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Last active June 22, 2020 08:35
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# XXX: this script is meant to be used only on a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 instance
# and has only been tested on Digital Ocean
# get and unpack golang
curl -O
tar -xvf go1.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz
apt install make
## move go and add binary to path
mv go /usr/local
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" >> ~/.profile
## create the GOPATH directory, set GOPATH and put on PATH
mkdir goApps
echo "export GOPATH=/root/goApps" >> ~/.profile
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:\$GOPATH/bin" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
## get the code and move into it
go get $REPO
cd $GOPATH/src/$REPO
## build
git checkout master
make get_tools
make get_vendor_deps
make install
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ying2025 commented Jun 1, 2018

I have encounter the question as following:
ubuntu:/goApps/src/$ make get_vendor_deps
--> Running dep
dep: WARNING: Unknown field in manifest: prune
/goApps/src/$ dep status
dep: WARNING: Unknown field in manifest: prune
^CSignal received: waiting for 1 ops to complete...
The following errors occurred while deducing packages:

validateParams: could not deduce external imports' project roots
zhr@ubuntu:/goApps/src/$ make get_vendor_deps
--> Running dep
dep: WARNING: Unknown field in manifest: prune
/goApps/src/$ make install
CGO_ENABLED=0 go install -ldflags "-X rev-parse --short=8 HEAD" -tags 'tendermint' ./cmd/tendermint

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ying2025 commented Jun 4, 2018

It has the same question when I run with "make get_vendor_deps"
zhr@ubuntu:~/goApps/src/$ make get_vendor_deps
--> Running dep
dep: WARNING: Unknown field in manifest: prune

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zevaverbach commented Aug 8, 2019

This needs the following revisions to run on Ubuntu 16.04:

replace line 7 with

curl -O

and add these lines back to Makefile:

	@rm -rf vendor/
	@echo "--> Running dep ensure"
	@dep ensure

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