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Last active March 24, 2023 20:55
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This is a bash script that sets up a Strapi project on a system by installing required packages, creating a new Strapi project, and configuring it to run with PM2 as the process manager for Node. It also installs a GraphQL plugin and an init admin user plugin, sets up environment variables, and appends them to the existing .env file. #!/bin/bash…
# Update package lists and upgrade packages to their latest versions
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
# Remove any packages that are no longer required
sudo apt autoremove -y
# Install required packages for Strapi
sudo apt install libvips libvips-dev libvips-tools python gir1.2-vips-8.0 make g++ -y
# Install Yarn globally using npm
npm install -g yarn
# Install PM2 (Process Manager for Node)
yarn global add pm2
# Create a new Strapi project with the quickstart flag
yarn create strapi-app my-backend --quickstart --no-run
# Navigate to the newly created Strapi project directory
cd my-backend && echo "18.15" > .nvmrc
#GraphQL plugin
yarn strapi install graphql
# server.js for PM2
echo "const strapi = require('@strapi/strapi');
strapi().start();" > server.js
# Start Strapi with PM2
pm2 start yarn --name my-backend -- start
# Wait for 20 seconds
sleep 20
# Stop Strapi with PM2
pm2 stop my-backend
# Delete all PM2 processes
pm2 delete all
# Install the init admin user plugin
yarn add strapi-plugin-init-admin-user
# Set up environment variables and append to existing .env file
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