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Created September 24, 2023 21:41
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  • Save coltenkrauter/bae4e4f78c4d1fc1da5f1f5901f1f0c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save coltenkrauter/bae4e4f78c4d1fc1da5f1f5901f1f0c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A beginner-friendly, detailed guide on creating a local GitHub repository and pushing it to a remote GitHub repository.


Hey folks, welcome back to another exciting guide! Today, we're diving into the world of Git and GitHub. Specifically, we're going to walk you through creating a local repository and pushing it up to GitHub. Yep, we're getting our hands dirty with some good old command-line action!

Table of Contents

Gather Your Tools

  1. Git Up and Running: First off, if you haven't got Git installed, head over to Git's official site and get that sorted out.

  2. GitHub Account: No GitHub account? No problem! Swing by GitHub's sign-up page and snag yourself an account.

Local Repo Creation

  1. Fire Up That Terminal: Crack open your terminal or command prompt, and navigate to where you want to park this project.

  2. Directory Action: Let's spin up a new directory for our endeavor.

    mkdir next-big-thing
  3. Navigate: Move your virtual self into this newly minted space.

    cd next-big-thing

Let's Get Git Going

  1. Initialization Station: Time to make it official. Let's initialize a new git repository.
    git init

Commit, Commit, Commit!

  1. File Time: Create a file or two; you've got to have something to commit, right?

  2. Stage Dive: Get those files into the staging area.

    git add .
  3. Commit Away: Seal the deal with a commit.

    git commit -m "First commit, here we go!"

Going Remote

  1. GitHub Ahoy: Open up GitHub in your browser and hit that 'New' button to create a fresh repository. Name it, claim it, but leave the initializing for later.

Time to Push

  1. Remote Control: Back to the terminal, it's time to link our local repo to the remote one.
    git remote add origin
  2. Push It Real Good: Finally, let's push that local repository up to GitHub!
    git push -u origin main

Key Resources


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Thanks for the assist from GPT-4 in writing this Gist.

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