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Created May 28, 2019 12:59
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@require: stdja
@require: saizeriya
%@import: saizeriya
%------------------------------------------------- メニューデータ
let the-menu = [
%------------------------------------------------- 本文
document (|
title = {\SATySFi;でサイゼリヤ問題};
author = {某ZR(アレ)};
show-title = true;
show-toc = false;
|) '<
% saizeriya.satyh: ZR modules for the Saizeriya problem
% Copyright (c) 2019 Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")
% GitHub:
% Twitter: @zr_tex8r
% Distributed under the MIT License.
@require: color
@require: gr
@require: itemize
@require: list
@require: option
@require: table
%=========================================================== format settings
type saize-item = (|
name : string;
calorie : int;
cost : int;
% +saizeriya-listing-menu の書式
let saizeriya-format-itemize item =
let name = embed-string item#name in
let calo = embed-string (arabic item#calorie) in
let cost = embed-string (arabic item#cost) in
% +saizeriya-tabular-solution の書式
let saizeriya-tabular-header t =
[t#c{名称}; t#c{カロリー/kcal}; t#c{価格/円}]
let saizeriya-tabular-row t item =
let name = embed-string item#name in
let calo = embed-string (arabic item#calorie) in
let cost = embed-string (arabic item#cost) in
[t#l name; t#r calo; t#r cost]
let saizeriya-tabular-total t tcalorie tcost =
let calo = embed-string (arabic tcalorie) in
let cost = embed-string (arabic tcost) in
[t#c{合計}; t#r calo; t#r cost]
%=========================================================== helpers
let iota n =
let-rec iter | 0 rs = rs
| k rs = iter (k - 1) ((k - 1) :: rs) in
iter n []
let list-sort comp xs =
let-rec insert | y [] = [y]
| y (x::xs) =
if comp y x then y::x::xs else x :: (insert y xs) in
let-rec iter | [] rs = rs
| (x::xs) rs = iter xs (insert x rs) in
iter xs []
%=========================================================== module 'ZArray'
module ZArray : sig
type 'a t
val from-list : 'a list -> 'a t
val size : 'a t -> int
val get : 'a t -> int -> 'a option
val set : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> 'a t
val to-list : 'a t -> 'a list
end = struct
type 'a tree = Node of ('a tree) * ('a tree)
| Leaf of 'a
type 'a t = Array of int * int * (('a tree) option)
let get-rank n =
let-rec iter p r =
if n <= p then r else iter (p * 2) (r + 1) in
iter 1 0
let get-thres r =
let-rec iter r t =
if r <= 0 then t else iter (r - 1) (t * 2) in
iter (r - 1) 1
let-rec xscan | x [] = (x, [])
| x (y::ys) = (y, ys)
let-rec from-list | [] = Array (0, 0, None)
| ((xh::_) as xs) =
let siz = List.length xs in
let-rec iter | 0 xs =
let (y, ys) = xscan xh xs in (ys, Leaf y)
| r xs =
let (ys, tr1) = iter (r - 1) xs in
let (zs, tr2) = iter (r - 1) ys in
(zs, Node (tr1, tr2))
let rank = get-rank siz in
let (_, tr) = iter rank xs in
Array (siz, get-thres rank, Some tr)
let size (Array (siz, _, _)) = siz
let-rec get | (Array (_, _, None)) _ = None
| (Array (siz, thr, Some tr)) idx =
let-rec iter | _ _ (Leaf v) = v
| idx thr (Node (tr1, tr2)) =
if idx < thr then iter idx (thr / 2) tr1
else iter (idx - thr) (thr / 2) tr2
if 0 <= idx && idx < siz then Some (iter idx thr tr)
else None
let-rec set | (Array (_, _, None) as ary) _ _ = ary
| (Array (siz, thr, Some tr) as ary) idx v =
let-rec iter | _ _ (Leaf _) = Leaf v
| idx thr (Node (tr1, tr2)) =
if idx < thr then Node (iter idx (thr / 2) tr1, tr2)
else Node (tr1, iter (idx - thr) (thr / 2) tr2)
if 0 <= idx && idx < siz then Array (siz, thr, Some (iter idx thr tr))
else ary
let-rec drop | _ [] = []
| 0 xs = xs
| k (x::xs) = drop (k - 1) xs
let-rec to-list | (Array (_, _, None)) = []
| (Array (siz, _, Some tr)) =
let-rec iter | acc (Leaf v) = v :: acc
| acc (Node (tr1, tr2)) = iter (iter acc tr1) tr2 in
let lst = iter [] tr in
List.reverse (drop (List.length lst - siz) lst)
%=========================================================== module 'Saizeriya'
module Saizeriya : sig
val solve : saize-item list -> int -> saize-item list
end = struct
let array-fill n v = (fun _ -> v) (iota n) |> ZArray.from-list
let array-get ary k =
Option.from (-1) (ZArray.get ary k)
let nil-item
= (| name = ` `; calorie = 0; cost = 0 |)
let optimize items badget =
let-rec iiter | _ [] mcalos liidxs = (mcalos, liidxs)
| iidx (itm::itms) mcalos liidxs =
let (calo, cost) = (itm#calorie, itm#cost) in
let-rec kiter k mcalos liidxs =
if k >= cost then
let nmcalo = array-get mcalos (k - cost) + calo in
if nmcalo > array-get mcalos k then
kiter (k - 1) (ZArray.set mcalos k nmcalo)
(ZArray.set liidxs k iidx)
else kiter (k - 1) mcalos liidxs
else iiter (iidx + 1) itms mcalos liidxs
kiter badget mcalos liidxs
iiter 0 items (array-fill (badget + 1) 0)
(array-fill (badget + 1) (-1))
let get-items mcalos liidxs items badget =
let-rec iter k sitms =
let liidx = array-get liidxs k in
if liidx >= 0 then
let itm = Option.from nil-item (List.nth liidx items) in
iter (k - itm#cost) (itm :: sitms)
else sitms
iter badget []
let-rec solve | [] _ = []
| items badget =
let (mcalos, liidxs) = optimize items badget in
let comp-item itm1 itm2 = itm1#calorie > itm2#calorie in
let sitems = get-items mcalos liidxs items badget in
list-sort comp-item sitems
%=========================================================== commands
let-block +saizeriya-listing-menu items =
let proc item = Item (saizeriya-format-itemize item, []) in
'<+listing?:(true)(Item ({}, proc items));>
let-block ctx +saizeriya-tabular-solution items badget =
let sitems = Saizeriya.solve items badget in
let sum-of f = List.fold-left (+) 0 ( f sitems) in
let cell-gen t = List.concat [
[ saizeriya-tabular-header t ]; (saizeriya-tabular-row t) sitems;
[ saizeriya-tabular-total t
(sum-of (fun item -> item#calorie))
(sum-of (fun item -> item#cost)) ];
] in
let graph-gen xs ys =
let (thin, thick) = (0.4pt, 0.8pt) in
let (y0 :: y1 :: _, y9 :: y8 :: _) = (ys, List.reverse ys) in
let (x0 :: x1 :: x2 :: x3 :: _) = xs in
let hline w y = stroke w (Gr.line (x0, y) (x3, y)) in
hline thick y0;
hline thin y1;
hline thin y8;
hline thick y9;
] in
let ittab = {\tabular(cell-gen)(graph-gen);} in
line-break true true ctx
((read-inline ctx ittab) ++ inline-fil)
%=========================================================== done
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