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Last active April 22, 2016 00:08
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Save zofrex/47a60042be1305931f920ded70014851 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set -eux
rm -r ../cargo-out/*
./ --crate-index=/home/zofrex/crates --target-dir=/home/zofrex/cargo-out --no-clone --no-clean --target x86_64-unknown-openbsd --download || true
sed -i"" -e 's/\(\[\[test\]\]\) /\1\
/' ../cargo-out/url-0.5.9/Cargo.toml
sed -i -e 's/^\(miniz-sys.*\), optional = true/\1/' ../cargo-out/flate2-0.2.13/Cargo.toml
./ --crate-index=/home/zofrex/crates --target-dir=/home/zofrex/cargo-out --no-clone --no-clean --target x86_64-unknown-openbsd --download
sed -i -E -e 's/([^\/].*fs.*(remove_dir_all|create_dir_all).*)/\/\/\1/' ../cargo-out/libgit2-sys-0.4.2/
sed -i -E -e 's/([^\/].*fs.*(remove_dir_all|create_dir_all).*)/\/\/\1/' ../cargo-out/libgit2-sys-0.3.12/
sed -i"" -e 's/^rand.*version\([ ]*=[ ]*"[0-9.]*"\).*/rand\1/' ../cargo-out/uuid-0.2.0/Cargo.toml
./ --crate-index=/home/zofrex/crates --target-dir=/home/zofrex/cargo-out --no-clone --no-clean --target x86_64-unknown-openbsd || true
"cc" "-Wl,--as-needed" "-Wl,-z,noexecstack" "-m64" -L /usr/local/lib "-L" "/usr/local/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-openbsd/lib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/cargo-0_11_0.0.o" "-o" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/cargo-0_11_0" "-Wl,--gc-sections" "-pie" "-nodefaultlibs" "-L" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out" "-L" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/lib" "-L" "/usr/local/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-openbsd/lib" "-Wl,-Bstatic" "-Wl,-Bdynamic" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libcargo-0_11_0.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libcrossbeam-0_2_9.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libsemver-0_2_3.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libtoml-0_1_28.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libflate2-0_2_13.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libnom-1_2_2.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libnum_cpus-0_2_11.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libtime-0_1_35.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libdocopt-0_6_80.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libminiz_sys-0_1_7.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libtar-0_4_5.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libfiletime-0_1_10.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libenv_logger-0_3_3.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libcrates_io-0_2_0.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/liburl-0_2_38.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libuuid-0_1_18.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libfs2-0_2_4.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libregex-0_1_66.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libthread_local-0_2_3.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libutf8_ranges-0_1_3.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libaho_corasick-0_5_1.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libmemchr-0_1_11.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libthread_id-2_0_0.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libregex_syntax-0_3_1.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libglob-0_2_11.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libterm-0_4_4.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libunreachable-0_1_1.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libvoid-1_0_1.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libgit2_curl-0_4_0.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libgit2-0_4_2.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libbitflags-0_1_1.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libcurl-0_2_18.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/liburl-0_5_9.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libuuid-0_2_0.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/liblog-0_3_6.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/librand-0_3_14.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/librustc_serialize-0_3_19.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libcurl_sys-0_1_34.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libunicode_normalization-0_1_2.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libopenssl_sys-0_7_10.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/liblibgit2_sys-0_4_2.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/liblibz_sys-1_0_1.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/liblibc-0_2_10.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libunicode_bidi-0_2_3.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libmatches-0_1_2.rlib" "/home/zofrex/cargo-out/libstrsim-0_3_0.rlib" "/usr/local/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-openbsd/lib/libstd-db5a760f.rlib" "/usr/local/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-openbsd/lib/libcollections-db5a760f.rlib" "/usr/local/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-openbsd/lib/librustc_unicode-db5a760f.rlib" "/usr/local/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-openbsd/lib/librand-db5a760f.rlib" "/usr/local/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-openbsd/lib/liballoc-db5a760f.rlib" "/usr/local/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-openbsd/lib/liballoc_system-db5a760f.rlib" "/usr/local/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-openbsd/lib/liblibc-db5a760f.rlib" "/usr/local/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-openbsd/lib/libcore-db5a760f.rlib" "-l" "curl" "-l" "curl" "-l" "ssl" "-l" "crypto" "-l" "ssl" "-l" "crypto" "-l" "z" "-l" "z" "-l" "util" "-l" "pthread" "-l" "gcc" "-l" "c" "-l" "m" "-l" "compiler-rt"
../cargo-out/cargo-0_11_0 build --verbose
#!/usr/bin/env python
This python script is design to do the bare minimum to compile and link the
Cargo binary for the purposes of bootstrapping itself on a new platform for
which cross-compiling isn't possible. I wrote this specifically to bootstrap
Cargo on [Bitrig]( Bitrig is a fork of OpenBSD that uses
clang/clang++ and other BSD licensed tools instead of GNU licensed software.
Cross compiling from another platform is extremely difficult because of the
alternative toolchain Bitrig uses.
With this script, all that should be necessary to run this is a working Rust
toolchain, Python, and Git.
This script will not set up a full cargo cache or anything. It works by
cloning the cargo index and then starting with the cargo dependencies, it
recursively builds the dependency tree. Once it has the dependency tree, it
starts with the leaves of the tree, doing a breadth first traversal and for
each dependency, it clones the repo, sets the repo's head to the correct
revision and then executes the build command specified in the cargo config.
