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buildything with lambdas
# note: we are using SQLAlchemy that includes _cache_key
# currently at:
import typing
from sqlalchemy import bindparam
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy import inspection
from sqlalchemy import Integer
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy import String
from sqlalchemy import util
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.sql import elements
from sqlalchemy.sql import type_api
class BakedSelect:
"""BakedSelect, is mostly like BakedQuery but a little more directed, will
build objects that are equivalent to both Core select() as well as
ORM Query.
It will also not be called BakedQuery, it will be an object that comes
automatically when you use select() and pass lambdas or callables to it.
def __init__(self, *args):
self.steps = []
self._append_step("columns", *args)
def _append_step(self, name, arg0, *args, **kw):
if hasattr(arg0, "__call__"):
assert not args
assert not kw
self._append_lambda_step(name, arg0)
self._append_plain_step(name, arg0, *args, **kw)
def _append_lambda_step(self, name, fn):
self.steps.append(CallableStep(name, fn.__code__, fn))
def _append_plain_step(self, name, *args, **kw):
binds = []
cache_key = tuple(arg._cache_key(bindparams=binds) for arg in args)
self.steps.append(ClauseElementStep(name, cache_key, binds, args, kw))
def where(self, *args):
self._append_step("where", *args)
return self
def order_by(self, *args):
self._append_step("order_by", *args)
return self
def _cache_key(self):
return tuple((, step.cache_key) for step in self.steps)
def result(self, cache):
return BakedResult(self, cache)
class CachedStep:
def invoke(self, baked_result, index):
"""invoke this step against a BakedResult."""
raise NotImplementedError()
class CallableStep(CachedStep, typing.NamedTuple):
"""A cache step that consists of a callable that is invoked at
assembly time."""
name: str
cache_key: object
fn: typing.Callable
def invoke(self, baked_result, index):
"""invoke this step against a BakedResult."""
fn = self.fn
# track objects referenced inside of lambdas, create bindparams
# ahead of time for literal values. If bindparams are produced,
# then rewrite the function globals and closure as necessary so that
# it refers to the bindparams, then invoke the function
new_closure = {}
new_globals = fn.__globals__.copy()
tracker_collection = []
for name in fn.__code__.co_names:
if name not in new_globals:
bound_value = elements._clause_element_as_expr(new_globals[name])
if _is_simple_literal(bound_value):
new_globals[name] = bind = bindparam(
tracker_collection.append(GlobalsTracker(index, name, bind))
if fn.__closure__:
for closure_index, (fv, cell) in enumerate(
zip(fn.__code__.co_freevars, fn.__closure__)
bound_value = elements._clause_element_as_expr(
if _is_simple_literal(bound_value):
new_closure[fv] = bind = bindparam(
ClosureTracker(index, fv, bind, closure_index)
new_closure[fv] = cell.cell_contents
if tracker_collection:
new_fn = _rewrite_code_obj(
[new_closure[name] for name in fn.__code__.co_freevars],
return util.to_list(new_fn())
return util.to_list(fn())
class ClauseElementStep(CachedStep, typing.NamedTuple):
"""A cache step that consists of a sequence of ClauseElement objects."""
name: str
cache_key: typing.Tuple[typing.Any]
binds: typing.Sequence[elements.BindParameter]
args: typing.Tuple[typing.Any]
kw: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
def invoke(self, baked_result, index):
"""invoke this step against a BakedResult."""
BindParamTracker(index, bind_index, bind._identifying_key, bind)
for bind_index, bind in enumerate(self.binds)
return self.args
class Tracker:
"""Tracks the value of a single BindParameter object.
Tracker objects are constructed for every bound value when the
baked query is first assembled. They store the information needed in
order to re-acquire an updated bound value from a new invocation of the
same cached statement. The trackers are stored in the cache along with
the cached statement. When a new BakedQuery is built up again consisting
of a new series of lambdas and/or expressions, the Tracker objects extract
updated bound values from the new steps and match them up to the steps
that were cached.
def extract_parameter_value(self, result):
raise NotImplementedError()
class BindParamTracker(Tracker, typing.NamedTuple):
"""tracks BindParameter objects inside of a Core expression.
