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Last active August 28, 2024 14:48
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tcnicenumber: 素敵でかつ涼しそうなLaTeXのカウンタ出力命令🦆⛄
%% This is file 'tcnicenumber.sty'.
%% Copyright (c) 2024 Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")
%% GitHub:
%% Twitter: @zr_tex8r
%% This package is distributed under the MIT License.
%% package declaration
\RequirePackage {expl3}
\ProvidesExplPackage {tcnicenumber} {2024-08-28} {0.2.8}
{nice number format}
%--------------------------------------- general
%% packages
\RequirePackage { scsnowman, tikzducks, graphicx }
%--------------------------------------- nice digits
%% \tcznnm@duck (protected)
% The duck as digit '2'.
\cs_new_protected:Npn \tcznnm@duck
\resizebox { 0.8em } { ! }
\tikz [ x = 1cm, y = 1cm ]
body = blue!80!green!40,
bill = green!30!black!50,
hat = blue!50!green,
%% \tcznnm@snowman (protected)
% The snowman as digit '8'. (NICE!)
\cs_new_protected:Npn \tcznnm@snowman
\makebox [ 0.8em ]
scale = 1.28,
hat = blue!80!green!75!black,
muffler = blue!50!green,
%--------------------------------------- format numbers
% \__tcznnm_format:n {<number>} (restricted expandable)
% Outputs the given number in the nice format.
\cs_new:Nn \__tcznnm_format:n
% Just map over digits.
{ \str_map_function:nN {#1} \__tcznnm_digit:n }
% \__tcznnm_digit:n {<digit>} (fully expandable)
% Outputs a digit.
\cs_new:Nn \__tcznnm_digit:n
\str_case:nnF {#1}
{% 2 and 8 are special.
{ 2 } { \__tcznnm_out:nnn { \tcznnm@duck } { 1F986 } { 2 } }
{ 8 } { \__tcznnm_out:nnn { \tcznnm@snowman } { 26C4 } { 8 } }
}% Otherwise print the plain digit.
%% \__tcznnm_out:nnn {<in-typeset>} {<in-unicode>} {<in-pdfdoc>}
% (fully expandable)
% Outputs text properly according to the context.
\cs_new:Nn \__tcznnm_out:nnn
\cs_if_exist:NTF \texorpdfstring % with hyperref
\texorpdfstring {#1} % for typeset
% for PDF-strings (in unicode and in pdfdoc)
{ \ifpdfstringunicode { \unichar { "#2 } } {#3} }
{#1}% no hyperref
%--------------------------------------- public interface
%%<*> \tcnicenumber {<counter-name>}
% Outputs the current value of the counter in the nice format.
\NewExpandableDocumentCommand \tcnicenumber { m }
{ \exp_args:Ne \__tcznnm_format:n { \arabic {#1} } }
%% \@tcnicenumber <int-var> (restricted expandable)
% Outputs the input value in the nice format.
\cs_new:Npn \@tcnicenumber #1
{ \exp_args:NV \__tcznnm_format:n #1 }
%--------------------------------------- all done
%% EOF
% しおりに節番号を表示する
% 節番号を素敵にする
% ページ番号も素敵にする
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