This bootstrap script uses a temporary directory to store the built dependency
libraries and uses that as a link path when linking dependencies and the
cargo binary. The goal is to create a statically linked cargo binary that is
capable of being used as a "local cargo" when running the main cargo Makefiles.
* pytoml -- used for parsing toml files.
* dulwich -- used for working with git repos.;a=summary
Both can be installed via the pip tool:
sudo pip install pytoml dulwich
Command Line Options
--cargo-root <path> specify the path to the cargo repo root.
--target-dir <path> specify the location to store build results.
--crate-index <path> path to where index shoudl be cloned
--no-clone don't clone index, --crate-index must point to existing clone.
--no-clean don't remove the folders created during bootstrapping.
--download only download the crates needed to bootstrap cargo.
--graph output dot format graph of dependencies.
--target <triple> build target: e.g. x86_64-unknown-bitrig
--host <triple> host machine: e.g. x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
--test-semver triggers the execution of the Semver and SemverRange class tests.
The `--cargo-root` option defaults to the current directory if unspecified. The
target directory defaults to Python equivilent of `mktemp -d` if unspecified.
The `--crate-index` option specifies where the index will be cloned. Or,
if you already have a clone of the index, the crates index should point there
and you should also specify `--no-clone`. The `--target` option is used to
specify which platform you are bootstrapping for. The `--host` option defaults
to the value of the `--target` option when not specified.
To bootstrap Cargo on (Bitrig)[] I followed these steps:
* Cloned this [bootstrap script repo](
to `/tmp/bootstrap`.
* Cloned the [ index](
to `/tmp/index`.
* Created a target folder, `/tmp/out`, for the output.
* Cloned the (Cargo)[] repo to `/tmp/cargo`.
* Copied the script to the cargo repo root.
* Ran the script like so:
./ --crate-index /tmp/index --target-dir /tmp/out --no-clone --no-clean --target x86_64-unknown-bitrig
After the script completed, there is a Cargo executable named `cargo-0_2_0` in
`/tmp/out`. That executable can then be used to bootstrap Cargo from source by
specifying it as the `--local-cargo` option to Cargo's `./configure` script.
import argparse, \
cStringIO, \
hashlib, \
httplib, \
inspect, \
json, \
os, \
re, \
shutil, \
subprocess, \
sys, \
tarfile, \
tempfile, \
import pytoml as toml
import dulwich.porcelain as git
HOST = None
GRAPH = None
CRATES_INDEX = 'git://'
CARGO_REPO = 'git://'
SV_RANGE = re.compile('^(?P<op>(?:\<=|\>=|=|\<|\>|\^|\~))?\s*'
SEMVER = re.compile('^\s*(?P<major>(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))'
BSCRIPT = re.compile('^cargo:(?P<key>([^\s=]+))(=(?P<value>.+))?$')
BNAME = re.compile('^(lib)?(?P<name>([^_]+))(_.*)?$')
BUILT = {}
PFX = []
def idnt(f):
def do_indent(*cargs):
ret = f(*cargs)
return ret
return do_indent
def dbgCtx(f):
def do_dbg(self, *cargs):
global PFX
ret = f(self, *cargs)
return ret
return do_dbg
def dbg(s):
global PFX
print '%s: %s' % (':'.join(PFX), s)
class PreRelease(object):
def __init__(self, pr):
self._container = []
if pr is not None:
self._container += str(pr).split('.')
def __str__(self):
return '.'.join(self._container)
def __repr__(self):
return self._container
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._container[key]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._container)
def __gt__(self, rhs):
return not ((self < rhs) or (self == rhs))
def __ge__(self, rhs):
return not (self < rhs)
def __le__(self, rhs):
return not (self > rhs)
def __eq__(self, rhs):
return self._container == rhs._container
def __ne__(self, rhs):
return not (self == rhs)
def __lt__(self, rhs):
if self == rhs:
return False
# not having a pre-release is higher precedence
if len(self) == 0:
if len(rhs) == 0:
return False
# 1.0.0 > 1.0.0-alpha
return False
if len(rhs) is None:
# 1.0.0-alpha < 1.0.0
return True
# if both have one, then longer pre-releases are higher precedence
if len(self) > len(rhs):
# 1.0.0-alpha.1 > 1.0.0-alpha
return False
elif len(self) < len(rhs):
# 1.0.0-alpha < 1.0.0-alpha.1
return True
# if both have the same length pre-release, must check each piece
# numeric sub-parts have lower precedence than non-numeric sub-parts
# non-numeric sub-parts are compared lexically in ASCII sort order
for l,r in zip(self, rhs):
if l.isdigit():
if r.isdigit():
if int(l) < int(r):
# 2 > 1
return True
elif int(l) > int(r):
# 1 < 2
return False
# 1 == 1
# 1 < 'foo'
return True
if r.isdigit():
# 'foo' > 1
return False
# both are non-numeric
if l < r:
return True
elif l > r:
return False
raise RuntimeError('PreRelease __lt__ failed')
class Semver(dict):
def __init__(self, sv):
match = SEMVER.match(str(sv))
if match is None:
raise ValueError('%s is not a valid semver string' % sv)
self._input = sv
self.prerelease = PreRelease(self['prerelease'])
def __str__(self):
major, minor, patch, prerelease, build = self.parts_raw()
s = ''
if major is None:
s += '0'
s += major
s += '.'
