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zilton7/.haml Secret

Last active February 13, 2022 19:22
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registration form with ToS checkbox
-# haml-lint:disable LineLength, Layout/SpaceInsideStringInterpolation, haml-lint:disable TrailingWhitespace
%h2 Sign up
= simple_form_for(resource, as: resource_name,
url: registration_path(resource_name)) do |f|
= f.error_notification
= f.input :email, required: true, autofocus: true,
input_html: { autocomplete: 'email', class: 'mb-2' }
= f.input :name, required: false,
input_html: { autocomplete: 'name', class: 'mb-2' }
= f.input :password, required: true,
hint: ("#{@minimum_password_length} characters minimum" if @minimum_password_length)
= f.input :password_confirmation, required: true
= f.input :tos_agreement, as: :boolean,
label: "I agree to #{link_to 'Terms of Service',
terms_of_service_path, target: '_blank'}".html_safe
- if flash[:recaptcha_error]
= flash[:recaptcha_error]
= recaptcha_tags
= f.button :submit, 'Sign up', class: 'btn btn-success btn-lg mt-2 mb-4'
= render 'devise/shared/links'
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