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Created December 4, 2024 09:09
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// Constants
const META_VALUES = {
BLOG_SITE_NAME: 'A simple Multi-Container Blog Site Project',
FAVICON_URL: '/assets/images/favicon.ico',
ROBOTS_VALUE: 'index, follow',
TWITTER_CARD_VALUE: 'summary_large_image',
} as const;
const SCHEMA_TYPES = {
POST: 'BlogPosting',
ORGANIZATION: 'Organization',
ORG_NAME: 'The Big Byte Solutions',
AUTHOR: 'Person',
LOGO: 'ImageObject'
} as const;
export class PostTags {
// Default values
readonly postPgNr: number = 0;
readonly blogsitename: string = META_VALUES.BLOG_SITE_NAME;
readonly postfaviconUrl: string = META_VALUES.FAVICON_URL;
readonly postrobotsValue: string = META_VALUES.ROBOTS_VALUE;
readonly posttwiitercardValue: string = META_VALUES.TWITTER_CARD_VALUE;
// Post metadata
postTitle: string = '';
postDescription: string = '';
postFaviconUrl: string = '';
postCanonicalUrl: string = '';
postRobotsValue: string = '';
postUser: string = '';
postCreationTimestamp!: Date;
// Open Graph metadata
ogTitle: string = '';
ogDescription: string = '';
postTwiiterCardValue: string = '';
constructor(init?: Partial<PostTags>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
// Interface for structured data
interface IStructuredDataConfig {
headline: string;
description: string;
imageUrl: string;
authorName: string;
datePublished: string;
orgLogoUrl: string;
export class PostStructuredData {
private readonly orgName: string = SCHEMA_TYPES.ORG_NAME;
constructor(private config?: Partial<IStructuredDataConfig>) {}
public getStructuredDataWithDefaults(config: IStructuredDataConfig): Record<string, any> {
return {
'@context': '',
headline: config.headline,
description: config.description,
image: config.imageUrl,
author: {
name: config.authorName,
datePublished: config.datePublished,
publisher: {
name: this.orgName,
logo: {
url: config.orgLogoUrl,
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