if minor is None:
s += '0'
s += minor
s += '.'
if patch is None:
s += '0'
s += patch
if len(self.prerelease):
s += '-' + str(self.prerelease)
if build is not None:
s += '+' + build
return s
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
def as_range(self):
return SemverRange('=%s' % self)
def parts(self):
major, minor, patch, prerelease, build = self.parts_raw()
if major is None:
major = '0'
if minor is None:
minor = '0'
if patch is None:
patch = '0'
return (int(major),int(minor),int(patch),prerelease,build)
def parts_raw(self):
return (self['major'],self['minor'],self['patch'],self['prerelease'],self['build'])
def __lt__(self, rhs):
lmaj,lmin,lpat,lpre,_ =
rmaj,rmin,rpat,rpre,_ =
if lmaj < rmaj:
return True
elif lmin < rmin:
return True
elif lpat < rpat:
return True
elif lpre is not None and rpre is None:
return True
elif lpre is not None and rpre is not None:
if self.prerelease < rhs.prerelease:
return True
return False
def __le__(self, rhs):
return not (self > rhs)
def __gt__(self, rhs):
return not ((self < rhs) or (self == rhs))
def __ge__(self, rhs):
return not (self < rhs)
def __eq__(self, rhs):
# build metadata is only considered for equality
lmaj,lmin,lpat,lpre,lbld =
rmaj,rmin,rpat,rpre,rbld =
return lmaj == rmaj and \
lmin == rmin and \
lpat == rpat and \
lpre == rpre and \
lbld == rbld
def __ne__(self, rhs):
return not (self == rhs)
class SemverRange(dict):
def __init__(self, sv):
match = SV_RANGE.match(str(sv))
if match is None:
raise ValueError('%s is not a valid semver range string' % sv)
self._input = sv
self.prerelease = PreRelease(self['prerelease'])
# fix up the op
op = self['op']
if op is None:
if self['major'] == '*' or self['minor'] == '*' or self['patch'] == '*':
op = '*'
# if no op was specified and there are no wildcards, then op
# defaults to '^'
op = '^'
self._semver = Semver(sv[len(op):])
if op not in ('<=', '>=', '<', '>', '=', '^', '~', '*'):
raise ValueError('%s is not a valid semver operator' % op)
self['op'] = op
def parts_raw(self):
return (self['major'],self['minor'],self['patch'],self['prerelease'],self['build'])
def __str__(self):
major, minor, patch, prerelease, build = self.parts_raw()
if self['op'] == '*':
if self['major'] == '*':
return '*'
elif self['minor'] == '*':
return major + '*'
return major + '.' + minor + '.*'
s = self['op']
if major is None:
s += '0'
s += major
s += '.'
if minor is None:
s += '0'
s += minor
s += '.'
if patch is None:
s += '0'
s += patch
if len(self.prerelease):
s += '-' + str(self.prerelease)
if build is not None:
s += '+' + build
return s
def lower(self):
op = self['op']
major,minor,patch,_,_ = self.parts_raw()
if op in ('<=', '<', '=', '>', '>='):
return None
if op == '*':
# wildcards specify a range
if self['major'] == '*':
return Semver('0.0.0')
elif self['minor'] == '*':
return Semver(major + '.0.0')
elif self['patch'] == '*':
return Semver(major + '.' + minor + '.0')
elif op == '^':
# caret specifies a range
if patch is None:
if minor is None:
# ^0 means >=0.0.0 and <1.0.0
return Semver(major + '.0.0')
# ^0.0 means >=0.0.0 and <0.1.0
return Semver(major + '.' + minor + '.0')
# ^0.0.1 means >=0.0.1 and <0.0.2
# ^0.1.2 means >=0.1.2 and <0.2.0
# ^1.2.3 means >=1.2.3 and <2.0.0
if int(major) == 0:
if int(minor) == 0:
# ^0.0.1
return Semver('0.0.' + patch)
# ^0.1.2
return Semver('0.' + minor + '.' + patch)
# ^1.2.3
return Semver(major + '.' + minor + '.' + patch)
elif op == '~':
# tilde specifies a minimal range
if patch is None:
if minor is None:
# ~0 means >=0.0.0 and <1.0.0
return Semver(major + '.0.0')
# ~0.0 means >=0.0.0 and <0.1.0
return Semver(major + '.' + minor + '.0')
# ~0.0.1 means >=0.0.1 and <0.1.0
# ~0.1.2 means >=0.1.2 and <0.2.0
# ~1.2.3 means >=1.2.3 and <1.3.0
return Semver(major + '.' + minor + '.' + patch)
raise RuntimeError('No lower bound')
def upper(self):
op = self['op']
major,minor,patch,_,_ = self.parts_raw()
if op in ('<=', '<', '=', '>', '>='):
return None
if op == '*':
# wildcards specify a range
if self['major'] == '*':
return None
elif self['minor'] == '*':
return Semver(str(int(major) + 1) + '.0.0')
elif self['patch'] == '*':
return Semver(major + '.' + str(int(minor) + 1) + '.0')
elif op == '^':
# caret specifies a range
if patch is None:
if minor is None:
# ^0 means >=0.0.0 and <1.0.0
return Semver(str(int(major) + 1) + '.0.0')
# ^0.0 means >=0.0.0 and <0.1.0
return Semver(major + '.' + str(int(minor) + 1) + '.0')
# ^0.0.1 means >=0.0.1 and <0.0.2
# ^0.1.2 means >=0.1.2 and <0.2.0
# ^1.2.3 means >=1.2.3 and <2.0.0
if int(major) == 0:
if int(minor) == 0:
# ^0.0.1
return Semver('0.0.' + str(int(patch) + 1))
# ^0.1.2
return Semver('0.' + str(int(minor) + 1) + '.0')
# ^1.2.3
return Semver(str(int(major) + 1) + '.0.0')
elif op == '~':
# tilde specifies a minimal range
if patch is None:
if minor is None:
# ~0 means >=0.0.0 and <1.0.0
return Semver(str(int(major) + 1) + '.0.0')
