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Last active October 27, 2023 03:29
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Aurora coverart restore / sharing
set -o errexit -o nounset
# The idea is simple, the format Aurora uses is #GameID_DatabaseID where the GameID stays the same and the DatabaseID changes, so we check only the first 8 chars of the backup and the new and if they match we copy over the backups cover file to the new gamedata.
for file in GameData.bak/*; do
# Remove the following as they arnt games?
for file2 in GameData/*; do
if [ "${file2:9:8}" == "00000000" ]; then
if [ "${file2:9:2}" == "FF" ]; then
# Check if the GameID's match
if [ "${file2:9:8}" == "${file:13:8}" ]; then
# Make sure the backup actually has the asset.
if test -f "${file}/GC${file:13:8}.asset"; then
echo "cp ${file}/GC${file:13:8}.asset" "${file2}"
cp "${file}/GC${file:13:8}.asset" "${file2}"
read -rsp $'Done! Press enter to close...\n'
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