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Created May 18, 2016 08:59
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Sehr geehrte/r {kunde_text},
Ihr Kundenkonto mit der Kennung {kennung} wurde in unserem Webportal gelöscht.
Damit wurden alle persönlichen Bestelldaten aus unserem System entfernt.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie unsere Dienste genutzt haben.
Sollten Sie noch Fragen zur Löschung Ihres Kundenkontos haben, wenden Sie sich
bitte an unsere Kundenbetreuung ....
import os
import string
import pkg_resources
from email.utils import formataddr
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
import plone.api
from zopyx.plone.persistentlogger.logger import PersistentLoggerAdapter
class Formatter(string.Formatter):
def format(self, fmt, *args, **kw):
field_names = [tp[1] for tp in self.parse(fmt)]
for name in field_names:
if not name in kw:
kw[str(name)] = u''
if not isinstance(kw[str(name)], unicode):
kw[str(name)] = unicode(kw[str(name)], 'utf8')
return super(Formatter, self).format(fmt, *args, **kw)
def send_mail(sender, recipients, subject, template, params, cc=[], cc_admin=False, context=None):
if 'NO_MAIL' in os.environ:
footer_text = pkg_resources.resource_string(
'zchl.policy.templates', 'footer.txt')
params['footer'] = unicode(footer_text, 'utf-8')
formatter = Formatter()
email_text = pkg_resources.resource_string(
'zchl.policy.templates', template)
email_text = unicode(email_text, 'utf-8')
except UnicodeError:
email_text = unicode(email_text, 'iso-8859-15')
email_text = formatter.format(email_text, **params)
msg = MIMEText(email_text.encode('utf-8'), _charset='utf8')
recipients = [r for r in recipients if r]
msg['To'] = ','.join(recipients)
if sender:
msg['From'] = sender
portal = plone.api.portal.get()
msg['From'] = formataddr(
(portal.email_from_name, portal.email_from_address))
if cc_admin:
if cc:
msg['CC'] = ','.join(cc)
msg['Subject'] = subject
if context:
u'Benachrichtigung "{}" an {} gesendet'.format(subject, recipients))
mh = plone.api.portal.get_tool('MailHost')
mh.send(msg.as_string(), immediate=True)
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