# ~0.0 means >=0.0.0 and <0.1.0
return Semver(major + '.' + str(int(minor) + 1) + '.0')
# ~0.0.1 means >=0.0.1 and <0.1.0
# ~0.1.2 means >=0.1.2 and <0.2.0
# ~1.2.3 means >=1.2.3 and <1.3.0
return Semver(major + '.' + str(int(minor) + 1) + '.0')
raise RuntimeError('No upper bound')
def compare(self, sv):
if type(sv) is not Semver:
sv = Semver(sv)
op = self['op']
major,minor,patch,_,_ = self.parts_raw()
if op == '*':
if self['major'] == '*':
return sv >= Semver('0.0.0')
return (sv >= self.lower()) and (sv < self.upper())
elif op == '^':
return (sv >= self.lower()) and (sv < self.upper())
elif op == '~':
return (sv >= self.lower()) and (sv < self.upper())
elif op == '<=':
return sv <= self._semver
elif op == '>=':
return sv >= self._semver
elif op == '<':
return sv < self._semver
elif op == '>':
return sv > self._semver
elif op == '=':
return sv == self._semver
raise RuntimeError('Semver comparison failed to find a matching op')
def test_semver():
print '\ntesting parsing:'
print '"1" is: "%s"' % Semver("1")
print '"1.1" is: "%s"' % Semver("1.1")
print '"1.1.1" is: "%s"' % Semver("1.1.1")
print '"1.1.1-alpha" is: "%s"' % Semver("1.1.1-alpha")
print '"1.1.1-alpha.1" is: "%s"' % Semver("1.1.1-alpha.1")
print '"1.1.1-alpha+beta" is: "%s"' % Semver("1.1.1-alpha+beta")
print '"1.1.1-alpha.1+beta" is: "%s"' % Semver("1.1.1-alpha.1+beta")
print '"1.1.1-alpha.1+beta.1" is: "%s"' % Semver("1.1.1-alpha.1+beta.1")
print '\ntesting equality:'
print '"1" == "1.0.0" is: %s' % (Semver("1") == Semver("1.0.0"))
print '"1.1" == "1.1.0" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1") == Semver("1.1.0"))
print '"1.1.1" == "1.1.1" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1") == Semver("1.1.1"))
print '"1.1.1-alpha" == "1.1.1-alpha" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha") == Semver("1.1.1-alpha"))
print '"1.1.1-alpha.1" == "1.1.1-alpha.1" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha.1") == Semver("1.1.1-alpha.1"))
print '"1.1.1-alpha+beta" == "1.1.1-alpha+beta" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha+beta") == Semver("1.1.1-alpha+beta"))
print '"1.1.1-alpha.1+beta" == "1.1.1-alpha.1+beta" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha.1+beta") == Semver("1.1.1-alpha.1+beta"))
print '"1.1.1-alpha.1+beta.1" == "1.1.1-alpha.1+beta.1" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha.1+beta.1") == Semver("1.1.1-alpha.1+beta.1"))
print '\ntesting less than:'
print '"1" < "2.0.0" is: %s' % (Semver("1") < Semver("2.0.0"))
print '"1.1" < "1.2.0" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1") < Semver("1.2.0"))
print '"1.1.1" < "1.1.2" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1") < Semver("1.1.2"))
print '"1.1.1-alpha" < "1.1.1" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha") < Semver("1.1.1"))
print '"1.1.1-alpha" < "1.1.1-beta" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha") < Semver("1.1.1-beta"))
print '"1.1.1-1" < "1.1.1-alpha" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha") < Semver("1.1.1-beta"))
print '"1.1.1-alpha" < "1.1.1-alpha.1" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha") < Semver("1.1.1-alpha.1"))
print '"1.1.1-alpha.1" < "1.1.1-alpha.2" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha.1") < Semver("1.1.1-alpha.2"))
print '"1.1.1-alpha+beta" < "1.1.1+beta" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha+beta") < Semver("1.1.1+beta"))
print '"1.1.1-alpha+beta" < "1.1.1-beta+beta" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha+beta") < Semver("1.1.1-beta+beta"))
print '"1.1.1-1+beta" < "1.1.1-alpha+beta" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha+beta") < Semver("1.1.1-beta+beta"))
print '"1.1.1-alpha+beta" < "1.1.1-alpha.1+beta" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha+beta") < Semver("1.1.1-alpha.1+beta"))
print '"1.1.1-alpha.1+beta" < "1.1.1-alpha.2+beta" is: %s' % (Semver("1.1.1-alpha.1+beta") < Semver("1.1.1-alpha.2+beta"))
print '\ntesting semver range parsing:'
print '"0" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('0').lower(), SemverRange('0').upper())
print '"0.0" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('0.0').lower(), SemverRange('0.0').upper())
print '"0.0.0" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('0.0.0').lower(), SemverRange('0.0.0').upper())
print '"0.0.1" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('0.0.1').lower(), SemverRange('0.0.1').upper())
print '"0.1.1" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('0.1.1').lower(), SemverRange('0.1.1').upper())
print '"1.1.1" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('1.1.1').lower(), SemverRange('1.1.1').upper())
print '"^0" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('^0').lower(), SemverRange('^0').upper())
print '"^0.0" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('^0.0').lower(), SemverRange('^0.0').upper())
