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Last active October 10, 2016 22:58
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having-effect, section 1, first-class-functions
-- | Some exercising for
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console
import Control.Bind (bind)
import Data.Boolean (otherwise)
import Data.Eq ((==))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Semiring ((+))
import Data.Show (class Show, show)
demo code expr = do
log ("Running `" <> code <> "`")
log ("=> " <> show (runDomEnv expr))
log ""
main = do
demo "incYou 42"
(incYou <| int 42)
demo "areYouEvenEqual 42 42"
(areYouEvenEqual <| int 42 <| int 42)
demo "areYouEvenEqual 42 41"
(areYouEvenEqual <| int 42 <| int 41)
demo "allThingsEqual 1 2 3 4 5"
(allThingsEqual <| int 1 <| int 2 <| int 3 <| int 4 <| int 5)
demo "allThingsEqual 1 1 1 1 1"
(allThingsEqual <| int 1 <| int 1 <| int 1 <| int 1 <| int 1)
demo "yCombinator 42"
(yCombinator <| int 42)
demo "yCombinator (\\x -> inc x)"
(yCombinator <| (lam "x" (inc <| var "x")))
-- | Basic language. Primitives.
class EBasic d where
int :: Int -> d
inc :: d
app :: d -> d -> d
infixl 1 app as <|
incInc2 :: forall d. EBasic d => d
incInc2 = inc <| (inc <| int 2)
-- | Conditional language. Conditionals and comparison.
class ECond d where
equal :: d
if_ :: d -> d -> d -> d
equal42Matter :: forall d. (EBasic d, ECond d) => d
equal42Matter =
(equal <| int 42 <| int 42)
(int 1)
(int 0)
class Lam d where
var :: VarName -> d
lam :: VarName -> d -> d
-- | Domain for denotations.
data Dom
= DInt Int
| DBool Boolean
| DFun (Dom -> Dom)
| DErr String
instance showDom :: Show Dom where
show = case _ of
DInt a -> show a
DBool a -> show a
DFun _ -> "<fn>"
DErr e -> "Error: " <> e
:: { label :: String
, expected :: String
, got :: Dom
-> Dom
typeMismatch { label, expected, got } =
case got of
DErr err -> DErr (label <> ": " <> err)
_ -> DErr (label <> ": expected " <> expected <> ", got " <> typeOf got)
typeOf :: Dom -> String
typeOf = case _ of
DInt _ -> "int"
DBool _ -> "bool"
DFun _ -> "fn"
DErr _ -> "err"
-- | Domain with an environment.
newtype DomEnv = DomEnv (Env -> Dom)
-- | Evaluate given `DomEnv` with given `Env`
withEnv :: DomEnv -> Env -> Dom
withEnv (DomEnv f) env = f env
-- | Evaluate `DomEnv` with empty environment
runDomEnv :: DomEnv -> Dom
runDomEnv = (_ `withEnv` emptyEnv)
emptyEnv = Env
\name -> DErr (name <> " is undefined")
-- | Identifiers for variables.
type VarName = String
-- | Environment for variables.
newtype Env = Env (VarName -> Dom)
-- | Get a binding from an environment.
lookup :: VarName -> Env -> Dom
lookup name (Env env) = env name
-- | Add a binding to an environment
extend :: VarName -> Dom -> Env -> Env
extend name e (Env env) = Env
\name1 ->
if name == name1
then e
else env name1
instance domEnvBasic :: EBasic DomEnv where
int a = DomEnv
\_ -> DInt a
inc = DomEnv
\_ -> DFun
case _ of
DInt a -> DInt (a + 1)
got -> typeMismatch { label: "inc", expected: "int", got }
app e1 e2 = DomEnv
\env ->
case e1 `withEnv` env of
DFun f -> f (e2 `withEnv` env)
got -> typeMismatch { label: "app", expected: "fn", got }
instance domEnvCond :: ECond DomEnv where
equal = DomEnv
\env -> DFun
case _ of
DInt a -> DFun
case _ of
DInt b -> DBool (a == b)
got -> typeMismatch { label: "equal<2>", expected: "int", got }
got -> typeMismatch { label: "equal<1>", expected: "int", got }
if_ e1 e2 e3 = DomEnv
\env ->
case e1 `withEnv` env of
DBool cond
| cond -> e2 `withEnv` env
| otherwise -> e3 `withEnv` env
got -> typeMismatch { label: "if_<1>", expected: "bool", got }
instance domEnvLam :: Lam DomEnv where
var name = DomEnv (lookup name)
lam name body = DomEnv
\env -> DFun
\value -> body `withEnv` extend name value env
incYou :: forall d. (EBasic d, Lam d) => d
incYou =
lam "a"
(inc <| var "a")
areYouEvenEqual :: forall d. (EBasic d, ECond d, Lam d) => d
areYouEvenEqual =
lam "a"
(lam "b"
(if_ (equal <| var "a" <| var "b")
(int 1)
(int 0)))
allThingsEqual :: forall d. (EBasic d, ECond d, Lam d) => d
allThingsEqual =
lam "a"
(lam "b"
(lam "c"
(lam "d"
(lam "e"
(equal <| var "a" <| var "b")
(equal <| var "b" <| var "c")
(equal <| var "c" <| var "d")
(equal <| var "d" <| var "e")
(int 1) -- FINALLY
(int 0))
(int 0))
(int 0))
(int 0))))))
-- | Not sure if I got it right, but it blows the stack at that point I am happy.
yCombinator :: forall d. (EBasic d, Lam d) => d
yCombinator =
lam "f"
((lam "x" (var "x" <| var "x"))
<| (lam "x" (var "f" <| (var "x" <| var "x"))))
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