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Created August 7, 2017 20:11
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A Scala implementation of Hangman based on Scalaz's Arrow type class
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.util.Random
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import scalaz._
import Circuit.arrowInstance
// This implementation closely follows the Haskell implementation in the Haskell Wikibook
// (
// It is not necessarily the most natural implementation of Hangman, but it nicely
// demonstrates how Arrows are composed and used.
* A `Circuit[A, B]` is basically a fancy function. Given an `A`, it not only returns a `B`,
* but also returns a new `Circuit[A, B]`. Thus `Circuit` can represent stateful transformations.
* `Circuit` has instances of `Arrow` and `Choice` typeclasses.
case class Circuit[A, B](run: A => (Circuit[A, B], B))
object Circuit {
implicit val arrowInstance: Arrow[Circuit] = new Arrow[Circuit] {
override def arr[A, B](f: (A) => B): Circuit[A, B] = Circuit(arr(f) -> f(_))
override def first[A, B, C](fa: Circuit[A, B]): Circuit[(A, C), (B, C)] = Circuit {case (a, c) =>
val (cir, b) =
(first(cir), (b, c))
override def id[A]: Circuit[A, A] = Circuit(id -> _)
override def compose[A, B, C](f: Circuit[B, C], g: Circuit[A, B]): Circuit[A, C] = Circuit {a =>
val (gg, b) =
val (ff, c) =
(compose(ff, gg), c)
implicit val choiceInstance: Choice[Circuit] = new Choice[Circuit] {
override def id[A]: Circuit[A, A] = Arrow[Circuit].id
override def compose[A, B, C](f: Circuit[B, C], g: Circuit[A, B]): Circuit[A, C] = Arrow[Circuit].compose(f, g)
override def choice[A, B, C](f: => Circuit[A, C], g: => Circuit[B, C]): Circuit[\/[A, B], C] = Circuit {
case -\/(a) =>, g))
case \/-(b) =>, _))
object ArrowHangman {
val dict = Vector("dog", "cat", "bird")
val ran = new Random
val maxAttempts: Int = 5
* Feed values in `F[A]` one by one into the circuit, resulting in `F[B]`.
def runCircuit[A, B, F[_] : Traverse](cir: Circuit[A, B], fa: F[A]): F[B] = fa.mapAccumL(cir)(_ run _)._2
* A circuit that accumulates the `A` values fed to it, using the
* accumulation function `f` and the starting value `acc`.
def accum[ACC, A, B](acc: ACC)(f: (A, ACC) => (B, ACC)): Circuit[A, B] = Circuit {a =>
val (b, acc2) = f(a, acc)
(accum(acc2)(f), b)
* A simplified version of `accum` where the type of the accumulated value is `B`.
def accum2[A, B](b: B)(f: (A, B) => B): Circuit[A, B] = accum(b) {(a, b) =>
val bb = f(a, b)
(bb, bb)
* A circuit that returns \/- the first time and -\/ each time afterwards.
* This is used to control whether a new word is picked in a Hangman game. A new word should only be picked the
* first time (i.e., when the game starts).
val oneshot: Circuit[Unit, \/[Unit, Unit]] = accum(().right[Unit]) {(_, acc) => (acc, ().left)}
* A circuit which takes a value, stores it, and returns the previously stored value. The first time it is called,
* `init` is returned.
def delayedEcho[A](init: A): Circuit[A, A] = accum(init) {(a, b) => (b, a)}
val pickWord: Circuit[Unit, Option[String]] = Arrow[Circuit].arr(_ => dict(ran.nextInt(dict.length)).some)
val notPickWord: Circuit[Unit, Option[String]] = Arrow[Circuit].arr(_ => None)
* A circuit that returns a randomly picked word in the dictionary the first time it is called. Each time
* afterwards it always returns that same word.
val getWord: Circuit[Unit, String] =
oneshot >>> (notPickWord ||| pickWord) >>> total[Option[String]] >>> Arrow[Circuit].arr(_.orZero)
def livesLeft(hung: Int): String = {
s"Lives: [${"#" * (maxAttempts - hung)}${" " * hung}]"
* An input is valid iff it is a string of length 1.
val getInput: Circuit[String, Option[Char]] = Arrow[Circuit].arr {in =>
(in.length === 1).fold(in.headOption, None)
def total[A: Monoid]: Circuit[A, A] = accum2(Monoid[A].zero)(_ |+| _)
* Update guess when an input is received. For example, if the word is "dog", then initially guess is "_ _ _".
* After the player enters "g", the guess becomes "_ _ g".
val updateGuess: Circuit[(String, Option[Char]), (String, String)] =
accum2[(String, Option[Char]), (String, String)](null, null) {
case ((word, input), (_, guess)) => input match {
case Some(c) => word -> (Option(guess) | ("_" * word.length)).zip(word)
.map {case (g, w) => (w === c).fold(w, g)}.mkString
case _ => word -> (Option(guess) | ("_" * word.length))
* Update hung (the number of incorrect guesses) when an input is received.
val updateHung: Circuit[(String, Option[Char]), Int] = ((word: String, input: Option[Char]) => input match {
case Some(c) if !word.contains(c) => 1
case _ => 0
}).tupled.arrow[Circuit] >>> total
val result: Circuit[(String, String, Int), List[String]] = Arrow[Circuit].arr {
case (word, guessed, hung) =>
if (word === guessed) List(guessed, "You won!")
else List(guessed, livesLeft(hung)) ++ ((hung >= maxAttempts) ? List("You died!") | Nil)
val end: Circuit[(String, String, Int), Boolean] =
((word: String, guessed: String, hung: Int) => (word === guessed) !|| (hung >= maxAttempts))
.tupled.arrow[Circuit] >>> delayedEcho(true)
val hangman: Circuit[String, (Boolean, List[String])] = {
val flatten = Arrow[Circuit].arr[((String, String), Int), (String, String, Int)] {
case ((a, b), c) => (a, b, c)
// Scala does not have the proc notation as Haskell does, so we have to resort to this less readable syntax.
(((_: String) => ()).arrow[Circuit] &&& Arrow[Circuit].id) >>>
(getWord *** getInput) >>> (updateGuess &&& updateHung) >>> flatten >>> (end &&& result)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println("Welcome to Arrow Hangman")
runCircuit(hangman, List("", "a", "g", "d", "o")).takeWhile(_._1).>>=(_._2).foreach(println)
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