print '"^0.0.0" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('^0.0.0').lower(), SemverRange('^0.0.0').upper())
print '"^0.0.1" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('^0.0.1').lower(), SemverRange('^0.0.1').upper())
print '"^0.1.1" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('^0.1.1').lower(), SemverRange('^0.1.1').upper())
print '"^1.1.1" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('^1.1.1').lower(), SemverRange('^1.1.1').upper())
print '"~0" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('~0').lower(), SemverRange('~0').upper())
print '"~0.0" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('~0.0').lower(), SemverRange('~0.0').upper())
print '"~0.0.0" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('~0.0.0').lower(), SemverRange('~0.0.0').upper())
print '"~0.0.1" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('~0.0.1').lower(), SemverRange('~0.0.1').upper())
print '"~0.1.1" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('~0.1.1').lower(), SemverRange('~0.1.1').upper())
print '"~1.1.1" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('~1.1.1').lower(), SemverRange('~1.1.1').upper())
print '"*" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('*').lower(), SemverRange('*').upper())
print '"0.*" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('0.*').lower(), SemverRange('0.*').upper())
print '"0.0.*" lower: %s, upper: %s' % (SemverRange('0.0.*').lower(), SemverRange('0.0.*').upper())
class Runner(object):
def __init__(self, c, e, cwd=None):
self._cmd = c
if type(self._cmd) is not list:
self._cmd = [self._cmd]
self._env = e
self._stdout = []
self._stderr = []
self._returncode = 0
self._cwd = cwd
def __call__(self, c, e):
cmd = self._cmd + c
env = dict(self._env, **e)
#dbg(' env: %s' % env)
#dbg(' cwd: %s' % self._cwd)
envstr = ''
for k,v in env.iteritems():
envstr += ' %s="%s"' % (k, v)
if self._cwd is not None:
dbg('cd %s && %s %s' % (self._cwd, envstr, ' '.join(cmd)))
dbg('%s %s' % (envstr, ' '.join(cmd)))
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env, \
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
out, err = proc.communicate()
for lo in out.split('\n'):
if len(lo) > 0:
#dbg('out: %s' % lo)
for le in err.split('\n'):
if len(le) > 0:
while proc.poll() is None:
lo = proc.stdout.readline().rstrip('\n')
le = proc.stderr.readline().rstrip('\n')
if len(lo) > 0:
if len(le) > 0:
dbg('err: %s', le)
self._returncode = proc.wait()
#dbg(' ret: %s' % self._returncode)
return self._stdout
def output(self):
return self._stdout
def returncode(self):
return self._returncode
class RustcRunner(Runner):
def __call__(self, c, e):
super(RustcRunner, self).__call__(c, e)
return ([], {}, {})
class BuildScriptRunner(Runner):
def __call__(self, c, e):
#dbg('XXX Running build script:');
#dbg(' env: %s' % e)
#dbg(' '.join(self._cmd + c))
super(BuildScriptRunner, self).__call__(c, e)
# parse the output for cargo: lines
cmd = []
env = {}
denv = {}
for l in self.output():
match = BSCRIPT.match(str(l))
if match is None:
pieces = match.groupdict()
k = pieces['key']
v = pieces['value']
if k == 'rustc-link-lib':
#dbg('YYYYYY: adding -l %s' % v)
cmd += ['-l', v]
elif k == 'rustc-link-search':
#dbg("adding link search path: %s" % v)
cmd += ['-L', v]
elif k == 'rustc-cfg':
cmd += ['--cfg', v]
env['CARGO_FEATURE_%s' % v.upper().replace('-','_')] = 1
#dbg("env[%s] = %s" % (k, v));
denv[k] = v
return (cmd, env, denv)
class Crate(object):
def __init__(self, crate, ver, deps, cdir, build):
self._crate = str(crate)
self._version = Semver(ver)
self._dep_info = deps
self._dir = cdir
# put the build scripts first
self._build = filter(lambda x: x.get('type', None) == 'build_script', build)
# then add the lib/bin builds
self._build += filter(lambda x: x.get('type', None) != 'build_script', build)
self._resolved = False
self._deps = {}
self._refs = []
self._env = {}
self._dep_env = {}
self._extra_flags = []
def name(self):
return self._crate
def dep_info(self):
return self._dep_info
def version(self):
return self._version
def dir(self):
return self._dir
def __str__(self):
return '%s-%s' % (, self.version())
def add_dep(self, crate, features):
if self._deps.has_key(str(crate)):
features = [str(x) for x in features]
self._deps[str(crate)] = { 'features': features }
def add_ref(self, crate):
if str(crate) not in self._refs:
def resolved(self):
return self._resolved
def resolve(self, tdir, idir, graph=None):
global CRATES
if self._resolved:
if CRATES.has_key(str(self)):
if self._dep_info is not None:
print ''
dbg('Resolving dependencies for: %s' % str(self))
for d in self._dep_info:
kind = d.get('kind', 'normal')
if kind not in ('normal', 'build'):
print ''
dbg('Skipping %s dep %s' % (kind, d['name']))
optional = d.get('optional', False)
if optional:
print ''
dbg('Skipping optional dep %s' % d['name'])
svr = SemverRange(d['req'])
