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Created December 16, 2014 23:19
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Interpreter of lambda expression
open List;;
open Plf;;
open Plftypes;;
let primitives = ["succ" ; "plus" ; "moins" ; "fois" ; "div" ; "egal"];;
let rec present e l = match l with
[] -> false
| x::r when x=e-> true
| x::r -> present e r
present "succ" primitives;;
present "egal" primitives;;
present "egale" primitives;;
let rec verif e env = match e with
Const(_) -> true
| Var(x) -> present x env
| Abs(x,y) -> verif y (x::env)
| Appl(x,y) -> verif x env && verif y env
| Cond(x,y,z) -> verif x env && verif y env && verif z env
| Let(x,y,z) -> verif y env && verif z (x::env)
(* Test Verif *)
let env1 = "newVar" :: primitives;;
let x = Const(1608);;
verif x env1;;
let y = Var("newVar");;
verif y env1;;
let z1 = parse_top "\\x.x;";;
verif z1 primitives;;
let z2 = parse_top "\\x.y;";;
verif z2 primitives;;
let z3 = parse_top "\\x.succ x;";;
verif z3 primitives;;
let z4 = parse_top "\\x.suck x;";;
verif z4 primitives;;
let t = Cond(Appl(Appl(Var("egal"), Const(3)), Const(2)),Var("aa"),Var("a"));; (* problème définir avec syntaxe concrète *)
verif t primitives;;
let t = Cond(Const 1,Var("succ"),Var("moins"));;
verif t primitives;;
let w = parse_top "let f be \\x.((plus x) 1) in f 2;";;
verif w primitives;;
let w = parse_top "let f be \\x.((plus x) 1) in y 2;";;
verif w primitives;;
type valSem = ValCst of int |
ValFct of (valSem -> valSem)
exception ErrSemantique;;
let unaryOperator f = ValFct(function ValCst x -> ValCst (f x)
| _ -> raise ErrSemantique);;
let binaryOperator f = ValFct(function ValCst x -> ValFct(function ValCst y -> ValCst(f(x,y))
| _ -> raise ErrSemantique)
| _ -> raise ErrSemantique);;
let env_Init = [("succ", unaryOperator(fun x -> x+1));
("plus", binaryOperator(fun (x,y) -> x+y));
("moins", binaryOperator(fun (x,y) -> -x+y));
("fois", binaryOperator(fun (x,y) -> x*y));
("div", binaryOperator(fun (x,y) -> y/x));
("egal", binaryOperator(fun (x,y) -> if x=y then 1 else 0))
let rec getFromEnv e l = match l with
[] -> raise ErrSemantique
| (a,b)::r when a=e -> b
| x::r -> getFromEnv e r
let applyApp f e = match f with
| ValFct(func) -> func e
| ValCst(x) -> ValCst(x)
let rec transformAbs e f env = match f with
Const(a) -> ValFct(fun _ -> ValCst(a))
| Var(b) when b=e -> ValFct(fun x -> x)
| Var(b) when b!=e -> getFromEnv b env
| Abs(a,b) -> transformAbs a b (e, ValFct(fun x -> e))::env
| Appl(x,y) -> applyApp (transformAbs e x env) (transformAbs e y env)
(*| Cond(x,y,z) -> verif x env && verif y env && verif z env
| Let(x,y,z) -> verif y env && verif z (x::env)*)
applyApp (transformAbs "x" (Const 3) env_Init) (ValCst(10));;
applyApp (transformAbs "x" (Var "x") env_Init) (ValCst(10));;
applyApp (transformAbs "x" (Var "succ") env_Init) (ValCst(10));;
applyApp (transformAbs "x" z1 env_Init) (ValCst(10));;
applyApp (transformAbs "x" z2 env_Init) (ValCst(10));;
applyApp (transformAbs "x" z3 env_Init) (ValCst(10));;
applyApp (transformAbs "x" (Abs ("x", Appl (Var "div", Const 3))) env_Init) (ValCst(10));;
let rec eval e env = match e with
Const x -> ValCst x
| Var x -> getFromEnv x env
| Cond(x,y,_) when eval x env = ValCst 1 -> eval y env
| Cond(_,_,z) -> eval z env
| Appl(x,y) -> applyApp (eval x env) (eval y env)
| Abs(x,y) -> env := !env
| Let(x,y,z) -> eval (Appl(Abs(x,y),z)) env
eval x env_Init;;
let x = Var("succ");;
eval x env_Init;;
let t = Cond(Const 1,Var("succ"),Var("yolo"));;
eval t env_Init;;
let t = Cond(Const 0,Var("succ"),Var("yolo"));;
eval t env_Init;;
let app1 = parse_top "succ 0;";;
eval app1 env_Init;;
eval (parse_top "(div 3) 12;") env_Init;;
eval (parse_top "(\\x.(plus x) 4) 12;") env_Init;;
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