begin(); it != studentLists.end(); ++it){
OurStudents OurStudents_T1 = {12, 3, 4};
OurStudents OurStudents_T2{12, 3, 4}; //The same as above
/* 2. Uniform Initialization */
//C++ 03
class dog{ //Aggregate class or struct
int age;
string name;
dog d1 = {2, "Jack"}; // Aggregate initialization
//C++ 11 extended the scope of curly brace initialization
class dog{
dog(int age, string name){
dog d2 = {2, "Jack"}; //As long as we have a matching constructor in our class, this is valid
//All three initialization takes exact the same form, however, from compiler's perspective, they are
The priority of three forms:
1. Initializer list constructor (first priority)
2. Regular constructor takes appropriate parameters
3. Aggregate initializer
/* 3. auto type */
vector<int> myVec = {3, 4, 4};
vector<int>::iterator it = myVec.begin();
//===the same as above
auto it = myVec.begin();
/* 4. foreach */
for(int i : myVec){ // Work only with classes which have begin() and end() methods
cout<<i; // read-only
for(int &i : myVec){
i++; //
/* 5. nullptr */
//Replace NULL in C++03
//Compared with NULL, nullptr always represents a pointer.
void foo(int i){cout << "foo int" << endl;}
void foo(char *i){cout << "foo pointer" << endl;}
int main(){
foo(NULL); //Ambiguity
foo(nullptr)// always call foo(char *i)
return 0;
/* 6. enum class */
//C++ 11
enum class apple{green, red};
enum class orange(big, small);
apple A = apple::green;
orange O = orange::big;
if(A == O){//Compile error, you should define ==(apple, orange) first
/* 7. static_assert */
//runtime assert
assert(ptr != nullptr);
//Compile time assert
static_assert(sizeof(int) == 4);
/* 8. Delegating Constructor */
//Won't work in C++, work in Java
class dog{
dog(){ ... }
dog(int a){
//Other staff here;
//C++ 03
class dog{
void init(){ ... }; //Add one more function here which will be used in both constructors
dog(){ init(); }
dog(int a){
//Other staff here;
1. Cubersome code
2. init() maybe invoked by other
//C++ 11, limitation: first constructor dog() is always called first
class dog{
int m_age = 9; // C++ 11 initialize member variable directly
dog(){ ... }
dog(int a) : dog() {
//Other staff here;
/* 9. Override for virtual functions */
//To avoid inadvertently create new functions in derived class
class dog{
virtual void A(int a);
virtual void B() const;
class YellowDog : dog{
/* Explicitly tell the compiler that A and B should override the function from parent class.
In this case, since we cannot find any valid function to override. Compiler will issue errors.
virtual void A(float) override; //error
virtual void B() override;//error
/* 10. final key word for virtual function and class */
class dog final { //No class can be derived from dog any more
class dog {
virtual void bark() final; //No derived class can override bark() any more
/* 11. Compiler generated default constructor */
Typically, compiler will not generate default constructor if we provide one. However, in C++ 11 we can
force the compiler to generate default constructor.
class dog{
dog(int age){
dog D1; //error: compiler cannot find constructor with no parameters
class dog{
dog(int age){
dog() = default; //Force the compiler to generate a default constructor
dog D1; // OK
/* 12. delete key word */
class dog{
dog(int age){
dog D1(3); //OKay, with constructor we provide
dog D2(4.0); //Okay, compiler will convert double to int and call the constructor we provide
D1 = D2; //Okay, compiler will generate an assign constructor override for us
If we want to restrict such situations, let's say users can only give integer as the age, we can restrict
compiler by delete key word
class dog{
dog(int age){
dog(double age) = delete;
dog& operator=(const dog& d) = delete;
dog D1(3); //OKay, with constructor we provide
dog D2(4.0); //Compile error
D1 = D2;//Compile error
/* 13. constexpr */
int A[6]; // It's OKay
int Func(){return 3;}
int A[Func() + 3];//Error: Compile does not know the return value at compile time
//Force the computation to happen at compile time, the return value is treated as constant value
constexpr int Func(){return 3;}
int A[Func()+ 3];//Okay, an array with length to be 6
//Write a faster program
constexpr int cubed(int x){ return x*x*x; } //Compile time calculation
int k = cubed(26);
/* 14. New string literals */
//C++ 03
char *a = "Hello World";
//C++ 11
char *a = u8"Hello World"; //UTF 8 string
char16_t *b = u"Hello World"; //UTF 16 string
char32_t *c = U"Hello World"; //UTF 32 string
char* d = R"(Hello World)"; //Raw string
/* 15. lambda function */
cout << [](int x, int y){return x + y;}(3, 4) << endl; //print 7
auto f = [](int x, int y){return x + y;};
cout << f(3, 4) << endl; //print 7
template<typename func>
void filter(func f, vector<int>& A){
for(auto i : A){
cout << i << " ";
int main(){
vector<int> V = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
int y = 4;
filter([](int x){return x>3;}, V); // Print out 4 5 6
filter([&](int x){return x > y;}, V); // Print out 5 6
//Note: [&] tells the compiler that we want variable capture
return 0;
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