print ''
deps = []
dbg('Looking up info for %s %s' % (d['name'], str(svr)))
if d.get('local', None) is None:
# go through crates first to see if the is satisfied already
dcrate = find_crate_by_name_and_semver(d['name'], svr)
if dcrate is not None:
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
svr = dcrate.version().as_range()
name, ver, ideps, ftrs, cksum = crate_info_from_index(idir, d['name'], svr)
if dcrate is None:
cdir = dl_and_check_crate(tdir, name, ver, cksum)
_, tver, tdeps, build = crate_info_from_toml(cdir)
deps += ideps
deps += tdeps
dbg('Found crate already satisfying %s %s' % (d['name'], str(svr)))
deps += dcrate.dep_info()
cdir = d['path']
name, ver, ideps, build = crate_info_from_toml(cdir)
deps += ideps
if dcrate is None:
dcrate = Crate(name, ver, deps, cdir, build)
if CRATES.has_key(str(dcrate)):
dcrate = CRATES[str(dcrate)]
if graph is not None:
print >> graph, '"%s" -> "%s";' % (str(self), str(dcrate))
dcrate = None
# clean up the list of features that are enabled
tftrs = d.get('features', [])
if type(tftrs) is dict:
tftrs = tftrs.keys()
tftrs = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, tftrs)
# add 'default' if default_features is true
if d.get('default_features', True):
features = []
if type(ftrs) is dict:
# add any available features that are activated by the
# dependency entry in the parent's dependency record,
# and any features they depend on recursively
def add_features(f):
if ftrs.has_key(f):
if not f in features:
print 'appending feature %s' % f
for k in ftrs[f]:
# guard against infinite recursion
if not k in features:
print 'appending feature %s' % k
for k in tftrs:
features += filter(lambda x: (len(x) > 0) and (x in tftrs), ftrs)
if dcrate is not None:
self.add_dep(dcrate, features)
self._resolved = True
CRATES[str(self)] = self
def build(self, by, out_dir, features=[]):
global BUILT
global CRATES
global TARGET
global HOST
extra_filename = '-' + str(self.version()).replace('.','_')
output_name ='-','_')
output = os.path.join(out_dir, 'lib%s%s.rlib' % (output_name, extra_filename))
if BUILT.has_key(str(self)):
return ({'name', 'lib':output}, self._env, self._extra_flags)
externs = []
extra_flags = []
for dep,info in self._deps.iteritems():
if CRATES.has_key(dep):
extern, env, extra_flags = CRATES[dep].build(self, out_dir, info['features'])
self._dep_env[CRATES[dep].name()] = env
self._extra_flags += extra_flags
if os.path.isfile(output):
print ''
dbg('Skipping %s, already built (needed by: %s)' % (str(self), str(by)))
BUILT[str(self)] = str(by)
return ({'name', 'lib':output}, self._env, self._extra_flags)
# build the environment for subcommands
tenv = dict(os.environ)
env = {}
env['PATH'] = tenv['PATH']
env['OUT_DIR'] = out_dir
env['HOST'] = HOST
env['NUM_JOBS'] = '1'
env['OPT_LEVEL'] = '0'
env['DEBUG'] = '0'
env['PROFILE'] = 'release'
env['CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR'] = self.dir()
env['CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR'] = self.version()['major']
env['CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR'] = self.version()['minor']
env['CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH'] = self.version()['patch']
pre = self.version()['prerelease']
if pre is None:
pre = ''
env['CARGO_PKG_VERSION'] = str(self.version())
for f in features:
env['CARGO_FEATURE_%s' % f.upper().replace('-','_')] = '1'
for l,e in self._dep_env.iteritems():
for k,v in e.iteritems():
if type(v) is not str and type(v) is not unicode:
v = str(v)
env['DEP_%s_%s' % (l.upper(), v.upper())] = v
# create the builders, build scrips are first
cmds = []
for b in self._build:
v = str(self._version).replace('.','_')
cmd = ['/usr/local/bin/rustc']
cmd.append(os.path.join(self._dir, b['path']))
if b['type'] == 'lib':
elif b['type'] == 'build_script':
cmd.append('build_script_%s' % b['name'].replace('-','_'))
for f in features:
cmd.append('feature=\"%s\"' % f)
cmd.append('extra-filename=' + extra_filename)
cmd.append('%s' % out_dir)
cmd.append('%s' % out_dir)
cmd.append('%s/lib' % out_dir)
# add in the flags from dependencies
cmd += self._extra_flags
for e in externs:
cmd.append('%s=%s' % (e['name'].replace('-','_'), e['lib']))
# get the pkg key name
match = BNAME.match(b['name'])
if match is not None:
match = match.groupdict()['name'].replace('-','_')
# queue up the runner
cmds.append({'name':b['name'], 'env_key':match, 'cmd':RustcRunner(cmd, env)})
# queue up the build script runner
if b['type'] == 'build_script':
bcmd = os.path.join(out_dir, 'build_script_%s-%s' % (b['name'], v))
cmds.append({'name':b['name'], 'env_key':match, 'cmd':BuildScriptRunner(bcmd, env, self._dir)})
print ''
dbg('Building %s (needed by: %s)' % (str(self), str(by)))
if str(self) == 'libgit2-sys-0.4.2':
print 'Aborting because who knows what the fuck is gonna happen otherwise'
bcmd = []
benv = {}
for c in cmds:
runner = c['cmd']