The expression system includes a feature inside the _cache_key()
function that gathers up BindParameter objects in deterministic order
as the cache key is formulated. This tracker is used when a plain
expression without a lambda is given.
step_index: int
bind_index: int
name: str
value: elements.BindParameter
def extract_parameter_value(self, result):
binds = result.query.steps[self.step_index].binds
result.parameters[] = binds[self.bind_index].value
class GlobalsTracker(Tracker, typing.NamedTuple):
"""tracks literal values inside the __globals__ of a function."""
step_index: int
name: str
value: elements.BindParameter
def extract_parameter_value(self, result):
current_fn = result.query.steps[self.step_index].fn
] = current_fn.__globals__[]
class ClosureTracker(Tracker, typing.NamedTuple):
"""tracks literal values inside the __closure__ of a function."""
step_index: int
name: str
value: elements.BindParameter
closure_index: int
def extract_parameter_value(self, result):
current_fn = result.query.steps[self.step_index].fn
] = current_fn.__closure__[self.closure_index].cell_contents
class BakedResult:
"""BakedResult is like the existing BakedResult except it will meet an
interface for a generic "result" object that will be used in all cases;
Core select(), ORM "select()", baked or not, etc. E.g. it will be
transparent. The "cache" will be associated with the engine and/or
def __init__(self, query, cache):
self.cache = cache
self.query = query
self.parameters = {}
self.trackers = []
def _assemble(self):
key = self.query._cache_key
if key in self.cache:
print("return from cache")
self.statement, self.trackers = self.cache[key]
for tracker in self.trackers:
print("generate new query with steps")
stmt = select()
for idx, step in enumerate(self.query.steps):
result = step.invoke(self, idx)
if == "columns":
# TODO: this should be a single call
for c in result:
elif == "where":
stmt = stmt.where(*result)
elif == "order_by":
stmt = stmt.order_by(*result)
stmt = stmt.compile(
compile_kwargs={"prevent_implicit_binds": True}
self.cache[key] = (stmt, self.trackers)
self.statement = stmt
for tracker in self.trackers:
def _is_simple_literal(value):
insp = inspection.inspect(value, raiseerr=False)
return (
insp is None
and not isinstance(value, elements.Visitable)
and not hasattr(value, "__clause_element__")
def _rewrite_code_obj(f, cell_values, globals_):
"""Return a copy of f, with a new closure and new globals
yes it works in pypy :P
argrange = range(len(cell_values))
code = "def make_cells():\n"
if cell_values:
code += " (%s) = (%s)\n" % (
", ".join("i%d" % i for i in argrange),
", ".join("o%d" % i for i in argrange),
code += " def closure():\n"
code += " return %s\n" % ", ".join("i%d" % i for i in argrange)
code += " return closure.__closure__"
vars_ = {"o%d" % i: cell_values[i] for i in argrange}
exec(code, vars_, vars_)
closure = vars_["make_cells"]()
func = type(f)(f.__code__, globals_, f.__name__, f.__defaults__, closure)
func.__annotations__ = f.__annotations__
func.__doc__ = f.__doc__
func.__kwdefaults__ = f.__kwdefaults__
func.__module__ = f.__module__
return func
# demo!
Base = declarative_base()
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = "users"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String)
x_value = Column(Integer)
def go_lambdas(name, x, y):
return (
BakedSelect(lambda: (,
.where(lambda: == name)
.where(lambda: User.x_value == x + y + q)
.order_by(lambda: + y)
def go_plain(name, x, y):
return (
.where( == name)
.where(User.x_value == x + y + q)
.order_by( + y)
cache = {}
for go in (go_lambdas, go_plain):
q = 18
result = go("name1", 5, 5).result(cache)
result = go("name2", 10, 7).result(cache)
q = 25
result = go("name3", 10, 9).result(cache)
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zzzeek commented Apr 24, 2019


generate new query with steps
SELECT bar( AS bar_1, 
FROM users 
WHERE = :name AND users.x_value = :x + :y + :q
{'name': 'name1', 'x': 5, 'y': 5, 'q': 18}
return from cache
SELECT bar( AS bar_1, 
FROM users 
WHERE = :name AND users.x_value = :x + :y + :q
{'name': 'name2', 'x': 10, 'y': 7, 'q': 18}
return from cache
SELECT bar( AS bar_1, 
FROM users 
WHERE = :name AND users.x_value = :x + :y + :q
{'name': 'name3', 'x': 10, 'y': 9, 'q': 25}

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