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zooba / as_utf16.c
Created December 2, 2024 13:12
A CPython PyArg_Parse converter for UTF-16 strings
#include <Python.h>
#include <windows.h>
int as_utf16(PyObject *obj, wchar_t **address) {
if (obj == NULL) {
// Automatic cleanup
return 1;
PyObject *wobj = PyObject_Str(obj);
zooba / read_usn.c
Created May 24, 2022 22:25
Saving my read_usn method in case I want it later
// FILE_ID.Identifier is BYTE[16] containing a single 128-bit unsigned integer
static PyObject *
_PyLong_From_FILE_ID(FILE_ID_128 *id)
PyObject *low = PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(
*(unsigned long long*)&id->Identifier[0]
if (!low) {
return NULL;
zooba /
Created September 8, 2020 08:47
Popping up a toast notification using the winrt library
from import ToastNotificationManager, ToastNotification, ToastTemplateType
def toast(title, text):
xml = ToastNotificationManager.get_template_content(ToastTemplateType.TOAST_TEXT02)
ee = xml.get_elements_by_tag_name("text")
notifier = ToastNotificationManager.create_toast_notifier()
zooba / pdf2png.txt
Last active September 6, 2020 11:59
Step by step converting a PDF page to PNG using WinRT
Python 3.7.8 (tags/v3.7.8:4b47a5b6ba, Jun 28 2020, 10:03:53) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os, time
>>> PDF_FILENAME = input("Path to PDF: ")
>>> OUT_FILE = os.path.abspath(input("Path to output PNG: "))
>>> import as PDF
>>> from import StorageFile
>>> op = StorageFile.get_file_from_path_async(PDF_FILENAME)
>>> time.sleep(0.5) # should really await, but this is easier
zooba /
Last active September 5, 2020 12:56
WinRT script showing MIDI in/out with the PreSonus Faderport
import asyncio
from import midi
from import DeviceInformation
async def list_ports(kind=midi.MidiInPort):
devs = await DeviceInformation.find_all_async(kind.get_device_selector(), [])
return { for d in devs}
async def main():
in_port_id = (await list_ports())['PreSonus FP2 [1]']
zooba / prompt.ps1
Last active May 21, 2020 21:52
Powershell title updater
function Prompt {
$p = Get-Location
while ($p) {
if (Test-Path "$p\.git") { break }
if (Test-Path "$p\pyproject.toml") { break }
if (Test-Path "$p\") { break }
$p = Split-Path -Parent $p
if ($p) {
$n1 = Split-Path -Leaf $p
zooba / git-sync.ps1
Created February 27, 2020 20:46
Git-Sync Powershell function
function Git-Sync {
git fetch --all --prune;
$alive = git for-each-ref refs/remotes --format '%(refname)';
$dead = git for-each-ref refs/heads --format '%(if)%(push)%(then)%(refname:short):%(push)%(end)' `
| ?{ ($_ -split ':')[1] -and -not (($_ -split ':')[1] -in $alive) } `
| %{ ($_ -split ':')[0] };
if ($dead) {
$current = git name-rev --name-only HEAD;
if ($current -in $dead) {
Write-Host "Branch '$current' about to be deleted."
zooba /
Created March 11, 2019 01:50
Tool for seeing which Python stdlib modules have dependencies on others
import ast
import json
import sys
import sysconfig
from pathlib import Path
def remove(data, key):
removed = {key}
zooba /
Last active December 11, 2017 18:09
Sample Python code used in my North Bay Python 2017 session on PEP 551
# This code is the base-64 encoded payload from the single line above, with newlines added for readability.
zooba / pep551_payload.b64
Last active November 20, 2017 21:18
Base-64 encoded and gz compressed payload for my PEP 551 demo