(c1, e1, e2) = runner(bcmd, benv)
if runner.returncode() != 0:
raise RuntimeError('build command failed: %s' % runner.returncode())
bcmd += c1
benv = dict(benv, **e1)
key = c['env_key']
for k,v in e2.iteritems():
self._env['DEP_%s_%s' % (key.upper(), k.upper())] = v
#dbg('XXX cmd: %s' % bcmd)
#dbg('XXX env: %s' % benv)
#dbg('XXX denv: %s' % self._env)
#print ''
BUILT[str(self)] = str(by)
return ({'name', 'lib':output}, self._env, bcmd)
def dl_crate(url, depth=0):
if depth > 10:
raise RuntimeError('too many redirects')
loc = urlparse.urlparse(url)
if loc.scheme == 'https':
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(loc.netloc)
elif loc.scheme == 'http':
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(loc.netloc)
raise RuntimeError('unsupported url scheme: %s' % loc.scheme)
conn.request("GET", loc.path)
res = conn.getresponse()
dbg('%sconnected to %s...%s' % ((' ' * depth), url, res.status))
headers = dict(res.getheaders())
if headers.has_key('location') and headers['location'] != url:
return dl_crate(headers['location'], depth + 1)
def dl_and_check_crate(tdir, name, ver, cksum):
global CRATES
cname = '%s-%s' % (name, ver)
cdir = os.path.join(tdir, cname)
if CRATES.has_key(cname):
dbg('skipping %s...already downloaded' % cname)
return cdir
if not os.path.isdir(cdir):
dbg('Downloading %s source to %s' % (cname, cdir))
dl = CRATE_API_DL % (name, ver)
buf = dl_crate(dl)
if (cksum is not None):
h = hashlib.sha256()
if h.hexdigest() == cksum:
dbg('Checksum is good...%s' % cksum)
dbg('Checksum is BAD (%s != %s)' % (h.hexdigest(), cksum))
fbuf = cStringIO.StringIO(buf)
with as tf:
dbg('unpacking result to %s...' % cdir)
return cdir
def crate_info_from_toml(cdir):
with open(os.path.join(cdir, 'Cargo.toml'), 'rb') as ctoml:
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
cfg = toml.load(ctoml)
build = []
p = cfg.get('package',cfg.get('project', {}))
name = p.get('name', None)
#if name == 'num_cpus':
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
ver = p.get('version', None)
if (name is None) or (ver is None):
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
raise RuntimeError('invalid .toml file format')
# look for a "links" item
lnks = p.get('links', [])
if type(lnks) is not list:
lnks = [lnks]
# look for a "build" item
bf = p.get('build', None)
# if we have a 'links', there must be a 'build'
if len(lnks) > 0 and bf is None:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
raise RuntimeError('cargo requires a "build" item if "links" is specified')
# there can be target specific build script overrides
boverrides = {}
for lnk in lnks:
boverrides.update(cfg.get('target', {}).get(TARGET, {}).get(lnk, {}))
bmain = False
if bf is not None:
build.append({'type':'build_script', \
'path':[ bf ], \
'name':name.replace('-','_'), \
'links': lnks, \
'overrides': boverrides})
# look for libs array
libs = cfg.get('lib', [])
if type(libs) is not list:
libs = [libs]
for l in libs:
l['type'] = 'lib'
l['links'] = lnks
if l.get('path', None) is None:
l['path'] = [ '' ]
bmain = True
# look for bins array
bins = cfg.get('bin', [])
if type(bins) is not list:
bins = [bins]
for b in bins:
if b.get('path', None) is None:
b['path'] = [ os.path.join('bin', '' % b['name']), os.path.join('bin', ''), '' % b['name'], '' ]
build.append({'type': 'bin', \
'name':b['name'], \
'path':b['path'], \
'links': lnks})
bmain = True
# if no explicit directions on what to build, then add a default
if bmain == False:
build.append({'type':'lib', 'path':'', 'name':name.replace('-','_')})
for b in build:
# make sure the path is a list of possible paths
if type(b['path']) is not list:
b['path'] = [ b['path'] ]
bin_paths = []
for p in b['path']:
bin_paths.append(os.path.join(cdir, p))
bin_paths.append(os.path.join(cdir, 'src', p))
found_path = None
for p in bin_paths:
if os.path.isfile(p):
found_path = p
if found_path == None:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
raise RuntimeError('could not find %s to build in %s', (build, cdir))
b['path'] = found_path
d = cfg.get('build-dependencies', {})
d.update(cfg.get('dependencies', {}))
d.update(cfg.get('target', {}).get(TARGET, {}).get('dependencies', {}))
deps = []
for k,v in d.iteritems():
if type(v) is not dict:
deps.append({'name':k, 'req': v})
elif v.has_key('path'):
if v.get('version', None) is None:
deps.append({'name':k, 'path':os.path.join(cdir, v['path']), 'local':True, 'req':0})
opts = v.get('optional',False)
ftrs = v.get('features',[])
deps.append({'name':k, 'path': v['path'], 'req':v['version'], 'features':ftrs, 'optional':opts})
opts = v.get('optional',False)
ftrs = v.get('features',[])
deps.append({'name':k, 'req':v['version'], 'features':ftrs, 'optional':opts})
return (name, ver, deps, build)
except Exception, e:
dbg('failed to load toml file for: %s (%s)' % (cdir, str(e)))
return (None, None, [], '')
def crate_info_from_index(idir, name, svr):
global TARGET
if len(name) == 1:
ipath = os.path.join(idir, '1', name)
elif len(name) == 2:
ipath = os.path.join(idir, '2', name)
elif len(name) == 3:
ipath = os.path.join(idir, '3', name[0:1], name)
ipath = os.path.join(idir, name[0:2], name[2:4], name)
dbg('opening crate info: %s' % ipath)
dep_infos = []
with open(ipath, 'rb') as fin:
lines = fin.readlines()
for l in lines:
passed = {}
for info in dep_infos:
if not info.has_key('vers'):
sv = Semver(info['vers'])
passed[sv] = info
keys = sorted(passed.iterkeys())
best_match = keys.pop()
dbg('best match is %s-%s' % (name, best_match))
best_info = passed[best_match]
name = best_info.get('name', None)
ver = best_info.get('vers', None)
deps = best_info.get('deps', [])
ftrs = best_info.get('features', [])
cksum = best_info.get('cksum', None)
# only include deps without a 'target' or ones with matching 'target'
deps = filter(lambda x: x.get('target', TARGET) == TARGET, deps)
return (name, ver, deps, ftrs, cksum)
def find_crate_by_name_and_semver(name, svr):
global CRATES
for c in CRATES.itervalues():
if == name and
return c
for c in UNRESOLVED:
if == name and
return c
return None
def args_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Cargo Bootstrap Tool')
parser.add_argument('--cargo-root', type=str, default=os.getcwd(),
help="specify the cargo repo root path")
parser.add_argument('--target-dir', type=str, default=tempfile.mkdtemp(),
help="specify the path for storing built dependency libs")
parser.add_argument('--crate-index', type=str, default=None,
help="path to where the crate index should be cloned")
parser.add_argument('--target', type=str, default=None,
help="target triple for machine we're bootstrapping for")
parser.add_argument('--host', type=str, default=None,
help="host triple for machine we're bootstrapping on")
parser.add_argument('--test-semver', action='store_true',
help="run semver parsing tests")
parser.add_argument('--no-clone', action='store_true',
help="skip cloning crates index, --target-dir must point to an existing clone of the crates index")
parser.add_argument('--no-git', action='store_true',
help="don't assume that the crates index and cargo root are git repos; implies --no-clone")
parser.add_argument('--no-clean', action='store_true',
help="don't delete the target dir and crate index")
parser.add_argument('--download', action='store_true',
help="only download the crates needed to build cargo")
parser.add_argument('--graph', action='store_true',
help="output a dot graph of the dependencies")
return parser
def open_or_clone_repo(rdir, rurl, no_clone):
repo = git.open_repo(rdir)
return repo
repo = None
if repo is None and no_clone is False:
dbg('Cloning %s to %s' % (rurl, rdir))
return git.clone(rurl, rdir)
return repo
if __name__ == "__main__":
# parse args
parser = args_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.test_semver:
# clone the cargo index
if args.crate_index is None:
args.crate_index = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(args.target_dir, 'index'))
dbg('cargo: %s, target: %s, index: %s' % \
(args.cargo_root, args.target_dir, args.crate_index))
if not args.no_git:
index = open_or_clone_repo(args.crate_index, CRATES_INDEX, args.no_clone)
cargo = open_or_clone_repo(args.cargo_root, CARGO_REPO, args.no_clone)
if index is None:
raise RuntimeError('You must have a local clone of the crates index, ' \
'omit --no-clone to allow this script to clone it for ' \
'you, or pass --no-git to bypass this check.')
if cargo is None:
raise RuntimeError('You must have a local clone of the cargo repo ' \
'so that this script can read the cargo toml file.')
if TARGET is None:
raise RuntimeError('You must specify the target triple of this machine')
if HOST is None:
except Exception, e:
frame = inspect.trace()[-1]
print >> sys.stderr, "\nException:\n from %s, line %d:\n %s\n" % (frame[1], frame[2], e)
if not args.no_clean:
# load cargo deps
name, ver, deps, build = crate_info_from_toml(args.cargo_root)
cargo_crate = Crate(name, ver, deps, args.cargo_root, build)
if args.graph:
GRAPH = open(os.path.join(args.target_dir, ''), 'wb')
print >> GRAPH, "digraph %s {" % name
# resolve and download all of the dependencies
print ''
print '===================================='
print '===================================='
while len(UNRESOLVED) > 0:
crate = UNRESOLVED.pop(0)
crate.resolve(args.target_dir, args.crate_index, GRAPH)
if args.graph:
print >> GRAPH, "}"
print "done downloading..."
# build cargo
print ''
print '=========================='
print '===== BUILDING CARGO ====='
print '==========================''', args.target_dir)
# cleanup
if not args.no_clean:
print "cleaning up..."
print "done"
except Exception, e:
frame = inspect.trace()[-1]
print >> sys.stderr, "\nException:\n from %s, line %d:\n %s\n" % (frame[1], frame[2], e)
if not args.no_clean:
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